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* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
* object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
* Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
* without written permission from Valve LLC.
#ifndef GAME_H
#define GAME_H
extern void GameDLLInit( void );
extern cvar_t displaysoundlist;
// multiplayer server rules
extern cvar_t teamplay;
extern cvar_t fraglimit;
extern cvar_t timelimit;
extern cvar_t friendlyfire;
extern cvar_t falldamage;
extern cvar_t weaponstay;
extern cvar_t forcerespawn;
extern cvar_t flashlight;
extern cvar_t aimcrosshair;
extern cvar_t decalfrequency;
extern cvar_t teamlist;
extern cvar_t teamoverride;
extern cvar_t defaultteam;
extern cvar_t allowmonsters;
extern cvar_t cvar_allow_gravgun;
extern cvar_t cvar_allow_ar2;
extern cvar_t cvar_ar2_mp5;
extern cvar_t cvar_ar2_bullets;
extern cvar_t cvar_ar2_balls;
extern cvar_t cvar_wresptime;
extern cvar_t cvar_iresptime;
extern cvar_t cvar_gibtime;
extern cvar_t cvar_hgibcount;
extern cvar_t cvar_agibcount;
extern cvar_t mp_gravgun_players;
extern cvar_t mp_coop;
extern cvar_t mp_coop_changelevel;
extern cvar_t mp_coop_nofriendlyfire;
extern cvar_t mp_coop_disabledmap;
extern cvar_t mp_unduck;
extern cvar_t mp_semclip;
extern cvar_t mp_coop_reconnect_hack;
extern cvar_t mp_coop_noangry;
extern cvar_t mp_spectator;
extern bool g_fSavedDuck;
extern bool g_fPause;
// Engine Cvars
extern cvar_t *g_psv_gravity;
extern cvar_t *g_psv_aim;
extern cvar_t *g_footsteps;
#endif // GAME_H