We're a pretty chill group. We mostly post animu, memes, vidya, etc. We support free speech (even if I disagree with your opinions) and we like to shitpost.
Upload limits: media uploads for posts are limited to 256 MiB, avatars are limited to 2 MB, banners are limited to 4 MB, and backgrounds are limited to 8 MB.
Now, to cover my own ass, by creating an account you agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy.
If you would like to help cover hosting costs you can send some crypto to any of the addresses listed here.
It should go without saying but just because something is posted on this site doesn't mean that Baest endorces or agrees with it.
If you need to reach the admin for any reason please send an email to sjw@fedora.email
In order to activate your account you must click the activation link in the email sent to you. The email will come from shitty-services@fedora.email. If you don't see it in your inbox then check your spam folder.
Need an email address to signup? You can create one at Fedora Email.