Added DNS layers and packet test

This commit is contained in:
Kkevsterrr 2019-12-12 21:02:03 -05:00
parent e4c7cf567b
commit 7495b334bb
4 changed files with 884 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Geneva
# Geneva [![Build Status](]( [![codecov](](
Geneva is an artificial intelligence tool that defeats censorship by exploiting bugs in censors, such as those in China, India, and Kazakhstan. Unlike many other anti-censorship solutions which require assistance from outside the censoring regime (Tor, VPNs, etc.), Geneva runs strictly on the client.

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@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import string
import os
import urllib.parse
from scapy.all import IP, RandIP, UDP, Raw, TCP, fuzz
from scapy.all import IP, RandIP, UDP, DNS, DNSQR, Raw, TCP, fuzz
class Layer():
@ -179,6 +180,11 @@ class Layer():
value = urllib.parse.unquote(value)
value = value.encode('utf-8')
dns_payload = b"\x009ib\x81\x80\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08examples\x03com\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\xc0\x0c\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x01+\x00\x04\xc7\xbf2I\x00\x00)\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
http_payload = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
value = value.replace(b"__DNS_REQUEST__", dns_payload)
value = value.replace(b"__HTTP_REQUEST__", http_payload)
self.layer.payload = Raw(value)
@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ class Layer():
as a field properly.
load = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for k in range(10)])
return urllib.parse.quote(load)
return random.choice(urllib.parse.quote(load))
class IPLayer(Layer):
@ -592,3 +598,239 @@ class UDPLayer(Layer):
self.generators = {
'load' : self.gen_load,
class DNSLayer(Layer):
Defines an interface to access DNS header fields.
name = "DNS"
protocol = DNS
_fields = [
fields = _fields
def __init__(self, layer):
Initializes the DNS layer.
Layer.__init__(self, layer)
self.getters = {
"qr" : self.get_bitfield,
"aa" : self.get_bitfield,
"tc" : self.get_bitfield,
"rd" : self.get_bitfield,
"ra" : self.get_bitfield,
"z" : self.get_bitfield,
"ad" : self.get_bitfield,
"cd" : self.get_bitfield
self.setters = {
"qr" : self.set_bitfield,
"aa" : self.set_bitfield,
"tc" : self.set_bitfield,
"rd" : self.set_bitfield,
"ra" : self.set_bitfield,
"z" : self.set_bitfield,
"ad" : self.set_bitfield,
"cd" : self.set_bitfield
self.generators = {
"id" : self.gen_id,
"qr" : self.gen_bitfield,
"opcode" : self.gen_opcode,
"aa" : self.gen_bitfield,
"tc" : self.gen_bitfield,
"rd" : self.gen_bitfield,
"ra" : self.gen_bitfield,
"z" : self.gen_bitfield,
"ad" : self.gen_bitfield,
"cd" : self.gen_bitfield,
"rcode" : self.gen_rcode,
"qdcount" : self.gen_count,
"ancount" : self.gen_count,
"nscount" : self.gen_count,
"arcount" : self.gen_count
def get_bitfield(self, field):
return int(getattr(self.layer, field))
def set_bitfield(self, packet, field, value):
return setattr(self.layer, field, int(value))
def gen_bitfield(self, field):
return random.choice([0,1])
def gen_id(self, field):
return random.randint(0, 65535)
def gen_opcode(self, field):
return random.randint(0, 15)
def gen_rcode(self, field):
return random.randint(0, 15)
def gen_count(self, field):
return random.randint(0, 65535)
def dns_decompress(packet, logger):
Performs DNS decompression on the given scapy packet, if applicable.
Note that DNS compression/decompression must be done on the boundaries
of a label, so DNS compression does not support arbitrary offsets.
# If this is a TCP packet
if packet.haslayer("TCP"):
raise NotImplementedError
# Perform no action if this is not a DNS or DNSRQ packet
if not packet.haslayer("DNS") or not packet.haslayer("DNSQR"):
return packet
# Extract the query from the DNSQR layer
query = packet["DNSQR"].qname.decode()
if query[len(query) - 1] != '.':
query += '.'
# Split the query by label
labels = query.split(".")
# Collect the first and second half of the query
fhalf = labels[0]
shalf = ".".join(labels[1:])
# Build the first DNS query directly. The format of this a byte string like this:
# b'\x07minghui\xc0\x1a\x00\x01\x00\x01'
# \x07 = the length of the label in this DNSQR
# minghui = the portion of the domain we will request in the first DNSQR
# \xc0\x1a = offset into the DNS packet where the rest of the query will be. The actual offset
# here is the \x1a - DNS mandates that if compression is used, the first two bits be 11
# to differentiate them from the rest. \x1A = 26, which is the length of the DNS header
# plus the length of this DNSQR.
# \x00\x01 = type A record
# \x00\x01 = IN
length = bytes([len(fhalf)])
label = fhalf.encode()
# Since the domain will include an extra ".", add 1
# 2 * 6 is the DNS header
# 1 is the byte that determines the length of the label
# len(label) is the length of the label
# 2 is the offset pointer
# 4 - other record information (class, IN)
packet_offset = 2 * 6 + 1 + len(label) + 2 + 2 + 2
# The word must start with binary 11, so OR the offset with 0xC000.
offset = (0xc000 | packet_offset).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
request = b'\x00\x01\x00\x01'
dns_qr1 = length + label + offset + request
# Build the second DNS query directly. The format of the byte string is the same as above
# b'\x02ca\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01'
# \x02 = length of the remaining domain
# ca = portion of the domain in this DNSQR
# \x00 = null byte to signify the end of the query
# \x00\x01 = type A record
# \x00\x01 = IN
# Since the second half could potentially contain many labels, this is done in a list comprehension
dns_qr2 = b"".join([bytes([len(tld)]) + tld.encode() for tld in shalf.split(".")]) + b"\x00\x01\x00\x01"
# Next, we must rebuild the DNS packet itself. If we try to have scapy parse either dns_qr1 or dns_qr2, they
# will look malformed, since neither contains a complete request. Therefore, we must build the entire
# DNS packet at once. First, we must remove the original DNSQR, since this contains the original request
del packet["DNS"].qd
# Once the DNSQR is removed, scapy automatically sets the qdcount to 0. Adjust it to 2
packet["DNS"].qdcount = 2
# Extract the DNS header standalone now for building
dns_header = bytes(packet["DNS"])
dns_packet = DNS(dns_header + dns_qr1 + dns_qr2)
del packet["DNS"]
packet = packet / dns_packet
# Since the size and data of the packet have changed, force scapy to recalculate the important fields
# in below layers, if applicable
if packet.haslayer("IP"):
del packet["IP"].chksum
del packet["IP"].len
if packet.haslayer("TCP"):
del packet["TCP"].chksum
if packet.haslayer("UDP"):
del packet["UDP"].chksum
del packet["UDP"].len
return packet
class DNSQRLayer(Layer):
Defines an interface to access DNSQR header fields.
name = "DNSQR"
protocol = DNSQR
_fields = [
fields = _fields
def __init__(self, layer):
Initializes the DNS layer.
Layer.__init__(self, layer)
self.getters = {
"qname" : self.get_qname
self.generators = {
"qname" : self.gen_qname
def get_qname(self, field):
Returns decoded qname from packet.
return self.layer.qname.decode('utf-8')
def gen_qname(self, field):
Generates domain name.
return ""
def name_matches(cls, name):
Scapy returns the name of DNSQR as _both_ DNSQR and "DNS Question Record",
which breaks parsing. Override the name_matches method to handle that case
return name.upper() in ["DNSQR", "DNS QUESTION RECORD"]

View File

@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ import actions.layer
@ -64,9 +66,25 @@ class Packet():
def _str_load(packet, protocol):
Prints packet payload
Prints DNS header for now
return str(packet[protocol].payload)
if packet.haslayer("DNS") and packet.haslayer("DNSQR"):
res = "%s:%s:%s " % (
DNS_res = ""
for i in range(packet["DNS"].ancount):
dnsrr = packet["DNS"].an[i]
DNS_res += " " + ':'.join([str(dnsrr.rrname.decode('utf8')),
return "%s %s" % (res, DNS_res)
return str(packet[protocol].payload)
def __bytes__(self):
@ -238,3 +256,77 @@ class Packet():
return layer
return None
def reset_restrictions():
Removes layer and field restrictions.
for layer in SUPPORTED_LAYERS:
def restrict_fields(logger, filter_protocols, filter_fields, disable_fields):
Validates input arguments. Used by to restrict the scope
of this evolution.
if not disable_fields:
disable_fields = []
# First, apply a field whitelist if it was requested
valid = []
if filter_fields:
for layer in SUPPORTED_LAYERS:
new_fields = []
for field in filter_fields:
if field in layer.fields:
layer.fields = new_fields
if valid and logger:"Strategies will only be allowed to use fields: %s" % ", ".join(list(set(valid))))
elif logger:
logger.error("None of the given fields exist in the packet headers of given protocols.")
# Apply a field blacklist if it was requested
for field in disable_fields:
for layer in SUPPORTED_LAYERS:
layer.fields = [f for f in layer.fields if f not in disable_fields]
if disable_fields and logger:"Strategies will not be allowed to use fields %s" % ", ".join(disable_fields))
allowed_layers = []
# Finally, filter protocols
for protocol in filter_protocols:
allowed_layer = Packet.get_supported_protocol(protocol)
if not allowed_layer:
if logger:
logger.error("%s not a supported protocol." % protocol)
# Only keep the layer allowed if it contains allowed fields
if allowed_layer.fields:
assert allowed_layers, "Cannot evolve with no available packet layers!"
SUPPORTED_LAYERS = allowed_layers
if logger and allowed_layers:"Strategies will only be allowed to use protocols: %s" % ", ".join([ for l in allowed_layers]))
def dns_decompress(self, logger):
Performs DNS decompression, if applicable. Returns a new packet.
self.packet = actions.layer.DNSLayer.dns_decompress(self.packet, logger)
self.layers = self.setup_layers()
return self

tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
import logging
import pytest
import actions.packet
import actions.layer
from scapy.all import IP, TCP, UDP, DNS, DNSQR, Raw, DNSRR
logger = logging.getLogger("test")
def test_parse_layers():
Tests layer parsing.
pkt = IP()/TCP()/Raw("")
packet = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
layers = list(packet.read_layers())
assert layers[0].name == "IP"
assert layers[1].name == "TCP"
layers_dict = packet.setup_layers()
assert layers_dict["IP"]
assert layers_dict["TCP"]
def test_get_random():
Tests get random
tcplayer = actions.layer.TCPLayer(TCP())
field, value = tcplayer.get_random()
assert field in actions.layer.TCPLayer.fields
def test_gen_random():
Tests gen random
for i in range(0, 2000):
layer, field, value = actions.packet.Packet().gen_random()
assert layer in [DNS, TCP, UDP, IP, DNSQR]
def test_dnsqr():
Tests DNSQR.
pkt = UDP()/DNS(ancount=1)/DNSQR()
packet = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
assert len(packet.layers) == 3
assert "UDP" in packet.layers
assert "DNS" in packet.layers
assert "DNSQR" in packet.layers
pkt = IP()/UDP()/DNS()/DNSQR()
packet = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
assert str(packet)
def test_load():
Tests loads.
tcp = actions.layer.TCPLayer(TCP())
assert tcp.gen("load")
pkt = IP()/"datadata"
p = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
assert p.get("IP", "load") == "datadata"
p2 = actions.packet.Packet(IP(bytes(p)))
assert p2.get("IP", "load") == "datadata"
p2.set("IP", "load", "data2")
# Check p is unchanged
assert p.get("IP", "load") == "datadata"
assert p2.get("IP", "load") == "data2"
# Check that we can dump
assert p2.show2(dump=True)
# Check that we can dump
assert p2.get("IP", "chksum") == None
pkt = IP()/TCP()/"datadata"
p = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
assert p.get("TCP", "load") == "datadata"
p2 = actions.packet.Packet(IP(bytes(p)))
assert p2.get("TCP", "load") == "datadata"
p2.set("TCP", "load", "data2")
# Check p is unchanged
assert p.get("TCP", "load") == "datadata"
assert p2.get("TCP", "load") == "data2"
assert p2.get("IP", "chksum") == None
def test_parse_load(log_level):
Tests load parsing.
pkt = actions.packet.Packet(IP()/TCP()/"TYPE A\r\n")
print("Parsed: %s" % pkt.get("TCP", "load"))
strat = actions.utils.parse("[TCP:load:TYPE%20A%0D%0A]-drop-| \/", logger)
results = strat.act_on_packet(pkt, logger)
assert not results
value = pkt.gen("TCP", "load") + " " + pkt.gen("TCP", "load")
pkt.set("TCP", "load", value)
assert " " not in pkt.get("TCP", "load"), "%s contained a space!" % pkt.get("TCP", "load")
def test_dns():
Tests DNS layer.
dns = actions.layer.DNSLayer(DNS())
assert dns.gen("id")
p = actions.packet.Packet(DNS(id=0xabcd))
p2 = actions.packet.Packet(DNS(bytes(p)))
assert p.get("DNS", "id") == 0xabcd
assert p2.get("DNS", "id") == 0xabcd
p2.set("DNS", "id", 0x4321)
assert p.get("DNS", "id") == 0xabcd # Check p is unchanged
assert p2.get("DNS", "id") == 0x4321
dns = actions.packet.Packet(DNS(aa=1))
assert dns.get("DNS", "aa") == 1
aa = dns.gen("DNS", "aa")
assert aa == 0 or aa == 1
assert dns.get("DNS", "aa") == 1 # Original value unchanged
dns = actions.packet.Packet(DNS(opcode=15))
assert dns.get("DNS", "opcode") == 15
opcode = dns.gen("DNS", "opcode")
assert opcode >= 0 and opcode <= 15
assert dns.get("DNS", "opcode") == 15 # Original value unchanged
dns.set("DNS", "opcode", 3)
assert dns.get("DNS", "opcode") == 3
dns = actions.packet.Packet(DNS(qr=0))
assert dns.get("DNS", "qr") == 0
qr = dns.gen("DNS", "qr")
assert qr == 0 or qr == 1
assert dns.get("DNS", "qr") == 0 # Original value unchanged
dns.set("DNS", "qr", 1)
assert dns.get("DNS", "qr") == 1
dns = actions.packet.Packet(DNS(arcount=0xAABB))
assert dns.get("DNS", "arcount") == 0xAABB
arcount = dns.gen("DNS", "arcount")
assert arcount >= 0 and arcount <= 0xffff
assert dns.get("DNS", "arcount") == 0xAABB # Original value unchanged
dns.set("DNS", "arcount", 65432)
assert dns.get("DNS", "arcount") == 65432
dns = actions.layer.DNSLayer(DNS()/DNSQR(qname=""))
assert isinstance(dns.get_next_layer(), DNSQR)
assert dns.gen("id")
p = actions.packet.Packet(DNS(id=0xabcd))
p2 = actions.packet.Packet(DNS(bytes(p)))
assert p.get("DNS", "id") == 0xabcd
assert p2.get("DNS", "id") == 0xabcd
def test_read_layers():
Tests the ability to read each layer
packet = IP() / UDP() / TCP() / DNS() / DNSQR(qname="") / DNSQR(qname="") / DNSQR(qname="")
packet_geneva = actions.packet.Packet(packet)
i = 0
for layer in packet_geneva.read_layers():
if i == 0:
assert isinstance(layer, actions.layer.IPLayer)
elif i == 1:
assert isinstance(layer, actions.layer.UDPLayer)
elif i == 2:
assert isinstance(layer, actions.layer.TCPLayer)
elif i == 3:
assert isinstance(layer, actions.layer.DNSLayer)
elif i == 4:
assert isinstance(layer, actions.layer.DNSQRLayer)
assert layer.layer.qname == b""
elif i == 5:
assert isinstance(layer, actions.layer.DNSQRLayer)
assert layer.layer.qname == b""
elif i == 6:
assert isinstance(layer, actions.layer.DNSQRLayer)
assert layer.layer.qname == b""
i += 1
def test_multi_opts():
Tests various option getting/setting.
pkt = IP()/TCP(options=[('MSS', 1460), ('SAckOK', b''), ('Timestamp', (4154603075, 0)), ('NOP', None), ('WScale', 7)])
packet = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
assert packet.get("TCP", "options-sackok") == ''
assert packet.get("TCP", "options-mss") == 1460
assert packet.get("TCP", "options-timestamp") == 4154603075
assert packet.get("TCP", "options-wscale") == 7
packet.set("TCP", "options-timestamp", 400000000)
assert packet.get("TCP", "options-sackok") == ''
assert packet.get("TCP", "options-mss") == 1460
assert packet.get("TCP", "options-timestamp") == 400000000
assert packet.get("TCP", "options-wscale") == 7
pkt = IP()/TCP(options=[('SAckOK', b''), ('Timestamp', (4154603075, 0)), ('NOP', None), ('WScale', 7)])
packet = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
# If the option isn't present, it will be returned as an empty string
assert packet.get("TCP", "options-mss") == ''
packet.set("TCP", "options-mss", "")
assert packet.get("TCP", "options-mss") == 0
def test_options_eol():
Tests options-eol.
pkt = TCP(options=[("EOL", None)])
p = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
assert p.get("TCP", "options-eol") == ""
p2 = actions.packet.Packet(TCP(bytes(p)))
assert p2.get("TCP", "options-eol") == ""
p = actions.packet.Packet(IP()/TCP(options=[]))
assert p.get("TCP", "options-eol") == ""
p.set("TCP", "options-eol", "")
assert len(p["TCP"].options) == 1
assert any(k == "EOL" for k, v in p["TCP"].options)
value = p.gen("TCP", "options-eol")
assert value == "", "eol cannot store data"
p.set("TCP", "options-eol", value)
p2 = TCP(bytes(p))
assert any(k == "EOL" for k, v in p2["TCP"].options)
def test_options_mss():
Tests options-eol.
pkt = TCP(options=[("MSS", 1440)])
p = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
assert p.get("TCP", "options-mss") == 1440
p2 = actions.packet.Packet(TCP(bytes(p)))
assert p2.get("TCP", "options-mss") == 1440
p = actions.packet.Packet(TCP(options=[]))
assert p.get("TCP", "options-mss") == ""
p.set("TCP", "options-mss", 2880)
assert len(p["TCP"].options) == 1
assert any(k == "MSS" for k, v in p["TCP"].options)
value = p.gen("TCP", "options-mss")
p.set("TCP", "options-mss", value)
p2 = TCP(bytes(p))
assert any(k == "MSS" for k, v in p2["TCP"].options)
def check_get(protocol, field, value):
Checks if the get method worked for this protocol, field, and value.
pkt = protocol()
setattr(pkt, field, value)
packet = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
assert packet.get(protocol.__name__, field) == value
def get_test_configs():
Generates test configurations for the getters.
return [
(IP, 'version', 4),
(IP, 'version', 6),
(IP, 'version', 0),
(IP, 'ihl', 0),
(IP, 'tos', 0),
(IP, 'len', 50),
(IP, 'len', 6),
(IP, 'flags', 'MF'),
(IP, 'flags', 'DF'),
(IP, 'flags', 'MF+DF'),
(IP, 'ttl', 25),
(IP, 'proto', 4),
(IP, 'chksum', 0x4444),
(IP, 'src', ''),
(IP, 'dst', ''),
(TCP, 'sport', 12345),
(TCP, 'dport', 55555),
(TCP, 'seq', 123123123),
(TCP, 'ack', 181818181),
(TCP, 'dataofs', 5),
(TCP, 'dataofs', 0),
(TCP, 'dataofs', 15),
(TCP, 'reserved', 0),
(TCP, 'window', 100),
(TCP, 'chksum', 0x4444),
(TCP, 'urgptr', 1),
(DNS, 'id', 0xabcd),
(DNS, 'qr', 1),
(DNS, 'opcode', 9),
(DNS, 'aa', 0),
(DNS, 'tc', 1),
(DNS, 'rd', 0),
(DNS, 'ra', 1),
(DNS, 'z', 0),
(DNS, 'ad', 1),
(DNS, 'cd', 0),
(DNS, 'qdcount', 0x1234),
(DNS, 'ancount', 12345),
(DNS, 'nscount', 49870),
(DNS, 'arcount', 0xABCD),
(DNSQR, 'qname', ''),
(DNSQR, 'qtype', 1),
(DNSQR, 'qclass', 0),
def get_custom_configs():
Generates test configurations that can use the custom getters.
return [
(IP, 'flags', ''),
(TCP, 'options-eol', ''),
(TCP, 'options-nop', ''),
(TCP, 'options-mss', 0),
(TCP, 'options-mss', 1440),
(TCP, 'options-mss', 5000),
(TCP, 'options-wscale', 20),
(TCP, 'options-sackok', ''),
(TCP, 'options-sack', ''),
(TCP, 'options-timestamp', 12345678),
(TCP, 'options-altchksum', 0x44),
(TCP, 'options-altchksumopt', ''),
(TCP, 'options-uto', 1),
#(TCP, 'options-md5header', 'deadc0ffee')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("config", get_test_configs(),
ids=['%s-%s-%s' % (proto.__name__, field, str(val)) for proto, field, val in get_test_configs()])
def test_get(config):
Tests value retrieval.
proto, field, val = config
check_get(proto, field, val)
def check_set_get(protocol, field, value):
Checks if the get method worked for this protocol, field, and value.
pkt = actions.packet.Packet(protocol())
pkt.set(protocol.__name__, field, value)
assert pkt.get(protocol.__name__, field) == value
# Rebuild the packet to confirm the type survived
pkt2 = actions.packet.Packet(protocol(bytes(pkt)))
assert pkt2.get(protocol.__name__, field) == value, "Value %s for header %s didn't survive packet parsing." % (value, field)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("config", get_test_configs() + get_custom_configs(),
ids=['%s-%s-%s' % (proto.__name__, field, str(val)) for proto, field, val in get_test_configs() + get_custom_configs()])
def test_set_get(config):
Tests value retrieval.
proto, field, value = config
check_set_get(proto, field, value)
def check_gen_set_get(protocol, field):
Checks if the get method worked for this protocol, field, and value.
pkt = actions.packet.Packet(protocol())
new_value = pkt.gen(protocol.__name__, field)
pkt.set(protocol.__name__, field, new_value)
assert pkt.get(protocol.__name__, field) == new_value
# Rebuild the packet to confirm the type survived
pkt2 = actions.packet.Packet(protocol(bytes(pkt)))
assert pkt2.get(protocol.__name__, field) == new_value
@pytest.mark.parametrize("config", get_test_configs() + get_custom_configs(),
ids=['%s-%s' % (proto.__name__, field) for proto, field, _ in get_test_configs() + get_custom_configs()])
def test_gen_set_get(config):
Tests value retrieval.
# Test each generator 50 times to hit a range of values
for i in range(0, 50):
proto, field, _ = config
check_gen_set_get(proto, field)
def test_custom_get():
Tests value retrieval for custom getters.
pkt = IP()/TCP()/Raw(load="AAAA")
tcp = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
assert tcp.get("TCP", "load") == "AAAA"
def test_restrict_fields():
Tests packet field restriction.
actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS = [
tcpfields = actions.layer.TCPLayer.fields
udpfields = actions.layer.UDPLayer.fields
ipfields = actions.layer.IPLayer.fields
actions.packet.Packet.restrict_fields(logger, ["TCP", "UDP"], [], [])
assert len(actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS) == 2
assert actions.layer.TCPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
assert actions.layer.UDPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
assert not actions.layer.IPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
pkt = IP()/TCP()
packet = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
assert "TCP" in packet.layers
assert not "IP" in packet.layers
assert len(packet.layers) == 1
for i in range(0, 2000):
layer, proto, field = actions.packet.Packet().gen_random()
assert layer in [TCP, UDP]
# Check we can't retrieve any IP fields
for field in actions.layer.IPLayer.fields:
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
packet.get("IP", field)
# Check we can get all the TCP fields
for field in actions.layer.TCPLayer.fields:
packet.get("TCP", field)
actions.packet.Packet.restrict_fields(logger, ["TCP", "UDP"], ["flags"], [])
packet = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
assert len(actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS) == 1
assert actions.layer.TCPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
assert not actions.layer.UDPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
assert not actions.layer.IPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
assert actions.layer.TCPLayer.fields == ["flags"]
assert not actions.layer.UDPLayer.fields
# Check we can't retrieve any IP fields
for field in actions.layer.IPLayer.fields:
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
packet.get("IP", field)
# Check we can get all the TCP fields
for field in tcpfields:
if field == "flags":
packet.get("TCP", field)
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
packet.get("TCP", field)
for i in range(0, 2000):
layer, field, value = actions.packet.Packet().gen_random()
assert layer == TCP
assert field == "flags"
actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS = [
actions.packet.Packet.restrict_fields(logger, ["TCP", "IP"], [], ["sport", "dport", "seq", "src"])
packet = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
packet = packet.copy()
assert packet.has_supported_layers()
assert len(actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS) == 2
assert actions.layer.TCPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
assert not actions.layer.UDPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
assert actions.layer.IPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
assert set(actions.layer.TCPLayer.fields) == set([f for f in tcpfields if f not in ["sport", "dport", "seq"]])
assert set(actions.layer.IPLayer.fields) == set([f for f in ipfields if f not in ["src"]])
# Check we can't retrieve any IP fields
for field in actions.layer.IPLayer.fields:
if field == "src":
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
packet.get("IP", field)
packet.get("IP", field)
# Check we can get all the TCP fields
for field in tcpfields:
if field in ["sport", "dport", "seq"]:
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
packet.get("TCP", field)
packet.get("TCP", field)
for i in range(0, 2000):
layer, field, value = actions.packet.Packet().gen_random()
assert layer in [TCP, IP]
assert field not in ["sport", "dport", "seq", "src"]
actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS = [
actions.packet.Packet.restrict_fields(logger, ["IP", "UDP", "DNS"], [], ["version"])
packet = actions.packet.Packet(pkt)
proto, field, value = packet.get_random()
assert proto.__name__ in ["IP", "UDP"]
assert len(actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS) == 2
assert not actions.layer.TCPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
assert actions.layer.UDPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
assert actions.layer.IPLayer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS
assert set(actions.layer.IPLayer.fields) == set([f for f in ipfields if f not in ["version"]])
assert set(actions.layer.UDPLayer.fields) == set(udpfields)
for layer in actions.packet.SUPPORTED_LAYERS:
assert layer.fields, '%s has no fields - reset failed!' % str(layer)