- Clear split between static and dynamic geometry within the same buffer
- Store previous frame geometry data longer
- Use simpler ring buffer for allocation
- Add waf unit tests for alolcator
Known issues:
- ray tracing still glitches a lot
Обновлённые рады и патчи карт для лучей. Куча ненужных источников выкинута, местами освещение переделано в пользу реализма. Попытка вытянуть освещение через доступные светящиеся поверхности. Список радов и патчей будет потихоньку обновляться. Это первая ревизия, во второй будут исправляться пропущенные ошибки и коррекция освещения относительно новых материалов.
Для патчей исправлен масштаб яркости у светящихся текстур.
Также теперь рад файлы лежат в data/valve/maps/ а патчи в data/valve/luchiki/maps/. Теперь возможно добавлять другие моды.
Split concerns:
- validation layers help with correctness, but not performance (*generally)
- debug markers help with profiling (and ony sometimes with correctness too)
These were conflated into a single `-vkdebug` arg.
And sometimes you need only markers and no validation for performance.
(Validation is like 30% slower)
Make it so that:
- `-vkdebug` enables only debug names and time markers, but not validation
- `-vkvalidate` enables validation layers and also debug markers
still not fully correct or robust, but passes validation
missing correctness things:
- Nx light data buffers
- Nx dynamic model buffers
- Nx dynamic BLASes
quite likely will also need (depending on update strategy, direct vs upload):
- Nx light data buffers
- Nx UBOs
probably fine since frames don't really overlap:
- single TLAS
adds multiple command buffers and bits of synchronization.
is not correct at all:
- no depth buffer barrier
- no ubo slots in render
- no proper render memory management
- no ray tracing support whatsoever
- ... etc
this moves one step closer to fully dynamic resources and automatic
next steps would be:
- passes declaring their bindings at creation time
- resources automatically preparing values based on that declaration
- automatic barriers
- single descriptor pool stored at resources (aware of frames in flight,
- parsing shaders to generate binding declaration