# Golang rtmp server demo This is a very tiny demo with rtmp protocol server/client side implement. ## Requirement You need golang to build all tools. ## Install ```bash go get -u -v github.com/netroby/go-rtmp-server ~/go/bin/go-rtmp-server -l :8089 -k longSecurityKey ``` ## Usage now you can using obs to push stream to rtmp server the stream url maybe ```rtmp://your.domain.host/live?key=longSecurityKey``` You can using obs to stream Now you may visit the demo at ``` http://your.domain.host:8089/ ``` the :8089 is the default listen port of the http server. and you can change it as you want ``` Usage of .\go-rtmp-server.exe: -k string Stream key, to protect your stream -l string host:port of the go-rtmp-server (default ":8089") ```