import * as DateUtils from 'src/services/date_utils/date_utils.js' import { uniq } from 'lodash' import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core' import Select from '../select/select.vue' import { faTimes, faPlus } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons' library.add( faTimes, faPlus ) export default { components: { Select }, name: 'PollForm', props: ['visible'], data: () => ({ pollType: 'single', options: ['', ''], expiryAmount: 7, expiryUnit: 'days' }), computed: { pollLimits () { return this.$store.state.instance.pollLimits }, maxOptions () { return this.pollLimits.max_options }, maxLength () { return this.pollLimits.max_option_chars }, expiryUnits () { const allUnits = ['minutes', 'hours', 'days'] const expiry = this.convertExpiryFromUnit return allUnits.filter( unit => this.pollLimits.max_expiration >= expiry(unit, 1) ) }, minExpirationInCurrentUnit () { return Math.ceil( this.convertExpiryToUnit( this.expiryUnit, this.pollLimits.min_expiration ) ) }, maxExpirationInCurrentUnit () { return Math.floor( this.convertExpiryToUnit( this.expiryUnit, this.pollLimits.max_expiration ) ) } }, methods: { clear () { this.pollType = 'single' this.options = ['', ''] this.expiryAmount = 7 this.expiryUnit = 'days' }, nextOption (index) { const element = this.$el.querySelector(`#poll-${index + 1}`) if (element) { element.focus() } else { // Try adding an option and try focusing on it const addedOption = this.addOption() if (addedOption) { this.$nextTick(function () { this.nextOption(index) }) } } }, addOption () { if (this.options.length < this.maxOptions) { this.options.push('') return true } return false }, deleteOption (index, event) { if (this.options.length > 2) { this.options.splice(index, 1) this.updatePollToParent() } }, convertExpiryToUnit (unit, amount) { // Note: we want seconds and not milliseconds return DateUtils.secondsToUnit(unit, amount) }, convertExpiryFromUnit (unit, amount) { return DateUtils.unitToSeconds(unit, amount) }, expiryAmountChange () { this.expiryAmount = Math.max(this.minExpirationInCurrentUnit, this.expiryAmount) this.expiryAmount = Math.min(this.maxExpirationInCurrentUnit, this.expiryAmount) this.updatePollToParent() }, updatePollToParent () { const expiresIn = this.convertExpiryFromUnit( this.expiryUnit, this.expiryAmount ) const options = uniq(this.options.filter(option => option !== '')) if (options.length < 2) { this.$emit('update-poll', { error: this.$t('polls.not_enough_options') }) return } this.$emit('update-poll', { options, multiple: this.pollType === 'multiple', expiresIn }) } } }