
792 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

cl_scrn.c - refresh screen
Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "common.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "vgui_draw.h"
#include "qfont.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "library.h"
convar_t *scr_centertime;
convar_t *scr_loading;
convar_t *scr_download;
convar_t *scr_viewsize;
convar_t *cl_testlights;
convar_t *cl_allow_levelshots;
convar_t *cl_levelshot_name;
static convar_t *cl_envshot_size;
convar_t *v_dark;
static convar_t *net_speeds;
static convar_t *cl_showfps;
2021-03-06 22:03:19 +01:00
static convar_t *cl_showpos;
typedef struct
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
} dirty_t;
static dirty_t scr_dirty, scr_old_dirty[2];
static qboolean scr_init = false;
void SCR_DrawFPS( int height )
float calc;
rgba_t color;
double newtime;
static double nexttime = 0, lasttime = 0;
static double framerate = 0;
static int framecount = 0;
static int minfps = 9999;
static int maxfps = 0;
char fpsstring[64];
int offset;
if( cls.state != ca_active || !cl_showfps->value || cl.background )
switch( cls.scrshot_action )
case scrshot_normal:
case scrshot_snapshot:
case scrshot_inactive:
default: return;
newtime = Sys_DoubleTime();
if( newtime >= nexttime )
framerate = framecount / (newtime - lasttime);
lasttime = newtime;
nexttime = Q_max( nexttime + 1.0, lasttime - 1.0 );
framecount = 0;
calc = framerate;
if( calc < 1.0f )
Q_snprintf( fpsstring, sizeof( fpsstring ), "%4i spf", (int)(1.0f / calc + 0.5f));
MakeRGBA( color, 255, 0, 0, 255 );
int curfps = (int)(calc + 0.5f);
if( curfps < minfps ) minfps = curfps;
if( curfps > maxfps ) maxfps = curfps;
if( cl_showfps->value == 2 )
Q_snprintf( fpsstring, sizeof( fpsstring ), "fps: ^1%4i min, ^3%4i cur, ^2%4i max", minfps, curfps, maxfps );
else Q_snprintf( fpsstring, sizeof( fpsstring ), "%4i fps", curfps );
MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
Con_DrawStringLen( fpsstring, &offset, NULL );
Con_DrawString( refState.width - offset - 4, height, fpsstring, color );
2021-03-06 22:03:19 +01:00
Draw local player position, angles and velocity
void SCR_DrawPos( void )
static char msg[MAX_SYSPATH];
float speed;
cl_entity_t *ent;
rgba_t color;
if( cls.state != ca_active || !cl_showpos->value || cl.background )
ent = CL_GetLocalPlayer();
speed = VectorLength( cl.simvel );
Q_snprintf( msg, MAX_SYSPATH,
"pos: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n"
"ang: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n"
"velocity: %.2f",
cl.simorg[0], cl.simorg[1], cl.simorg[2],
// should we use entity angles or viewangles?
// view isn't always bound to player
ent->angles[0], ent->angles[1], ent->angles[2],
speed );
MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
Con_DrawString( refState.width / 2, 4, msg, color );
same as r_speeds but for network channel
void SCR_NetSpeeds( void )
static char msg[MAX_SYSPATH];
int x, y;
float time = cl.mtime[0];
static int min_svfps = 100;
static int max_svfps = 0;
int cur_svfps = 0;
static int min_clfps = 100;
static int max_clfps = 0;
int cur_clfps = 0;
rgba_t color;
cl_font_t *font = Con_GetCurFont();
if( !host.allow_console )
2018-04-26 02:09:36 +02:00
if( !net_speeds->value || cls.state != ca_active )
// prevent to get too big values at max
if( cl_serverframetime() > 0.0001f )
cur_svfps = Q_rint( 1.0f / cl_serverframetime( ));
if( cur_svfps < min_svfps ) min_svfps = cur_svfps;
if( cur_svfps > max_svfps ) max_svfps = cur_svfps;
// prevent to get too big values at max
if( cl_clientframetime() > 0.0001f )
cur_clfps = Q_rint( 1.0f / cl_clientframetime( ));
if( cur_clfps < min_clfps ) min_clfps = cur_clfps;
if( cur_clfps > max_clfps ) max_clfps = cur_clfps;
Q_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ),
"Updaterate: ^1%2i min, ^3%2i cur, ^2%2i max\n"
"Client FPS: ^1%i min, ^3%3i cur, ^2%3i max\n"
"Game Time: %02d:%02d\n"
"Total received from server: %s\n"
"Total sent to server: %s\n",
min_svfps, cur_svfps, max_svfps,
min_clfps, cur_clfps, max_clfps,
(int)(time / 60.0f ), (int)fmod( time, 60.0f ),
Q_memprint( cls.netchan.total_received ),
Q_memprint( cls.netchan.total_sended )
x = refState.width - 320 * font->scale;
y = 384;
MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
CL_DrawString( x, y, msg, color, font, FONT_DRAW_RESETCOLORONLF );
void SCR_RSpeeds( void )
2018-06-09 00:28:35 +02:00
char msg[2048];
if( !host.allow_console )
if( ref.dllFuncs.R_SpeedsMessage( msg, sizeof( msg )))
int x, y;
rgba_t color;
cl_font_t *font = Con_GetCurFont();
x = refState.width - 340 * font->scale;
y = 64;
MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
CL_DrawString( x, y, msg, color, font, FONT_DRAW_RESETCOLORONLF );
creates levelshot at next frame
void SCR_MakeLevelShot( void )
if( cls.scrshot_request != scrshot_plaque )
// make levelshot at nextframe()
Cbuf_AddText( "levelshot\n" );
Create overview script file
void VID_WriteOverviewScript( void )
ref_overview_t *ov = &clgame.overView;
string filename;
file_t *f;
Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "overviews/%s.txt", clgame.mapname );
f = FS_Open( filename, "w", false );
if( !f ) return;
FS_Printf( f, "// overview description file for %s.bsp\n\n", clgame.mapname );
FS_Print( f, "global\n{\n" );
FS_Printf( f, "\tZOOM\t%.2f\n", ov->flZoom );
FS_Printf( f, "\tORIGIN\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n", ov->origin[0], ov->origin[1], ov->origin[2] );
FS_Printf( f, "\tROTATED\t%i\n", ov->rotated ? 1 : 0 );
FS_Print( f, "}\n\nlayer\n{\n" );
FS_Printf( f, "\tIMAGE\t\"overviews/%s.bmp\"\n", clgame.mapname );
FS_Printf( f, "\tHEIGHT\t%.2f\n", ov->zFar ); // ???
FS_Print( f, "}\n" );
FS_Close( f );
create a requested screenshot type
void SCR_MakeScreenShot( void )
qboolean iRet = false;
int viewsize;
if( cls.envshot_viewsize > 0 )
viewsize = cls.envshot_viewsize;
else viewsize = cl_envshot_size->value;
switch( cls.scrshot_action )
case scrshot_normal:
iRet = ref.dllFuncs.VID_ScreenShot( cls.shotname, VID_SCREENSHOT );
case scrshot_snapshot:
iRet = ref.dllFuncs.VID_ScreenShot( cls.shotname, VID_SNAPSHOT );
case scrshot_plaque:
iRet = ref.dllFuncs.VID_ScreenShot( cls.shotname, VID_LEVELSHOT );
case scrshot_savegame:
iRet = ref.dllFuncs.VID_ScreenShot( cls.shotname, VID_MINISHOT );
case scrshot_envshot:
iRet = ref.dllFuncs.VID_CubemapShot( cls.shotname, viewsize, cls.envshot_vieworg, false );
case scrshot_skyshot:
iRet = ref.dllFuncs.VID_CubemapShot( cls.shotname, viewsize, cls.envshot_vieworg, true );
case scrshot_mapshot:
iRet = ref.dllFuncs.VID_ScreenShot( cls.shotname, VID_MAPSHOT );
if( iRet )
VID_WriteOverviewScript(); // store overview script too
case scrshot_inactive:
// report
if( iRet )
// snapshots don't writes message about image
if( cls.scrshot_action != scrshot_snapshot )
2018-10-04 08:08:48 +02:00
Con_Reportf( "Write %s\n", cls.shotname );
2018-10-04 08:08:48 +02:00
else Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Unable to write %s\n", cls.shotname );
cls.envshot_vieworg = NULL;
cls.scrshot_action = scrshot_inactive;
cls.envshot_disable_vis = false;
cls.envshot_viewsize = 0;
cls.shotname[0] = '\0';
void SCR_DrawPlaque( void )
if(( cl_allow_levelshots->value && !cls.changelevel ) || cl.background )
int levelshot = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( cl_levelshot_name->string, NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );
ref.dllFuncs.GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderNormal );
ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, refState.width, refState.height, 0, 0, 1, 1, levelshot );
if( !cl.background ) CL_DrawHUD( CL_LOADING );
void SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque( qboolean is_background )
float oldclear = 0;;
S_StopAllSounds( true );
cl.audio_prepped = false; // don't play ambients
2019-06-17 06:05:36 +02:00
cl.video_prepped = false;
2020-01-11 17:01:55 +01:00
if( !Host_IsDedicated() )
oldclear = gl_clear->value;
if( CL_IsInMenu( ) && !cls.changedemo && !is_background )
UI_SetActiveMenu( false );
if( cls.state == ca_disconnected && !(GameState->curstate == STATE_RUNFRAME && GameState->nextstate != STATE_RUNFRAME) )
if( cls.state == ca_disconnected || cls.disable_screen )
return; // already set
if( cls.key_dest == key_console )
2020-01-11 17:01:55 +01:00
if( !Host_IsDedicated() )
gl_clear->value = 0.0f;
if( is_background ) IN_MouseSavePos( );
cls.draw_changelevel = !is_background;
cls.disable_screen = host.realtime;
cl.background = is_background; // set right state before svc_serverdata is came
2020-01-11 17:01:55 +01:00
if( !Host_IsDedicated() )
gl_clear->value = oldclear;
2020-01-12 00:39:30 +01:00
// SNDDMA_LockSound();
void SCR_EndLoadingPlaque( void )
cls.disable_screen = 0.0f;
// SNDDMA_UnlockSound();
void SCR_AddDirtyPoint( int x, int y )
if( x < scr_dirty.x1 ) scr_dirty.x1 = x;
if( x > scr_dirty.x2 ) scr_dirty.x2 = x;
if( y < scr_dirty.y1 ) scr_dirty.y1 = y;
if( y > scr_dirty.y2 ) scr_dirty.y2 = y;
void SCR_DirtyScreen( void )
SCR_AddDirtyPoint( 0, 0 );
SCR_AddDirtyPoint( refState.width - 1, refState.height - 1 );
void SCR_TileClear( void )
int i, top, bottom, left, right;
dirty_t clear;
if( scr_viewsize->value >= 120 )
return; // full screen rendering
// erase rect will be the union of the past three frames
// so tripple buffering works properly
clear = scr_dirty;
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
if( scr_old_dirty[i].x1 < clear.x1 )
clear.x1 = scr_old_dirty[i].x1;
if( scr_old_dirty[i].x2 > clear.x2 )
clear.x2 = scr_old_dirty[i].x2;
if( scr_old_dirty[i].y1 < clear.y1 )
clear.y1 = scr_old_dirty[i].y1;
if( scr_old_dirty[i].y2 > clear.y2 )
clear.y2 = scr_old_dirty[i].y2;
scr_old_dirty[1] = scr_old_dirty[0];
scr_old_dirty[0] = scr_dirty;
scr_dirty.x1 = 9999;
scr_dirty.x2 = -9999;
scr_dirty.y1 = 9999;
scr_dirty.y2 = -9999;
if( clear.y2 <= clear.y1 )
return; // nothing disturbed
2018-10-04 08:08:48 +02:00
top = clgame.viewport[1];
bottom = top + clgame.viewport[3] - 1;
left = clgame.viewport[0];
right = left + clgame.viewport[2] - 1;
if( clear.y1 < top )
// clear above view screen
i = clear.y2 < top-1 ? clear.y2 : top - 1;
ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawTileClear( cls.tileImage, clear.x1, clear.y1, clear.x2 - clear.x1 + 1, i - clear.y1 + 1 );
clear.y1 = top;
if( clear.y2 > bottom )
// clear below view screen
i = clear.y1 > bottom + 1 ? clear.y1 : bottom + 1;
ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawTileClear( cls.tileImage, clear.x1, i, clear.x2 - clear.x1 + 1, clear.y2 - i + 1 );
clear.y2 = bottom;
if( clear.x1 < left )
// clear left of view screen
i = clear.x2 < left - 1 ? clear.x2 : left - 1;
ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawTileClear( cls.tileImage, clear.x1, clear.y1, i - clear.x1 + 1, clear.y2 - clear.y1 + 1 );
clear.x1 = left;
if( clear.x2 > right )
// clear left of view screen
i = clear.x1 > right + 1 ? clear.x1 : right + 1;
ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawTileClear( cls.tileImage, i, clear.y1, clear.x2 - i + 1, clear.y2 - clear.y1 + 1 );
clear.x2 = right;
This is called every frame, and can also be called explicitly to flush
text to the screen.
void SCR_UpdateScreen( void )
if( !V_PreRender( )) return;
switch( cls.state )
case ca_disconnected:
Con_RunConsole ();
case ca_connecting:
case ca_connected:
case ca_validate:
case ca_active:
Con_RunConsole ();
case ca_cinematic:
Host_Error( "SCR_UpdateScreen: bad cls.state\n" );
void SCR_LoadCreditsFont( void )
cl_font_t *const font = &cls.creditsFont;
qboolean success = false;
float scale = hud_fontscale->value;
dword crc = 0;
2018-04-17 02:54:07 +02:00
// replace default gfx.wad textures by current charset's font
if( !CRC32_File( &crc, "gfx.wad" ) || crc == 0x49eb9f16 )
string charsetFnt;
if( Q_snprintf( charsetFnt, sizeof( charsetFnt ),
"creditsfont_%s.fnt", Cvar_VariableString( "con_charset" )) > 0 )
if( FS_FileExists( charsetFnt, false ))
success = Con_LoadVariableWidthFont( charsetFnt, font, scale, kRenderTransAdd, TF_FONT );
2018-04-17 02:54:07 +02:00
2023-01-27 17:07:26 +01:00
if( !success )
success = Con_LoadVariableWidthFont( "gfx/creditsfont.fnt", font, scale, kRenderTransAdd, TF_FONT );
2023-01-27 17:07:26 +01:00
if( !success )
success = Con_LoadFixedWidthFont( "gfx/conchars", font, scale, kRenderTransAdd, TF_FONT );
// copy font size for client.dll
if( success )
int i;
clgame.scrInfo.iCharHeight = cls.creditsFont.charHeight;
for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( cls.creditsFont.charWidths ); i++ )
clgame.scrInfo.charWidths[i] = cls.creditsFont.charWidths[i];
2023-01-27 17:07:26 +01:00
else Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "failed to load HUD font\n" );
void SCR_InstallParticlePalette( void )
rgbdata_t *pic;
int i;
// first check 'palette.lmp' then 'palette.pal'
2018-06-12 11:14:56 +02:00
if( !pic ) pic = FS_LoadImage( DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_PALETTE, NULL, 0 );
// NOTE: imagelib required this fakebuffer for loading internal palette
if( !pic ) pic = FS_LoadImage( "#valve.pal", (byte *)&i, 768 );
if( pic )
for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
clgame.palette[i].r = pic->palette[i*4+0];
clgame.palette[i].g = pic->palette[i*4+1];
clgame.palette[i].b = pic->palette[i*4+2];
FS_FreeImage( pic );
2018-06-12 11:14:56 +02:00
// someone deleted internal palette from code...
for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
clgame.palette[i].r = i;
clgame.palette[i].g = i;
clgame.palette[i].b = i;
void SCR_RegisterTextures( void )
// register gfx.wad images
if( FS_FileExists( "gfx/paused.lmp", false ))
cls.pauseIcon = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/paused.lmp", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );
else if( FS_FileExists( "gfx/pause.lmp", false ))
cls.pauseIcon = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/pause.lmp", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );
if( FS_FileExists( "gfx/lambda.lmp", false ))
if( cl_allow_levelshots->value )
cls.loadingBar = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/lambda.lmp", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE|TF_LUMINANCE );
else cls.loadingBar = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/lambda.lmp", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );
else if( FS_FileExists( "gfx/loading.lmp", false ))
if( cl_allow_levelshots->value )
cls.loadingBar = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/loading.lmp", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE|TF_LUMINANCE );
else cls.loadingBar = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/loading.lmp", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );
cls.tileImage = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/backtile.lmp", NULL, 0, TF_NOMIPMAP );
Keybinding command
void SCR_SizeUp_f( void )
Cvar_SetValue( "viewsize", Q_min( scr_viewsize->value + 10, 120 ));
Keybinding command
void SCR_SizeDown_f( void )
Cvar_SetValue( "viewsize", Q_max( scr_viewsize->value - 10, 30 ));
void SCR_VidInit( void )
if( !ref.initialized ) // don't call VidInit too soon
memset( &clgame.ds, 0, sizeof( clgame.ds )); // reset a draw state
memset( &gameui.ds, 0, sizeof( gameui.ds )); // reset a draw state
memset( &clgame.centerPrint, 0, sizeof( clgame.centerPrint ));
// update screen sizes for menu
if( gameui.globals )
gameui.globals->scrWidth = refState.width;
gameui.globals->scrHeight = refState.height;
// notify vgui about screen size change
if( clgame.hInstance )
VGui_Startup( refState.width, refState.height );
CL_ClearSpriteTextures(); // now all hud sprites are invalid
// vid_state has changed
if( gameui.hInstance ) gameui.dllFuncs.pfnVidInit();
if( clgame.hInstance ) clgame.dllFuncs.pfnVidInit();
// restart console size
Con_VidInit ();
void SCR_Init( void )
if( scr_init ) return;
scr_centertime = Cvar_Get( "scr_centertime", "2.5", 0, "centerprint hold time" );
cl_levelshot_name = Cvar_Get( "cl_levelshot_name", "*black", 0, "contains path to current levelshot" );
cl_allow_levelshots = Cvar_Get( "allow_levelshots", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "allow engine to use indivdual levelshots instead of 'loading' image" );
scr_loading = Cvar_Get( "scr_loading", "0", 0, "loading bar progress" );
scr_download = Cvar_Get( "scr_download", "-1", 0, "downloading bar progress" );
cl_testlights = Cvar_Get( "cl_testlights", "0", 0, "test dynamic lights" );
cl_envshot_size = Cvar_Get( "cl_envshot_size", "256", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "envshot size of cube side" );
v_dark = Cvar_Get( "v_dark", "0", 0, "starts level from dark screen" );
scr_viewsize = Cvar_Get( "viewsize", "120", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "screen size" );
net_speeds = Cvar_Get( "net_speeds", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "show network packets" );
cl_showfps = Cvar_Get( "cl_showfps", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "show client fps" );
2021-03-06 22:03:19 +01:00
cl_showpos = Cvar_Get( "cl_showpos", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "show local player position and velocity" );
// register our commands
Cmd_AddCommand( "skyname", CL_SetSky_f, "set new skybox by basename" );
2018-06-19 15:22:30 +02:00
Cmd_AddCommand( "loadsky", CL_SetSky_f, "set new skybox by basename" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "viewpos", SCR_Viewpos_f, "prints current player origin" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "sizeup", SCR_SizeUp_f, "screen size up to 10 points" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "sizedown", SCR_SizeDown_f, "screen size down to 10 points" );
if( !UI_LoadProgs( ))
Con_Printf( S_ERROR "can't initialize gameui DLL: %s\n", COM_GetLibraryError() ); // there is non fatal for us
host.allow_console = true; // we need console, because menu is missing
2018-06-12 11:14:56 +02:00
SCR_LoadCreditsFont ();
SCR_RegisterTextures ();
2018-06-12 11:14:56 +02:00
SCR_InstallParticlePalette ();
if( host.allow_console && Sys_CheckParm( "-toconsole" ))
Cbuf_AddText( "toggleconsole\n" );
else UI_SetActiveMenu( true );
scr_init = true;
void SCR_Shutdown( void )
if( !scr_init ) return;
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "timerefresh" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "skyname" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "viewpos" );
UI_SetActiveMenu( false );
scr_init = false;
2018-04-14 00:49:14 +02:00