
239 lines
6.9 KiB

package main
import (
var commands *CommandControl
var colorRegex *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$`)
type CommandControl struct {
user map[string]CommandFunction
mod map[string]CommandFunction
admin map[string]CommandFunction
type CommandFunction func(client *Client, args []string) string
func init() {
commands = &CommandControl{
user: map[string]CommandFunction{
"me": func(client *Client, args []string) string {
client.Me(strings.Join(args, " "))
return ""
"help": func(client *Client, args []string) string {
return "I haven't written this yet LUL"
"count": func(client *Client, args []string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Users in chat: %d", client.belongsTo.UserCount())
"color": cmdColor,
"colour": cmdColor,
"w": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Name: %s IsMod: %t IsAdmin: %t",, cl.IsMod, cl.IsAdmin)
"whoami": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Name: %s IsMod: %t IsAdmin: %t",, cl.IsMod, cl.IsAdmin)
"auth": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
if cl.IsAdmin {
return "You are already authenticated."
pw := html.UnescapeString(strings.Join(args, " "))
//fmt.Printf("/auth from %s. expecting %q [%X], received %q [%X]\n",, settings.AdminPassword, settings.AdminPassword, pw, pw)
if settings.AdminPassword == pw {
cl.IsMod = true
cl.IsAdmin = true
return "Admin rights granted."
// Don't let on that this command exists. Not the most secure, but should be "good enough" LUL.
return "Invalid command."
"users": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
names := cl.belongsTo.GetNames()
return strings.Join(names, " ")
mod: map[string]CommandFunction{
"sv": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
if len(args) == 0 {
return "Missing message"
svmsg := formatLinks(ParseEmotes(strings.Join(args, " ")))
cl.belongsTo.AddCmdMsg(fmt.Sprintf(`<div class="announcement">%s</div>`, svmsg))
return ""
"playing": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
// Clear/hide title if sent with no arguments.
if len(args) == 1 {
return ""
link := ""
title := ""
// pickout the link (can be anywhere, as long as there are no spaces).
for _, word := range args {
word = html.UnescapeString(word)
if strings.HasPrefix(word, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(word, "https://") {
link = word
} else {
title = title + " " + word
cl.belongsTo.SetPlaying(title, link)
//cl.belongsTo.AddMsg(fmt.Sprintf(`<script>setPlaying("%s","%s");</script>`, title, link))
return ""
"unmod": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
if len(args) > 0 && !cl.IsAdmin {
return "You can only unmod yourself, not others."
if len(args) == 0 {
return "You have unmodded yourself."
if err := cl.belongsTo.Unmod(args[0]); err != nil {
return err.Error()
return fmt.Sprintf(`%s has been unmodded.`, args[0])
"kick": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
if len(args) == 0 {
return "Missing name to kick."
return cl.belongsTo.Kick(args[0])
"ban": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
if len(args) == 0 {
return "missing name to ban."
fmt.Printf("[ban] Attempting to ban %s\n", strings.Join(args, ""))
return cl.belongsTo.Ban(args[0])
"unban": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
if len(args) == 0 {
return "missing name to unban."
fmt.Printf("[ban] Attempting to unban %s\n", strings.Join(args, ""))
err := settings.RemoveBan(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
return ""
admin: map[string]CommandFunction{
"mod": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
if err := cl.belongsTo.Mod(args[0]); err != nil {
return err.Error()
return fmt.Sprintf(`%s has been modded.`, args[0])
"reloadplayer": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
cl.belongsTo.AddCmdMsg(`<span class="svmsg">[SERVER] Video player reload forced.</span><script>initPlayer();</script><br />`)
return "Reloading player for all chatters."
"reloademotes": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
cl.ServerMessage("Reloading emotes")
num, err := LoadEmotes()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unbale to reload emotes: %s\n", err)
return fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: %s", err)
fmt.Printf("Loaded %d emotes\n", num)
return fmt.Sprintf("Emotes loaded: %d", num)
//"reloadsettings": func(cl *Client, args []string) string {
// return ""
func (cc *CommandControl) RunCommand(command string, args []string, sender *Client) string {
// Look for user command
if userCmd, ok := cc.user[command]; ok {
fmt.Printf("[user] %s /%s %s\n",, command, strings.Join(args, " "))
return userCmd(sender, args)
// Look for mod command
if modCmd, ok := cc.mod[command]; ok {
if sender.IsMod || sender.IsAdmin {
fmt.Printf("[mod] %s /%s %s\n",, command, strings.Join(args, " "))
return modCmd(sender, args)
fmt.Printf("[mod REJECTED] %s /%s %s\n",, command, strings.Join(args, " "))
return "You are not a mod Jebaited"
// Look for admin command
if adminCmd, ok := cc.admin[command]; ok {
if sender.IsAdmin {
fmt.Printf("[admin] %s /%s %s\n",, command, strings.Join(args, " "))
return adminCmd(sender, args)
fmt.Printf("[admin REJECTED] %s /%s %s\n",, command, strings.Join(args, " "))
return "You are not the admin Jebaited"
// Command not found
fmt.Printf("[cmd] %s /%s %s\n",, command, strings.Join(args, " "))
return "Invalid command."
func cmdColor(cl *Client, args []string) string {
if cl.IsMod || cl.IsAdmin && len(args) == 2 {
color := ""
name := ""
for _, s := range args {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, "#") {
color = s
} else {
name = s
if color == "" {
fmt.Printf("[color:mod] %s missing color\n",
return "Missing color"
if err := cl.belongsTo.ForceColorChange(name, color); err != nil {
return err.Error()
return fmt.Sprintf("Color changed for user %s to %s\n", name, color)
if len(args) == 0 || !colorRegex.MatchString(args[0]) {
cl.color = randomColor()
return "Random color chosen. To choose a specific color use the format <i>/color #c029ce</i>. Hex values expected."
if cl.IsColorForced {
fmt.Printf("[color] %s tried to change a forced color\n",
return "You are not allowed to change your color."
cl.color = args[0]
fmt.Printf("[color] %s new color: %s\n",, cl.color)
return "Color changed successfully."