const LOGIN_URL='/api/account/verify_credentials.json'; const FRIENDS_TIMELINE_URL='/api/statuses/friends_timeline.json'; const PUBLIC_TIMELINE_URL='/api/statuses/public_timeline.json'; const PUBLIC_AND_EXTERNAL_TIMELINE_URL='/api/statuses/public_and_external_timeline.json'; const CONVERSATION_URL = '/api/statusnet/conversation/'; const STATUS_UPDATE_URL = '/api/statuses/update.json'; const MEDIA_UPLOAD_URL = '/api/statusnet/media/upload'; const FAVORITE_URL = '/api/favorites/create'; const UNFAVORITE_URL = '/api/favorites/destroy'; const FORM_CONTENT_TYPE = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}; import { param, ajax } from 'jquery'; import { merge } from 'lodash'; // TODO: This should probably be in redux. let authHeaders = {}; const apiServiceFactory = ($http) => { // Public const fetchConversation = (id) => { return $http.get(`${CONVERSATION_URL}/${id}.json?count=100`); }; const fetchTimeline = ({timeline, since = false, until = false}) => { const timelineUrls = { public: PUBLIC_TIMELINE_URL, friends: FRIENDS_TIMELINE_URL, 'public-and-external': PUBLIC_AND_EXTERNAL_TIMELINE_URL }; let url = timelineUrls[timeline]; if(since) { url += `?since_id=${since}`; } if(until) { url += `?max_id=${until}`; } return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders }).then((data) => data.json()); }; // Need credentials const verifyCredentials = (user) => { const base64 = btoa(`${user.username}:${user.password}`); authHeaders = { "Authorization": `Basic ${base64}` }; return $, null, { headers: authHeaders }); }; const postStatus = ({status, mediaIds, in_reply_to_status_id}) => { const idsText = mediaIds.join(','); const form = new FormData(); form.append('status', status); form.append('source', 'The Wired FE'); form.append('media_ids', idsText); if(in_reply_to_status_id) { form.append('in_reply_to_status_id', in_reply_to_status_id); }; return fetch(STATUS_UPDATE_URL, { body: form, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders }); }; const favorite = (id) => $`${FAVORITE_URL}/${id}.json`, null, {headers: authHeaders}); const unfavorite = (id) => $`${UNFAVORITE_URL}/${id}.json`, null, {headers: authHeaders}); // This was impossible to get to work with $http. You're supposed to set Content-Type // undefined in the header so it sends the correct header. It would always send a json // content type. This method from jQuery worked right away... // Also, this method is only available as XML output. OLOLOLOLO const uploadMedia = (formData) => ajax({ url: MEDIA_UPLOAD_URL, data: formData, type: 'POST', processData: false, contentType: false, headers: authHeaders }); const apiService = { verifyCredentials, fetchConversation, postStatus, uploadMedia, favorite, unfavorite, fetchTimeline }; return apiService; }; apiServiceFactory.$inject = ['$http']; export default apiServiceFactory;