
705 lines
24 KiB

server.h - primary header for server
Copyright (C) 2009 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef SERVER_H
#define SERVER_H
#include "xash3d_mathlib.h"
#include "edict.h"
#include "eiface.h"
#include "physint.h" // physics interface
#include "mod_local.h"
#include "pm_defs.h"
#include "pm_movevars.h"
#include "entity_state.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "netchan.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "world.h"
extern int SV_UPDATE_BACKUP;
// hostflags
#define SVF_MERGE_VISIBILITY BIT( 1 ) // we are do portal pass
// mapvalid flags
#define MAP_IS_EXIST BIT( 0 )
#define SV_SPAWN_TIME 0.1
// group flags
#define GROUP_OP_AND 0
#define GROUP_OP_NAND 1
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define SV_IsValidEdict( e ) ( e && !e->free )
#define SV_IsValidEdict( e ) SV_CheckEdict( e, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define NUM_FOR_EDICT(e) ((int)((edict_t *)(e) - svgame.edicts))
#define EDICT_NUM( num ) SV_EdictNum( num )
#define STRING( offset ) SV_GetString( offset )
#define ALLOC_STRING(str) SV_AllocString( str )
#define MAKE_STRING(str) SV_MakeString( str )
#define MAX_PUSHED_ENTS 256
#define MAX_VIEWENTS 128
#define FCL_PREDICT_MOVEMENT BIT( 4 ) // movement prediction is enabled
#define FCL_LOCAL_WEAPONS BIT( 5 ) // weapon prediction is enabled
#define FCL_LAG_COMPENSATION BIT( 6 ) // lag compensation is enabled
#define FCL_FAKECLIENT BIT( 7 ) // this client is a fake player controlled by the game DLL
#define FCL_HLTV_PROXY BIT( 8 ) // this is a proxy for a HLTV client (spectator)
typedef enum
ss_dead, // no map loaded
ss_loading, // spawning level edicts
ss_active // actively running
} sv_state_t;
typedef enum
cs_free = 0, // can be reused for a new connection
cs_zombie, // client has been disconnected, but don't reuse connection for a couple seconds
cs_connected, // has been assigned to a sv_client_t, but not in game yet
cs_spawned // client is fully in game
} cl_state_t;
typedef enum
us_inactive = 0,
} cl_upload_t;
// instanced baselines container
typedef struct
const char *classname;
entity_state_t baseline;
} sv_baseline_t;
typedef struct
qboolean active;
qboolean net_log;
netadr_t net_address;
file_t *file;
} server_log_t;
typedef struct server_s
sv_state_t state; // precache commands are only valid during load
qboolean background; // this is background map
qboolean loadgame; // client begins should reuse existing entity
double time; // sv.time += sv.frametime
double time_residual; // unclamped
float frametime; // 1.0 / sv_fps->value
int framecount; // count physic frames
struct sv_client_s *current_client; // current client who network message sending on
int hostflags; // misc server flags: predicting etc
CRC32_t worldmapCRC; // check crc for catch cheater maps
int progsCRC; // this is used with feature ENGINE_QUAKE_COMPATIBLE
char name[MAX_QPATH]; // map name
char startspot[MAX_QPATH];
double lastchecktime;
int lastcheck; // number of last checked client
char model_precache[MAX_MODELS][MAX_QPATH];
char sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS][MAX_QPATH];
char files_precache[MAX_CUSTOM][MAX_QPATH];
char event_precache[MAX_EVENTS][MAX_QPATH];
byte model_precache_flags[MAX_MODELS];
model_t *models[MAX_MODELS];
int num_static_entities;
// run local lightstyles to let SV_LightPoint grab the actual information
lightstyle_t lightstyles[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];
consistency_t consistency_list[MAX_MODELS];
resource_t resources[MAX_RESOURCES];
int num_consistency; // typically check model bounds on this
int num_resources;
sv_baseline_t instanced[MAX_CUSTOM_BASELINES]; // instanced baselines
int last_valid_baseline;// all the entities with number more than that was created in-game and doesn't have the baseline
int num_instanced;
// unreliable data to send to clients.
sizebuf_t datagram;
byte datagram_buf[MAX_DATAGRAM];
// reliable data to send to clients.
sizebuf_t reliable_datagram; // copied to all clients at end of frame
byte reliable_datagram_buf[MAX_DATAGRAM];
// the multicast buffer is used to send a message to a set of clients
sizebuf_t multicast;
byte multicast_buf[MAX_MULTICAST];
sizebuf_t signon;
byte signon_buf[MAX_INIT_MSG]; // need a get to maximum size
sizebuf_t spec_datagram;
byte spectator_buf[MAX_MULTICAST];
model_t *worldmodel; // pointer to world
qboolean playersonly;
qboolean simulating; // physics is running
qboolean paused;
// statistics
int ignored_static_ents;
int ignored_world_decals;
int static_ents_overflow;
} server_t;
typedef struct
double senttime;
float ping_time;
clientdata_t clientdata;
weapon_data_t weapondata[MAX_LOCAL_WEAPONS];
int num_entities;
int first_entity; // into the circular sv_packet_entities[]
} client_frame_t;
typedef struct sv_client_s
cl_state_t state;
cl_upload_t upstate; // uploading state
char name[32]; // extracted from userinfo, color string allowed
uint flags; // client flags, some info
CRC32_t crcValue;
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING]; // name, etc (received from client)
char physinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING]; // set on server (transmit to client)
netchan_t netchan;
int chokecount; // number of messages rate supressed
int delta_sequence; // -1 = no compression.
double next_messagetime; // time when we should send next world state update
double next_checkpingtime; // time to send all players pings to client
double next_sendinfotime; // time to send info about all players
double cl_updaterate; // client requested updaterate
double timebase; // client timebase
double connection_started;
char hashedcdkey[34]; // MD5 hash is 32 hex #'s, plus trailing 0
customization_t customdata; // player customization linked list
resource_t resourcesonhand;
resource_t resourcesneeded; // <mapname.res> from client (server downloading)
usercmd_t lastcmd; // for filling in big drops
double connecttime;
double cmdtime;
double ignorecmdtime;
int packet_loss;
float latency;
int ignored_ents; // if visibility list is full we should know how many entities will be ignored
edict_t *edict; // EDICT_NUM(clientnum+1)
edict_t *pViewEntity; // svc_setview member
edict_t *viewentity[MAX_VIEWENTS]; // list of portal cameras in player PVS
int num_viewents; // num of portal cameras that can merge PVS
qboolean m_bLoopback; // Does this client want to hear his own voice?
uint listeners; // which other clients does this guy's voice stream go to?
// the datagram is written to by sound calls, prints, temp ents, etc.
// it can be harmlessly overflowed.
sizebuf_t datagram;
byte datagram_buf[MAX_DATAGRAM];
client_frame_t *frames; // updates can be delta'd from here
event_state_t events; // delta-updated events cycle
int challenge; // challenge of this user, randomly generated
int userid; // identifying number on server
int extensions;
char useragent[MAX_INFO_STRING];
int ignorecmdtime_warns; // how many times client time was faster than server during this session
qboolean ignorecmdtime_warned; // did we warn our server operator in the log for this batch of commands?
} sv_client_t;
a client can leave the server in one of four ways:
dropping properly by quiting or disconnecting
timing out if no valid messages are received for timeout.value seconds
getting kicked off by the server operator
a program error, like an overflowed reliable buffer
// MAX_CHALLENGES is made large to prevent a denial
// of service attack that could cycle all of them
// out before legitimate users connected
#define MAX_CHALLENGES 1024
typedef struct
netadr_t adr;
double time;
int challenge;
qboolean connected;
} challenge_t;
typedef struct
char name[32]; // in GoldSrc max name length is 12
int number; // svc_ number
int size; // if size == -1, size come from first byte after svcnum
} sv_user_message_t;
typedef struct
edict_t *ent;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
int fixangle;
} sv_pushed_t;
typedef struct
qboolean active;
qboolean moving;
qboolean firstframe;
qboolean nointerp;
vec3_t mins;
vec3_t maxs;
vec3_t curpos;
vec3_t oldpos;
vec3_t newpos;
vec3_t finalpos;
} sv_interp_t;
typedef struct
// user messages stuff
const char *msg_name; // just for debug
sv_user_message_t msg[MAX_USER_MESSAGES]; // user messages array
int msg_size_index; // write message size at this pos in bitbuf
int msg_realsize; // left in bytes
int msg_index; // for debug messages
int msg_dest; // msg destination ( MSG_ONE, MSG_ALL etc )
qboolean msg_started; // to avoid recursive included messages
edict_t *msg_ent; // user message member entity
vec3_t msg_org; // user message member origin
qboolean msg_trace; // trace this message
void *hInstance; // pointer to game.dll
edict_t *edicts; // solid array of server entities
int numEntities; // actual entities count
movevars_t movevars; // movement variables curstate
movevars_t oldmovevars; // movement variables oldstate
playermove_t *pmove; // pmove state
sv_interp_t interp[MAX_CLIENTS]; // interpolate clients
sv_pushed_t pushed[MAX_PUSHED_ENTS]; // no reason to keep array for all edicts
// 256 it should be enough for any game situation
globalvars_t *globals; // server globals
DLL_FUNCTIONS dllFuncs; // dll exported funcs
NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS dllFuncs2; // new dll exported funcs (may be NULL)
physics_interface_t physFuncs; // physics interface functions (Xash3D extension)
poolhandle_t mempool; // server premamnent pool: edicts etc
poolhandle_t stringspool; // for engine strings
} svgame_static_t;
typedef struct
qboolean initialized; // sv_init has completed
qboolean game_library_loaded; // is game library loaded in SV_InitGame
double timestart; // just for profiling
int maxclients; // server max clients
int groupmask;
int groupop;
server_log_t log;
char serverinfo[MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING];
char localinfo[MAX_LOCALINFO_STRING];
int spawncount; // incremented each server start
// used to check late spawns
sv_client_t *clients; // [svs.maxclients]
int num_client_entities; // svs.maxclients*UPDATE_BACKUP*MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES
int next_client_entities; // next client_entity to use
entity_state_t *packet_entities; // [num_client_entities]
entity_state_t *baselines; // [GI->max_edicts]
entity_state_t *static_entities; // [MAX_STATIC_ENTITIES];
challenge_t challenges[MAX_CHALLENGES]; // to prevent invalid IPs from connecting
} server_static_t;
extern server_static_t svs; // persistant server info
extern server_t sv; // local server
extern svgame_static_t svgame; // persistant game info
extern areanode_t sv_areanodes[]; // AABB dynamic tree
extern convar_t mp_logecho;
extern convar_t mp_logfile;
extern convar_t sv_log_onefile;
extern convar_t sv_log_singleplayer;
extern convar_t sv_unlag;
extern convar_t sv_maxunlag;
extern convar_t sv_unlagpush;
extern convar_t sv_unlagsamples;
extern convar_t rcon_enable;
extern convar_t sv_instancedbaseline;
extern convar_t sv_background_freeze;
extern convar_t sv_minupdaterate;
extern convar_t sv_maxupdaterate;
extern convar_t sv_minrate;
extern convar_t sv_maxrate;
extern convar_t sv_downloadurl;
extern convar_t sv_newunit;
extern convar_t sv_clienttrace;
extern convar_t sv_failuretime;
extern convar_t sv_send_resources;
extern convar_t sv_send_logos;
extern convar_t sv_allow_upload;
extern convar_t sv_allow_download;
extern convar_t sv_airaccelerate;
extern convar_t sv_accelerate;
extern convar_t sv_friction;
extern convar_t sv_edgefriction;
extern convar_t sv_gravity;
extern convar_t sv_stopspeed;
extern convar_t sv_maxspeed;
extern convar_t sv_wateralpha;
extern convar_t sv_wateramp;
extern convar_t sv_voiceenable;
extern convar_t sv_voicequality;
extern convar_t sv_stepsize;
extern convar_t sv_maxvelocity;
extern convar_t sv_rollangle;
extern convar_t sv_rollspeed;
extern convar_t sv_skyname;
extern convar_t sv_skycolor_r;
extern convar_t sv_skycolor_g;
extern convar_t sv_skycolor_b;
extern convar_t sv_skyvec_x;
extern convar_t sv_skyvec_y;
extern convar_t sv_skyvec_z;
extern convar_t sv_consistency;
extern convar_t sv_password;
extern convar_t sv_uploadmax;
extern convar_t sv_trace_messages;
extern convar_t sv_enttools_enable;
extern convar_t sv_enttools_maxfire;
extern convar_t sv_autosave;
extern convar_t deathmatch;
extern convar_t hostname;
extern convar_t skill;
extern convar_t coop;
extern convar_t sv_cheats;
extern convar_t public_server;
extern convar_t sv_nat;
extern convar_t sv_speedhack_kick;
extern convar_t *sv_pausable; // allows pause in multiplayer
extern convar_t *sv_check_errors;
extern convar_t *sv_reconnect_limit;
extern convar_t *sv_lighting_modulate;
extern convar_t *sv_novis;
extern convar_t *sv_hostmap;
extern convar_t *sv_validate_changelevel;
// sv_main.c
void SV_FinalMessage( const char *message, qboolean reconnect );
void SV_KickPlayer( sv_client_t *cl, const char *fmt, ... ) _format( 2 );
void SV_DropClient( sv_client_t *cl, qboolean crash );
void SV_UpdateMovevars( qboolean initialize );
int SV_ModelIndex( const char *name );
int SV_SoundIndex( const char *name );
int SV_EventIndex( const char *name );
int SV_GenericIndex( const char *name );
int SV_CalcPacketLoss( sv_client_t *cl );
void SV_ExecuteUserCommand (char *s);
void SV_InitOperatorCommands( void );
void SV_KillOperatorCommands( void );
void SV_UserinfoChanged( sv_client_t *cl );
void SV_RemoteCommand( netadr_t from, sizebuf_t *msg );
void SV_PrepWorldFrame( void );
void SV_ProcessFile( sv_client_t *cl, const char *filename );
void SV_SendResource( resource_t *pResource, sizebuf_t *msg );
void SV_SendResourceList( sv_client_t *cl );
void SV_AddToMaster( netadr_t from, sizebuf_t *msg );
qboolean SV_ProcessUserAgent( netadr_t from, const char *useragent );
void Host_SetServerState( int state );
qboolean SV_IsSimulating( void );
void SV_FreeClients( void );
// sv_init.c
qboolean SV_InitGame( void );
void SV_ActivateServer( int runPhysics );
qboolean SV_SpawnServer( const char *server, const char *startspot, qboolean background );
model_t *SV_ModelHandle( int modelindex );
void SV_DeactivateServer( void );
// sv_phys.c
void SV_Physics( void );
qboolean SV_InitPhysicsAPI( void );
void SV_CheckVelocity( edict_t *ent );
qboolean SV_CheckWater( edict_t *ent );
qboolean SV_RunThink( edict_t *ent );
qboolean SV_PlayerRunThink( edict_t *ent, float frametime, double time );
qboolean SV_TestEntityPosition( edict_t *ent, edict_t *blocker );
void SV_Impact( edict_t *e1, edict_t *e2, trace_t *trace );
qboolean SV_CanPushed( edict_t *ent );
void SV_FreeOldEntities( void );
void SV_CheckAllEnts( void );
// sv_move.c
qboolean SV_MoveStep( edict_t *ent, vec3_t move, qboolean relink );
qboolean SV_MoveTest( edict_t *ent, vec3_t move, qboolean relink );
void SV_MoveToOrigin( edict_t *ed, const vec3_t goal, float dist, int iMode );
qboolean SV_CheckBottom( edict_t *ent, int iMode );
float SV_VecToYaw( const vec3_t src );
void SV_WaterMove( edict_t *ent );
// sv_send.c
void SV_SendClientMessages( void );
void SV_ClientPrintf( sv_client_t *cl, const char *fmt, ... ) _format( 2 );
void SV_BroadcastCommand( const char *fmt, ... ) _format( 1 );
// sv_client.c
char *SV_StatusString( void );
void SV_RefreshUserinfo( void );
void SV_GetChallenge( netadr_t from );
void SV_TogglePause( const char *msg );
qboolean SV_ShouldUpdatePing( sv_client_t *cl );
const char *SV_GetClientIDString( sv_client_t *cl );
sv_client_t *SV_ClientById( int id );
sv_client_t *SV_ClientByName( const char *name );
void SV_FullClientUpdate( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg );
void SV_FullUpdateMovevars( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg );
void SV_GetPlayerStats( sv_client_t *cl, int *ping, int *packet_loss );
void SV_SendServerdata( sizebuf_t *msg, sv_client_t *cl );
void SV_ClientThink( sv_client_t *cl, usercmd_t *cmd );
void SV_ExecuteClientMessage( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg );
void SV_ConnectionlessPacket( netadr_t from, sizebuf_t *msg );
edict_t *SV_FakeConnect( const char *netname );
void SV_ExecuteClientCommand( sv_client_t *cl, const char *s );
void SV_RunCmd( sv_client_t *cl, usercmd_t *ucmd, int random_seed );
void SV_BuildReconnect( sizebuf_t *msg );
qboolean SV_IsPlayerIndex( int idx );
int SV_CalcPing( sv_client_t *cl );
void SV_InitClientMove( void );
void SV_UpdateServerInfo( void );
void SV_EndRedirect( void );
void SV_RejectConnection( netadr_t from, const char *fmt, ... ) _format( 2 );
void SV_GetPlayerCount( int *clients, int *bots );
// sv_cmds.c
void SV_Status_f( void );
void SV_Newgame_f( void );
void SV_InitHostCommands( void );
// sv_custom.c
void SV_AddToResourceList( resource_t *pResource, resource_t *pList );
void SV_MoveToOnHandList( sv_client_t *cl, resource_t *pResource );
void SV_RemoveFromResourceList( resource_t *pResource );
void SV_ParseConsistencyResponse( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg );
int SV_EstimateNeededResources( sv_client_t *cl );
void SV_ClearResourceList( resource_t *pList );
void SV_BatchUploadRequest( sv_client_t *cl );
void SV_SendResources( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg );
void SV_ClearResourceLists( sv_client_t *cl );
void SV_TransferConsistencyInfo( void );
void SV_RequestMissingResources( void );
// sv_filter.c
void SV_InitFilter( void );
void SV_ShutdownFilter( void );
qboolean SV_CheckIP( netadr_t *adr );
qboolean SV_CheckID( const char *id );
// sv_frame.c
void SV_InactivateClients( void );
int SV_FindBestBaselineForStatic( int index, entity_state_t **baseline, entity_state_t *to );
void SV_WriteFrameToClient( sv_client_t *client, sizebuf_t *msg );
void SV_BuildClientFrame( sv_client_t *client );
void SV_SkipUpdates( void );
// sv_game.c
qboolean SV_LoadProgs( const char *name );
void SV_UnloadProgs( void );
void SV_FreeEdicts( void );
edict_t *SV_AllocEdict( void );
void SV_FreeEdict( edict_t *pEdict );
void SV_InitEdict( edict_t *pEdict );
const char *SV_ClassName( const edict_t *e );
void SV_FreePrivateData( edict_t *pEdict );
void SV_CopyTraceToGlobal( trace_t *trace );
qboolean SV_CheckEdict( const edict_t *e, const char *file, const int line );
void SV_SetMinMaxSize( edict_t *e, const float *min, const float *max, qboolean relink );
edict_t* SV_FindEntityByString( edict_t *pStartEdict, const char *pszField, const char *pszValue );
void SV_PlaybackEventFull( int flags, const edict_t *pInvoker, word eventindex, float delay, float *origin,
float *angles, float fparam1, float fparam2, int iparam1, int iparam2, int bparam1, int bparam2 );
void SV_PlaybackReliableEvent( sizebuf_t *msg, word eventindex, float delay, event_args_t *args );
int SV_BuildSoundMsg( sizebuf_t *msg, edict_t *ent, int chan, const char *sample, int vol, float attn, int flags, int pitch, const vec3_t pos );
qboolean SV_BoxInPVS( const vec3_t org, const vec3_t absmin, const vec3_t absmax );
void SV_QueueChangeLevel( const char *level, const char *landname );
void SV_WriteEntityPatch( const char *filename );
float SV_AngleMod( float ideal, float current, float speed );
void SV_SpawnEntities( const char *mapname );
edict_t* SV_AllocPrivateData( edict_t *ent, string_t className );
edict_t* SV_CreateNamedEntity( edict_t *ent, string_t className );
string_t SV_AllocString( const char *szValue );
string_t SV_MakeString( const char *szValue );
const char *SV_GetString( string_t iString );
void SV_SetStringArrayMode( qboolean dynamic );
void SV_EmptyStringPool( void );
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
void SV_PrintStr64Stats_f( void );
sv_client_t *SV_ClientFromEdict( const edict_t *pEdict, qboolean spawned_only );
uint SV_MapIsValid( const char *filename, const char *spawn_entity, const char *landmark_name );
void SV_StartSound( edict_t *ent, int chan, const char *sample, float vol, float attn, int flags, int pitch );
edict_t *SV_FindGlobalEntity( string_t classname, string_t globalname );
qboolean SV_CreateStaticEntity( struct sizebuf_s *msg, int index );
void SV_SendUserReg( sizebuf_t *msg, sv_user_message_t *user );
int pfnIndexOfEdict( const edict_t *pEdict );
void pfnWriteBytes( const byte *bytes, int count );
void SV_UpdateBaseVelocity( edict_t *ent );
byte *pfnSetFatPVS( const float *org );
byte *pfnSetFatPAS( const float *org );
int pfnPrecacheModel( const char *s );
int pfnModelIndex( const char *m );
void pfnRemoveEntity( edict_t* e );
void SV_RestartAmbientSounds( void );
void SV_RestartDecals( void );
void SV_RestartStaticEnts( void );
int pfnGetCurrentPlayer( void );
int pfnDropToFloor( edict_t* e );
edict_t *SV_EdictNum( int n );
char *SV_Localinfo( void );
void SV_SetModel( edict_t *ent, const char *name );
// sv_log.c
void Log_Close( void );
void Log_Open( void );
void Log_PrintServerVars( void );
void SV_ServerLog_f( void );
void SV_SetLogAddress_f( void );
// sv_save.c
qboolean SV_SaveGame( const char *pName );
qboolean SV_LoadGame( const char *pName );
int SV_LoadGameState( char const *level );
void SV_ChangeLevel( qboolean loadfromsavedgame, const char *mapname, const char *start, qboolean background );
const char *SV_GetLatestSave( void );
void SV_InitSaveRestore( void );
void SV_ClearGameState( void );
// sv_pmove.c
void SV_GetTrueOrigin( sv_client_t *cl, int edictnum, vec3_t origin );
void SV_GetTrueMinMax( sv_client_t *cl, int edictnum, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
qboolean SV_PlayerIsFrozen( edict_t *pClient );
// sv_world.c
void SV_ClearWorld( void );
void SV_UnlinkEdict( edict_t *ent );
void SV_ClipMoveToEntity( edict_t *ent, const vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, trace_t *trace );
void SV_CustomClipMoveToEntity( edict_t *ent, const vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, trace_t *trace );
trace_t SV_TraceHull( edict_t *ent, int hullNum, const vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end );
trace_t SV_Move( const vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, edict_t *e, qboolean monsterclip );
trace_t SV_MoveNoEnts( const vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, edict_t *e );
trace_t SV_MoveNormal( const vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int type, edict_t *e );
const char *SV_TraceTexture( edict_t *ent, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end );
msurface_t *SV_TraceSurface( edict_t *ent, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end );
trace_t SV_MoveToss( edict_t *tossent, edict_t *ignore );
void SV_LinkEdict( edict_t *ent, qboolean touch_triggers );
void SV_TouchLinks( edict_t *ent, areanode_t *node );
int SV_TruePointContents( const vec3_t p );
int SV_PointContents( const vec3_t p );
void SV_RunLightStyles( void );
void SV_SetLightStyle( int style, const char* s, float f );
const char *SV_GetLightStyle( int style );
int SV_LightForEntity( edict_t *pEdict );