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Waifu Build System

This is a Waf build system with some experimental modules developed for FWGS projects.

This repo is focused on developing our own modules, testing them, syncing with upstream and maybe sending back patches to original Waf in future.


We add some additional tools from original Waf extras and prelude to load waifulib is added.

To build use build-waf.sh shell script

Running tests

$ sh run-tests.sh

If it succeded, then tests are not failed.

Using in your project

There is two prebuilt waf binaries, to those who don't want build by themselves.

  1. waf-ext as a prebuilt waf binary with some of our modules
  2. waf-noext as a prebuilt vanilla waf binary, only with line of code, to preload waifulib

Then you need to create scripts/waifulib folder where you will place waf binary. Depending on your needs, copy modules from our scripts/waifulib folder to yours.