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2021-03-30 10:49:34 +02:00
name: Alfred Terwindt-Zhao
Advocate of auhors and inventors that support the world as a community, should be heros that are supported by that community and deserve to be honnered with the means they need to flourish
Advocate of "information can not be owned", hence patents, copyrights, IP, etc.. are based on false arguments and thus inhumane
Advocate of information must be free and open to anyone, so everyone can enjoy the fruits thereof and use to support the world as a community
Advocate of a social humane community that cares about the environmnent
Advocate of a currency that express "1 hour of work" and a limit on possesions that one can not possibly own more currency as hours that he lived
Advocate of ending capitalism that destroys our world
Advocate of ending the capilasitic term "possesions" and start "rights to use" based on what someone needs to flourish and contribute to the world as a community
Adovcate of ending the races to be the best, and start working together as a team, sharing all information in order to get the best product/service possible
"I", Alfred Terwindt-Zhao, "imagine the day that everyone is happy, that SIH is truely hold responsible and enabled to do where SIH is capable of, and gets the environmnet that SIH needs in order to flourish"
SIH = She/It/He, no order intended.
(Boy/Girl/Thing the world is difficult today, is subesquently imagine the day that we can use she or he or it, and nobody feels harmed or neglected by it)
PS: God does exist, you don't need to believe or proof it, just read the book "Small Gods"
PSS: There will be a day, soon, as God does judge about what is going on. And I feel this day is closer as some out there would like, and many of us would think.
Because all of us is what God is, and makes what God judges.
To RMS : I do empathize your opinions becuase no law can forbid true love, and no government is entititeld to forbid love.
As in my case : the state of Netherlands and Belgium did forbid love, they did try to prevent we would meet, did try to break our legal marriage, did try to drive us appart, and they did fail in court becuause of European rules of free movement that honnors the right of family live. However I suffered from two deadly heart failures due to stress. Therfore : Belgium AND the state of the Netherlands are deadly criminal organisations taht commit crime against almost any notion that is made in united convention of human rights.
To FSF : freedom of data, information, algorithms, documentation, or whatever should become an integral part of the human rights.
To UHCR : any member that signed the HR should be unlisted as soons as they commit a crime, or even plan to commit a crime.
To ALL : who ever has visited China and stayed within family nows that Chinese will not speak up loadly, which holds true for their government. If soemthing goes wrong, a Chinese will feel guilty instead of fingerpointing. To market and live on the street is more liberal then one would imagine, and yes the people are a commune that is social. Probably due to the fact that there is less care from the gouverment for individuals, as they have quite another thing on their mind. which is to keep 1 mil of people frienldy and healthy. And yes tehre is corruption and perhaps less then we (want to) SEE within our western world.
To Rutte : how dare you say that Dutch childeren may not enter the state of the Netherlands? Because they ar IS warchilds? How do you know? Did this childeren get a fair trail before Dutch court, or are they already convicted by mere assumption? In order to get a fair chance they should be allowed to enter the Netherlands. And I fail to see how a 6-year old child is already spoiled for live and given up on. And not 1 of th 500 childeren in Greece may enter the Netherlands? And all those who want to help a child, you forbid them to take care of in their own home and by their own means. YOU ARE A MONSTER , you are all but liberal and human and Christen.
To VVD and CDA : you have destroyed our lives, we have done nothing wrong but love eachothers. You are not liveral and certainly nof Christen. It is a shame that "Christ" is use in the name of a criminal organisation. You use "liberal" in your criminal organisation, that is doing all, but liberating people. You are both impostures.
And last but no least : no there is no such thing as human rights if right to appeal before court does not make a difference within a 10 years from the fact, but does cost more then you own. Appart that "by law" human rights may be violated in European Human rights EHRM which is different form UN-HR, that has no known workable force. Hence : there are no human rights. We have to start in human onligations, if something has to change: