# An open letter in support of RMS. [![Add this badge to your repo!](assets/badge-64-w-border.png)](https://github.com/rms-support-letter/rms-support-letter.github.io/new/master/_data/signed) To sign, **click [here](https://github.com/rms-support-letter/rms-support-letter.github.io/new/master/_data/signed)** and name the file `.yaml` (replace `` with your name) with the following content: ```yaml name: link: ``` Without the `<>`. Example: ```yaml name: Example name link: https://github.com/example_username ``` Don't use `<>` in this file, as well as non-ascii symbols in file name. If you're using your email as a link, prepend it with `mailto:`. If you are able to, please use your real name and add projects and affiliatied organizations in parentheses. Then **click "Propose new file"** and go through the subsequent pages to create a merge request. Let's keep the tone firm, but professional. If you can, please consider sharing this letter on your forums and social media and notify journalists who might be helpful to our cause. **Pull requests merged within 12 hours - due to a huge volume of PRs they will be merged in batches** Alternatively, fork and clone the repo, create the file `_data/signed/.yaml` manually, then commit and submit a PR. If you want to support the letter without using Github, go here: https://codeberg.org/rms-support-letter/rms-support-letter/issues/1, or send a signed patch to [signrms@prog.cf](mailto:signrms@prog.cf) or [~tyil/rms-support@lists.sr.ht](mailto:~tyil/rms-support@lists.sr.ht). ## Chatrooms - **Matrix.org:** #free-rms:matrix.org - **IRC:** #free-rms at chat.freenode.net - **Discord:** https://discord.gg/7FWkxG4CsU - **Telegram:** https://t.me/free_rms