# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.StreamingOperation do alias OpenApiSpex.Operation alias OpenApiSpex.Response alias OpenApiSpex.Schema alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.NotificationOperation alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.Chat alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.Conversation alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.FlakeID alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.Status require Pleroma.Constants @spec open_api_operation(atom) :: Operation.t() def open_api_operation(action) do operation = String.to_existing_atom("#{action}_operation") apply(__MODULE__, operation, []) end @spec streaming_operation() :: Operation.t() def streaming_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Timelines"], summary: "Establish streaming connection", description: """ Receive statuses in real-time via WebSocket. You can specify the access token on the query string or through the `sec-websocket-protocol` header. Using the query string to authenticate is considered unsafe and should not be used unless you have to (e.g. to maintain your client's compatibility with Mastodon). You may specify a stream on the query string. If you do so and you are connecting to a stream that requires logged-in users, you must specify the access token at the time of the connection (i.e. via query string or header). Otherwise, you have the option to authenticate after you have established the connection through client-sent events. The "Request body" section below describes what events clients can send through WebSocket, and the "Responses" section describes what events server will send through WebSocket. """, security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read:statuses", "read:notifications"]}], operationId: "WebsocketHandler.streaming", parameters: [ Operation.parameter(:connection, :header, %Schema{type: :string}, "connection header", required: true ), Operation.parameter(:upgrade, :header, %Schema{type: :string}, "upgrade header", required: true ), Operation.parameter( :"sec-websocket-key", :header, %Schema{type: :string}, "sec-websocket-key header", required: true ), Operation.parameter( :"sec-websocket-version", :header, %Schema{type: :string}, "sec-websocket-version header", required: true ) ] ++ stream_params() ++ access_token_params(), requestBody: request_body("Client-sent events", client_sent_events()), responses: %{ 101 => switching_protocols_response(), 200 => Operation.response( "Server-sent events", "application/json", server_sent_events() ) } } end defp stream_params do stream_specifier() |> Enum.map(fn {name, schema} -> Operation.parameter(name, :query, schema, get_schema(schema).description) end) end defp access_token_params do [ Operation.parameter(:access_token, :query, token(), token().description), Operation.parameter(:"sec-websocket-protocol", :header, token(), token().description) ] end defp switching_protocols_response do %Response{ description: "Switching protocols", headers: %{ "connection" => %OpenApiSpex.Header{required: true}, "upgrade" => %OpenApiSpex.Header{required: true}, "sec-websocket-accept" => %OpenApiSpex.Header{required: true} } } end defp server_sent_events do %Schema{ oneOf: [ update_event(), status_update_event(), notification_event(), chat_update_event(), follow_relationships_update_event(), conversation_event(), delete_event(), pleroma_respond_event() ] } end defp stream do %Schema{ type: :array, title: "Stream", description: """ The stream identifier. The first item is the name of the stream. If the stream needs a differentiator, the second item will be the corresponding identifier. Currently, for the following stream types, there is a second element in the array: - `list`: The second element is the id of the list, as a string. - `hashtag`: The second element is the name of the hashtag. - `public:remote:media` and `public:remote`: The second element is the domain of the corresponding instance. """, maxItems: 2, minItems: 1, items: %Schema{type: :string}, example: ["hashtag", "mew"] } end defp get_schema(%Schema{} = schema), do: schema defp get_schema(schema), do: schema.schema defp server_sent_event_helper(name, description, type, payload, opts \\ []) do payload_type = Keyword.get(opts, :payload_type, :json) has_stream = Keyword.get(opts, :has_stream, true) stream_properties = if has_stream do %{stream: stream()} else %{} end stream_example = if has_stream, do: %{"stream" => get_schema(stream()).example}, else: %{} stream_required = if has_stream, do: [:stream], else: [] payload_schema = if payload_type == :json do %Schema{ title: "Event payload", description: "JSON-encoded string of #{get_schema(payload).title}", allOf: [payload] } else payload end payload_example = if payload_type == :json do get_schema(payload).example |> Jason.encode!() else get_schema(payload).example end %Schema{ type: :object, title: name, description: description, required: [:event, :payload] ++ stream_required, properties: %{ event: %Schema{ title: "Event type", description: "Type of the event.", type: :string, required: true, enum: [type] }, payload: payload_schema } |> Map.merge(stream_properties), example: %{ "event" => type, "payload" => payload_example } |> Map.merge(stream_example) } end defp update_event do server_sent_event_helper("New status", "A newly-posted status.", "update", Status) end defp status_update_event do server_sent_event_helper("Edit", "A status that was just edited", "status.update", Status) end defp notification_event do server_sent_event_helper( "Notification", "A new notification.", "notification", NotificationOperation.notification() ) end defp follow_relationships_update_event do server_sent_event_helper( "Follow relationships update", "An update to follow relationships.", "pleroma:follow_relationships_update", %Schema{ type: :object, title: "Follow relationships update", required: [:state, :follower, :following], properties: %{ state: %Schema{ type: :string, description: "Follow state of the relationship.", enum: ["follow_pending", "follow_accept", "follow_reject", "unfollow"] }, follower: %Schema{ type: :object, description: "Information about the follower.", required: [:id, :follower_count, :following_count], properties: %{ id: FlakeID, follower_count: %Schema{type: :integer}, following_count: %Schema{type: :integer} } }, following: %Schema{ type: :object, description: "Information about the following person.", required: [:id, :follower_count, :following_count], properties: %{ id: FlakeID, follower_count: %Schema{type: :integer}, following_count: %Schema{type: :integer} } } }, example: %{ "state" => "follow_pending", "follower" => %{ "id" => "someUser1", "follower_count" => 1, "following_count" => 1 }, "following" => %{ "id" => "someUser2", "follower_count" => 1, "following_count" => 1 } } } ) end defp chat_update_event do server_sent_event_helper( "Chat update", "A new chat message.", "pleroma:chat_update", Chat ) end defp conversation_event do server_sent_event_helper( "Conversation update", "An update about a conversation", "conversation", Conversation ) end defp delete_event do server_sent_event_helper( "Delete", "A status that was just deleted.", "delete", %Schema{ type: :string, title: "Status id", description: "Id of the deleted status", allOf: [FlakeID], example: "some-opaque-id" }, payload_type: :string, has_stream: false ) end defp pleroma_respond_event do server_sent_event_helper( "Server response", "A response to a client-sent event.", "pleroma:respond", %Schema{ type: :object, title: "Results", required: [:result, :type], properties: %{ result: %Schema{ type: :string, title: "Result of the request", enum: ["success", "error", "ignored"] }, error: %Schema{ type: :string, title: "Error code", description: "An error identifier. Only appears if `result` is `error`." }, type: %Schema{ type: :string, description: "Type of the request." } }, example: %{"result" => "success", "type" => "pleroma:authenticate"} }, has_stream: false ) end defp client_sent_events do %Schema{ oneOf: [ subscribe_event(), unsubscribe_event(), authenticate_event() ] } end defp request_body(description, schema, opts \\ []) do %OpenApiSpex.RequestBody{ description: description, content: %{ "application/json" => %OpenApiSpex.MediaType{ schema: schema, example: opts[:example], examples: opts[:examples] } } } end defp client_sent_event_helper(name, description, type, properties, opts) do required = opts[:required] || [] %Schema{ type: :object, title: name, required: [:type] ++ required, description: description, properties: %{ type: %Schema{type: :string, enum: [type], description: "Type of the event."} } |> Map.merge(properties), example: opts[:example] } end defp subscribe_event do client_sent_event_helper( "Subscribe", "Subscribe to a stream.", "subscribe", stream_specifier(), required: [:stream], example: %{"type" => "subscribe", "stream" => "list", "list" => "1"} ) end defp unsubscribe_event do client_sent_event_helper( "Unsubscribe", "Unsubscribe from a stream.", "unsubscribe", stream_specifier(), required: [:stream], example: %{ "type" => "unsubscribe", "stream" => "public:remote:media", "instance" => "example.org" } ) end defp authenticate_event do client_sent_event_helper( "Authenticate", "Authenticate via an access token.", "pleroma:authenticate", %{ token: token() }, required: [:token] ) end defp token do %Schema{ type: :string, description: "An OAuth access token with corresponding permissions.", example: "some token" } end defp stream_specifier do %{ stream: %Schema{ type: :string, description: "The name of the stream.", enum: Pleroma.Constants.public_streams() ++ [ "public:remote", "public:remote:media", "user", "user:pleroma_chat", "user:notification", "direct", "list", "hashtag" ] }, list: %Schema{ type: :string, title: "List id", description: "The id of the list. Required when `stream` is `list`.", example: "some-id" }, tag: %Schema{ type: :string, title: "Hashtag name", description: "The name of the hashtag. Required when `stream` is `hashtag`.", example: "mew" }, instance: %Schema{ type: :string, title: "Domain name", description: "Domain name of the instance. Required when `stream` is `public:remote` or `public:remote:media`.", example: "example.org" } } end end