package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "strings" "time" "" "" ) const ( keyTab = 9 keyEnter = 13 keyUp = 38 keyDown = 40 ) var ( currentName string names []string filteredNames []string ) // The returned value is a bool deciding to prevent the event from propagating func processMessageKey(this js.Value, v []js.Value) interface{} { if len(filteredNames) == 0 || currentName == "" { return false } startIdx := v[0].Get("target").Get("selectionStart").Int() keyCode := v[0].Get("keyCode").Int() switch keyCode { case keyUp, keyDown: newidx := 0 for i, n := range filteredNames { if n == currentName { newidx = i if keyCode == keyDown { newidx = i + 1 if newidx == len(filteredNames) { newidx-- } } else if keyCode == keyUp { newidx = i - 1 if newidx < 0 { newidx = 0 } } break } } currentName = filteredNames[newidx] case keyTab, keyEnter: msg := js.Get("msg") val := msg.Get("value").String() newval := val[:startIdx] + currentName if len(val) == startIdx || val[startIdx:][0] != ' ' { // insert a space into val so selection indexing can be one line val = val[:startIdx] + " " + val[startIdx:] } msg.Set("value", newval+val[startIdx:]) msg.Set("selectionStart", len(newval)+1) msg.Set("selectionEnd", len(newval)+1) // Clear out filtered names since it is no longer needed filteredNames = nil default: // We only want to handle the caught keys, so return early return false } updateSuggestionDiv() return true } func processMessage(v []js.Value) { msg := js.Get("msg") text := strings.ToLower(msg.Get("value").String()) startIdx := msg.Get("selectionStart").Int() filteredNames = nil if len(text) != 0 { if len(names) > 0 { var caretIdx int textParts := strings.Split(text, " ") for i, word := range textParts { // Increase caret index at beginning if not first word to account for spaces if i != 0 { caretIdx++ } // It is possible to have a double space " ", which will lead to an // empty string element in the slice. Also check that the index of the // cursor is between the start of the word and the end if len(word) > 0 && word[0] == '@' && caretIdx <= startIdx && startIdx <= caretIdx+len(word) { // fill filtered first so the "modifier" keys can modify it for _, n := range names { if len(word) == 1 || strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(n), word[1:]) { filteredNames = append(filteredNames, n) } } } if len(filteredNames) > 0 { break } caretIdx += len(word) } } } updateSuggestionDiv() } func updateSuggestionDiv() { const selectedClass = ` class="selectedName"` var divs []string if len(filteredNames) > 0 { // set current name to first if not set already if currentName == "" { currentName = filteredNames[0] } var hasCurrentName bool divs = make([]string, len(filteredNames)) // Create inner body of html for i := range filteredNames { divs[i] = "" } if !hasCurrentName { divs[0] = divs[0][:4] + selectedClass + divs[0][4:] } } // The \n is so it's easier to read th source in web browsers for the dev js.Get("suggestions").Set("innerHTML", strings.Join(divs, "\n")) } func recieve(v []js.Value) { if len(v) == 0 { fmt.Println("No data received") return } chat, err := common.DecodeData(v[0].String()) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error decoding data: %s\n", err) js.Call("appendMessages", v) return } data, err := chat.GetData() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error parsing DataInterface: %v\n", err) js.Call("appendMessages", v) return } switch chat.Type { case common.DTHidden: h := data.(common.HiddenMessage) switch h.Type { case common.CdUsers: names = nil for _, i := range h.Data.([]interface{}) { names = append(names, i.(string)) } } case common.DTEvent: d := data.(common.DataEvent) if d.Event == common.EvJoin || d.Event == common.EvBan || d.Event == common.EvKick || d.Event == common.EvLeave { websocketSend("", common.CdUsers) } // on join or leave, update list of possible user names fallthrough case common.DTChat: js.Call("appendMessages", data.HTML()) case common.DTCommand: d := data.(common.DataCommand) switch d.Command { case common.CmdPlaying: if d.Arguments == nil || len(d.Arguments) == 0 { js.Call("setPlaying", "", "") } else if len(d.Arguments) == 1 { js.Call("setPlaying", d.Arguments[0], "") } else if len(d.Arguments) == 2 { js.Call("setPlaying", d.Arguments[0], d.Arguments[1]) } case common.CmdRefreshPlayer: js.Call("initPlayer", nil) case common.CmdPurgeChat: fmt.Println("//TODO: chat purge command received.") case common.CmdHelp: js.Call("appendMessages", data.HTML()) // TODO: open window } } } func websocketSend(msg string, dataType common.ClientDataType) error { data, err := json.Marshal(common.ClientData{ Type: dataType, Message: msg, }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not marshal data: %v", err) } js.Call("websocketSend", string(data)) return nil } func send(this js.Value, v []js.Value) interface{} { if len(v) != 1 { showSendError(fmt.Errorf("expected 1 parameter, got %d", len(v))) return false } err := websocketSend(v[0].String(), common.CdMessage) if err != nil { showSendError(err) return false } return true } func showSendError(err error) { if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not send: %v\n", err) js.Call("appendMessages", `
Could not send message
`) } } func debugValues(v []js.Value) { fmt.Printf("currentName %#v\n", currentName) fmt.Printf("names %#v\n", names) fmt.Printf("filteredNames %#v\n", filteredNames) } func main() { js.Set("processMessageKey", js.FuncOf(processMessageKey)) js.Set("sendMessage", js.FuncOf(send)) js.Set("recieveMessage", js.CallbackOf(recieve)) js.Set("processMessage", js.CallbackOf(processMessage)) js.Set("debugValues", js.CallbackOf(debugValues)) // This is needed so the goroutine does not end for { // heatbeat to keep connection alive to deal with nginx if js.Get("inChat").Bool() { websocketSend("", common.CdPing) } time.Sleep(time.Second * 10) } }