# If a different version of Go is installed (via `go get`) set the GO_VERSION # environment variable to that version. For example, setting it to "1.13.7" # will run `go1.13.7 build [...]` instead of `go build [...]`. # # For info on installing extra versions, see this page: # https://golang.org/doc/install#extra_versions TAGS= # Windows needs the .exe extension. ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) EXT=.exe endif .PHONY: fmt vet get clean dev setdev test ServerMovieNight all: fmt vet test MovieNight$(EXT) static/main.wasm settings.json # Build the server deployment server: ServerMovieNight static/main.wasm # Bulid used for deploying to my server. ServerMovieNight: *.go common/*.go GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go$(GO_VERSION) build -o MovieNight $(TAGS) setdev: $(eval export TAGS=-tags "dev") dev: setdev all MovieNight$(EXT): *.go common/*.go go$(GO_VERSION) build -o $@ $(TAGS) static/js/wasm_exec.js: cp $$(go env GOROOT)/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js $@ static/main.wasm: static/js/wasm_exec.js wasm/*.go common/*.go GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go$(GO_VERSION) build -o $@ $(TAGS) wasm/*.go clean: -rm MovieNight$(EXT) ./static/main.wasm ./static/js/wasm_exec.js fmt: gofmt -w . vet: go$(GO_VERSION) vet $(TAGS) ./... GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go$(GO_VERSION) vet $(TAGS) ./... test: go$(GO_VERSION) test $(TAGS) ./... # Do not put settings_example.json here as a prereq to avoid overwriting # the settings if the example is updated. settings.json: cp settings_example.json settings.json