mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 09:10:26 +01:00
still not fully there: - glow is slightly off - TransAlpha has wrong blending mode apparently pipeline settings for brushes, models, and sprites are substantially different, need different pipelines
276 lines
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276 lines
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#version 460
#include "noise.glsl"
#include "utils.glsl"
#include "color_spaces.glsl"
#define GLSL
#include "ray_interop.h"
#undef GLSL
layout(local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 1) in;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0, rgba16f) uniform image2D out_dest;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1, rgba8) uniform readonly image2D base_color_a;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2, rgba16f) uniform readonly image2D light_poly_diffuse;
layout(set = 0, binding = 3, rgba16f) uniform readonly image2D light_poly_specular;
layout(set = 0, binding = 4, rgba16f) uniform readonly image2D light_point_diffuse;
layout(set = 0, binding = 5, rgba16f) uniform readonly image2D light_point_specular;
layout(set = 0, binding = 6, rgba16f) uniform readonly image2D emissive;
layout(set = 0, binding = 7, rgba32f) uniform readonly image2D position_t;
layout(set = 0, binding = 8, rgba16f) uniform readonly image2D normals_gs;
layout(set = 0, binding = 10, rgba32f) uniform readonly image2D geometry_prev_position;
layout(set = 0, binding = 11) uniform UBO { UniformBuffer ubo; } ubo;
layout(set = 0, binding = 12, rgba16f) uniform readonly image2D indirect_diffuse;
layout(set = 0, binding = 13, rgba16f) uniform readonly image2D indirect_specular;
layout(set = 0, binding = 14, rgba16f) uniform image2D out_temporal_diffuse;
layout(set = 0, binding = 15, rgba16f) uniform image2D prev_temporal_diffuse;
layout(set = 0, binding = 16, rgba16f) uniform image2D out_temporal_specular;
layout(set = 0, binding = 17, rgba16f) uniform image2D prev_temporal_specular;
const int INDIRECT_SCALE = 2;
//#define DEBUG_TEXTURE normals_gs
//#define DEBUG_TEXTURE emissive
//#define DEBUG_TEXTURE light_point_diffuse
// Blatantly copypasted from https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XsGfWV
vec3 aces_tonemap(vec3 color){
mat3 m1 = mat3(
0.59719, 0.07600, 0.02840,
0.35458, 0.90834, 0.13383,
0.04823, 0.01566, 0.83777
mat3 m2 = mat3(
1.60475, -0.10208, -0.00327,
-0.53108, 1.10813, -0.07276,
-0.07367, -0.00605, 1.07602
vec3 v = m1 * color;
vec3 a = v * (v + 0.0245786) - 0.000090537;
vec3 b = v * (0.983729 * v + 0.4329510) + 0.238081;
//return pow(clamp(m2 * (a / b), 0.0, 1.0), vec3(1.0 / 2.2));
return clamp(m2 * (a / b), 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 reinhard(vec3 color){
return color / (color + 1.0);
vec3 reinhard02(vec3 c, vec3 Cwhite2) {
return c * (1. + c / Cwhite2) / (1. + c);
float normpdf2(in float x2, in float sigma) { return 0.39894*exp(-0.5*x2/(sigma*sigma))/sigma; }
float normpdf(in float x, in float sigma) { return normpdf2(x*x, sigma); }
void readNormals(ivec2 uv, out vec3 geometry_normal, out vec3 shading_normal) {
const vec4 n = imageLoad(normals_gs, uv);
geometry_normal = normalDecode(n.xy);
shading_normal = normalDecode(n.zw);
struct Components {
vec3 direct_diffuse, direct_specular, indirect_diffuse, indirect_specular;
Components blurSamples(const ivec2 res, const ivec2 pix) {
Components c;
c.direct_diffuse = c.direct_specular = c.indirect_diffuse = c.indirect_specular = vec3(0.);
const vec4 center_pos = imageLoad(position_t, pix);
const int SPECULAR_KERNEL = 2;
const float direct_diffuse_sigma = DIRECT_DIFFUSE_KERNEL / 2.;
const float indirect_diffuse_sigma = INDIRECT_DIFFUSE_KERNEL / 2.;
const float specular_sigma = SPECULAR_KERNEL / 2.;
float direct_diffuse_total = 0.;
float indirect_diffuse_total = 0.;
float specular_total = 0.;
const ivec2 res_scaled = res / INDIRECT_SCALE;
for (int x = -KERNEL_SIZE; x <= KERNEL_SIZE; ++x)
for (int y = -KERNEL_SIZE; y <= KERNEL_SIZE; ++y) {
const ivec2 p = pix + ivec2(x, y);
if (any(greaterThanEqual(p, res)) || any(lessThan(p, ivec2(0)))) {
// const vec4 c = imageLoad(light_poly, p);
// if (c.a != material_index)
// continue;
vec3 sample_geometry_normal, sample_shading_normal;
readNormals(p, sample_geometry_normal, sample_shading_normal);
float scale = 1.f;
// FIXME also filter by depth, (kusok index?), etc
//scale *= smoothstep(.9, 1., dot(sample_geometry_normal, geometry_normal));
const vec4 sample_pos = imageLoad(position_t, p);
// FIXME what are these magic numbers?
scale *= smoothstep(center_pos.w * 4. / 100., 0., distance(center_pos.xyz, sample_pos.xyz));
if ( scale <= 0. )
if (all(lessThan(abs(ivec2(x, y)), ivec2(DIRECT_DIFFUSE_KERNEL))))
const float direct_diffuse_scale = scale * normpdf(x, direct_diffuse_sigma) * normpdf(y, direct_diffuse_sigma);
direct_diffuse_total += direct_diffuse_scale;
c.direct_diffuse += imageLoad(light_point_diffuse, p).rgb * direct_diffuse_scale;
c.direct_diffuse += imageLoad(light_poly_diffuse, p).rgb * direct_diffuse_scale;
if (all(lessThan(abs(ivec2(x, y)), ivec2(INDIRECT_DIFFUSE_KERNEL))))
const ivec2 pscaled = pix / INDIRECT_SCALE + ivec2(x, y);
if (all(lessThan(pscaled, res_scaled)) && all(greaterThanEqual(pscaled, ivec2(0)))) {
const float indirect_diffuse_scale = scale * normpdf(x, indirect_diffuse_sigma) * normpdf(y, indirect_diffuse_sigma);
indirect_diffuse_total += indirect_diffuse_scale;
c.indirect_diffuse += imageLoad(indirect_diffuse, pscaled).rgb * indirect_diffuse_scale;
if (all(lessThan(abs(ivec2(x, y)), ivec2(SPECULAR_KERNEL))))
const float specular_scale = scale * normpdf(x, specular_sigma) * normpdf(y, specular_sigma);
specular_total += specular_scale;
c.direct_specular += imageLoad(light_poly_specular, p).rgb * specular_scale;
c.direct_specular += imageLoad(light_point_specular, p).rgb * specular_scale;
c.indirect_specular += imageLoad(indirect_specular, p / INDIRECT_SCALE).rgb * specular_scale;
if (direct_diffuse_total > 0.)
c.direct_diffuse /= direct_diffuse_total;
if (indirect_diffuse_total > 0.)
c.indirect_diffuse *= indirect_diffuse_total;
if (specular_total > 0.) {
c.direct_specular *= specular_total;
c.indirect_specular *= specular_total;
return c;
void main() {
ivec2 res = ivec2(imageSize(base_color_a));
ivec2 pix = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID);
if (any(greaterThanEqual(pix, res))) {
/* if (pix.y < res.y / 3) { */
/* imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(pow(float(pix.x) / res.x, 2.2))); return; */
/* } else if (pix.y < res.y * 2 / 3) { */
/* imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(float(pix.x) / res.x)); return; */
/* } else { */
/* imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(sqrt(float(pix.x) / res.x))); return; */
/* } */
#if defined(DEBUG_TEXTURE)
imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(LINEARtoSRGB(imageLoad(DEBUG_TEXTURE, pix).rgb), 0.)); return;
//imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(fract(imageLoad(position_t, pix).rgb/10.), 0.)); return;
//imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(fract(imageLoad(geometry_prev_position, pix).rgb/50.), 0.)); return;
#if 0
vec3 geometry_normal, shading_normal;
readNormals(pix, geometry_normal, shading_normal);
//imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(.5 + geometry_normal * .5, 0.)); return;
imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(.5 + shading_normal * .5, 0.)); return;
/* const uint mi = uint(material_index); */
/* imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(rand3_f01(uvec3(mi,mi+1,mi+2)), 0.)); */
/* return; */
const Components c = blurSamples(res, pix);
//imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(aces_tonemap(c.direct_diffuse), 0.)); return;
//imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(aces_tonemap(c.direct_specular), 0.)); return;
//imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(aces_tonemap(c.indirect_diffuse), 0.)); return;
//imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(aces_tonemap(c.indirect_specular), 0.)); return;
vec3 colour = vec3(0.);
// DEBUG motion vectors
//colour = vec3(length(imageLoad(position_t, pix).rgb - imageLoad(prev_position_t, pix).rgb));
// TODO: need to extract reprojecting from this shader because reprojected stuff need svgf denoising pass after it
const vec3 origin = (ubo.ubo.inv_view * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.)).xyz;
const float depth = length(origin - imageLoad(position_t, pix).xyz);
const vec3 prev_position = imageLoad(geometry_prev_position, pix).rgb;
const vec4 clip_space = inverse(ubo.ubo.prev_inv_proj) * vec4((inverse(ubo.ubo.prev_inv_view) * vec4(prev_position, 1.)).xyz, 1.);
const vec2 reproj_uv = clip_space.xy / clip_space.w;
const ivec2 reproj_pix = ivec2((reproj_uv * 0.5 + vec2(0.5)) * vec2(res));
const vec3 prev_origin = (ubo.ubo.prev_inv_view * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.)).xyz;
const float depth_nessesary = length(prev_position - prev_origin);
const float depth_treshold = 0.01 * clip_space.w;
float better_depth_offset = depth_treshold;
vec3 diffuse = c.direct_diffuse + c.indirect_diffuse;
vec3 specular = c.direct_specular + c.indirect_specular;
vec3 history_diffuse = diffuse;
vec3 history_specular = specular;
const int TEMPORAL_KERNEL = 1; // lifekilled says it should be fixed
for(int x = -TEMPORAL_KERNEL; x <=TEMPORAL_KERNEL; x++) {
for(int y = -TEMPORAL_KERNEL; y <=TEMPORAL_KERNEL; y++) {
const ivec2 p = reproj_pix + ivec2(x, y);
if (any(greaterThanEqual(p, res)) || any(lessThan(p, ivec2(0)))) {
const vec4 history_diffuse_depth = imageLoad( prev_temporal_diffuse, reproj_pix );
const vec4 history_specular_sample = imageLoad( prev_temporal_specular, reproj_pix );
const float history_depth = history_diffuse_depth.w;
const float depth_offset = abs(history_depth - depth_nessesary);
if ( depth_offset < better_depth_offset ) {
better_depth_offset = depth_offset;
history_diffuse = history_diffuse_depth.rgb;
history_specular = history_specular_sample.rgb;
if (better_depth_offset < depth_treshold) {
diffuse = mix(diffuse, history_diffuse, 0.8);
specular = mix(specular, history_specular, 0.3);
imageStore(out_temporal_diffuse, pix, vec4(diffuse, depth));
imageStore(out_temporal_specular, pix, vec4(specular, 0./*unused*/));
colour = diffuse + specular;
//imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(LINEARtoSRGB(diffuse), 0.)); return;
const vec4 base_color_a = imageLoad(base_color_a, pix);
colour *= SRGBtoLINEAR(base_color_a.rgb);
colour += imageLoad(emissive, pix).rgb;
colour = LINEARtoSRGB(colour);
imageStore(out_dest, pix, vec4(colour, 0./*unused*/));