Enable radar, messages fixes, events

This commit is contained in:
a1batross 2015-12-22 23:50:40 +03:00
parent e555173b7d
commit c0c70311c2
4 changed files with 55 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -40,4 +40,6 @@ typedef int (*pfnUserMsgHook)(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf);
#include "../engine/cdll_int.h"
#include "../dlls/cdll_dll.h"
#include "render_api.h"
extern cl_enginefunc_t gEngfuncs;
extern render_api_t gRenderAPI;

View File

@ -71,15 +71,18 @@ void EV_HLDM_SmokeGrenade( float x, float y, float z )
static bool init = false;
for( int i = 1; i <= 10; i++ )
/*for( int i = 1; i <= 10; i++ )
int iSmokeSprite = SPR_Load( "sprites/gas_puff_01.spr" );
TEMPENTITY *pTemp = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_TempSprite( Vector( x, y, z ),
Vector( (int)gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( -10, 10 ), (int)gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( -10, 10 ), (int)gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( -10, 10 ) ),
10,iSmokeSprite, kRenderGlow, kRenderFxNone, 1.0, 0.5, FTENT_PERSIST | FTENT_COLLIDEWORLD | FTENT_FADEOUT );
int iSmokeSprite = SPR_Load( "sprites/ballsmoke.spr" );
vec3_t origin;
origin[0] = x;
origin[1] = y;
origin[2] = z;
TEMPENTITY *pTemp = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_TempSprite( origin,
Vector( 0, 0, 0 ),
10,iSmokeSprite, kRenderNormal, kRenderFxNone, 1.0, 10000, FTENT_PERSIST | FTENT_COLLIDEWORLD | FTENT_FADEOUT );
gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RunParticleEffect( Vector( x, y, z), Vector( (int)gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( -10, 10 ), (int)gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( -10, 10 ), (int)gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( -10, 10 ) )
, 0xFFFFFF, 50);
gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RunParticleEffect( origin, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), 0xFFFFFF, 50);
@ -90,8 +93,10 @@ void EV_HLDM_SmokeGrenade( float x, float y, float z )
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.r = 255;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.g = 255;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.b = 255;
// TODO: Find a way to draw smoke0
void EV_HLDM_NewExplode( float x, float y, float z, float ScaleExplode1 )
@ -489,15 +494,15 @@ void EV_Dummy( struct event_args_s *args )
void RemoveBody(TEMPENTITY *te, float frametime, float current_time)
// go underground...
if ( current_time >= 2 * te->entity.curstate.fuser2 + 5.0 )
te->entity.origin.z -= 5.0 * frametime;
// go underground...
if ( current_time >= 2 * te->entity.curstate.fuser2 + 5.0 )
te->entity.origin.z -= 5.0 * frametime;
void HitBody(TEMPENTITY *ent, pmtrace_s *ptr)
/*if ( ptr->plane.normal.z > 0.0 )
ent->flags |= FTENT_IGNOREGRAVITY;*/
if ( ptr->plane.normal.z > 0.0 )
ent->flags |= FTENT_NONE;
@ -508,7 +513,7 @@ void CreateCorpse(Vector *p_vOrigin, Vector *p_vAngles, const char *pModel, floa
TEMPENTITY *model = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_TempModel( (float*)p_vOrigin,
0 );
@ -521,7 +526,7 @@ void CreateCorpse(Vector *p_vOrigin, Vector *p_vAngles, const char *pModel, floa
model->entity.curstate.sequence = iSequence;
model->entity.curstate.body = iBody;
model->entity.curstate.fuser1 = gHUD.m_flTime + 1.0;
model->entity.curstate.fuser2 = 600 + gHUD.m_flTime;
model->entity.curstate.fuser2 = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat("cl_corpsestay") + gHUD.m_flTime;
model->hitcallback = HitBody;
model->callback = RemoveBody;

View File

@ -77,14 +77,13 @@ int CHudHealth::Init(void)
m_iFlags = 0;
m_bitsDamage = 0;
m_fAttackFront = m_fAttackRear = m_fAttackRight = m_fAttackLeft = 0;
m_bDrawRadar = true;
giDmgHeight = 0;
giDmgWidth = 0;
memset(m_dmg, 0, sizeof(DAMAGE_IMAGE) * NUM_DMG_TYPES);
cl_radartype = CVAR_CREATE( "cl_radartype", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
CVAR_CREATE("cl_corpsestay", "600", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
return 1;
@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ int CHudHealth::VidInit(void)
m_hRadaropaque = gHUD.GetSprite( gHUD.GetSpriteIndex( "radaropaque" ));
m_hrad = gHUD.GetSpriteRect( gHUD.GetSpriteIndex( "radar" ));
m_hradopaque = gHUD.GetSpriteRect( gHUD.GetSpriteIndex( "radaropaque" ));
m_bDrawRadar = false;
m_bDrawRadar = true;
return 1;
@ -532,6 +531,12 @@ void CHudHealth :: DrawRadarDot(int x, int y, int size, int r, int g, int b, int
void CHudHealth :: DrawRadar( float flTime )
char szTeamName[16];
int localPlayer = gHUD.m_Scoreboard.m_iPlayerNum;
vec3_t localPlayerOrigin = gHUD.m_vecOrigin;
strncpy(szTeamName, g_PlayerExtraInfo[gHUD.m_Scoreboard.m_iPlayerNum].teamname, sizeof(szTeamName) );
if( cl_radartype->value )
SPR_Set(m_hRadaropaque, 200, 200, 200);
@ -542,6 +547,24 @@ void CHudHealth :: DrawRadar( float flTime )
SPR_Set( m_hRadar, 25, 75, 25 );
SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, 0, 0, &m_hrad );
// players + bomb
for( int i = 0; i < 34; i++ )
// skip other players and local client
if( strcmp(g_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamname, szTeamName) || gHUD.m_Scoreboard.m_iPlayerNum == i )
vec3_t pOrigin = g_PlayerExtraInfo[i].origin;
Vector2D delta( pOrigin.x - gHUD.m_vecOrigin.x, pOrigin.y - gHUD.m_vecOrigin.y );
float rotateangle = atan(-delta.y / delta.x) * 180.0f / M_PI;
rotateangle += gHUD.m_vecAngles.y;
double x, y;
sincos( rotateangle * M_PI / 180.0f, &x, &y );
DrawRadarDot( (m_hrad.right - m_hrad.left) / 2 + delta.x * x, (m_hrad.bottom - m_hrad.top) / 2 + delta.y * y, 10, 255, 255, 255, 120);
int CHudHealth :: MsgFunc_ClCorpse(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf)
@ -559,7 +582,7 @@ int CHudHealth :: MsgFunc_ClCorpse(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf)
angles.x = READ_COORD();
angles.y = READ_COORD();
angles.z = READ_COORD();
float delay = angles[2] * READ_LONG() / 100.0f;
float delay = READ_LONG() / 100.0f;
int sequence = READ_BYTE();
int classID = READ_BYTE();
int teamID = READ_BYTE();

View File

@ -56,12 +56,13 @@ int CHud :: MsgFunc_ResetHUD(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
void CAM_ToFirstPerson(void);
void CHud :: MsgFunc_ViewMode( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
int CHud :: MsgFunc_ViewMode( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
return 1;
void CHud :: MsgFunc_InitHUD( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
int CHud :: MsgFunc_InitHUD( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
// prepare all hud data
HUDLIST *pList = m_pHudList;
@ -75,6 +76,8 @@ void CHud :: MsgFunc_InitHUD( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
//Probably not a good place to put this.
pBeam = pBeam2 = NULL;
return 1;
@ -208,4 +211,3 @@ int CHud::MsgFunc_HostageK(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf)
return 1;