Commit Graph

169615 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Piotr Trojanek b108c2ed65 [Ada] Fix "componant" typos in comments
2019-07-01  Piotr Trojanek  <>


	* exp_attr.adb, libgnat/ Fix typos in comments:
	componant -> component.

From-SVN: r272864
2019-07-01 13:35:25 +00:00
Hristian Kirtchev 63059bf096 [Ada] Clean up of GNAT.Graphs
-- Source --

--  operations.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT;        use GNAT;
with GNAT.Graphs; use GNAT.Graphs;
with GNAT.Sets;   use GNAT.Sets;

procedure Operations is
   type Vertex_Id is
     (No_V, VA, VB, VC, VD, VE, VF, VG, VH, VX, VY, VZ);
   No_Vertex_Id : constant Vertex_Id := No_V;

   function Hash_Vertex (V : Vertex_Id) return Bucket_Range_Type;

   type Edge_Id is
    (No_E, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, E10, E97, E98, E99);
   No_Edge_Id : constant Edge_Id := No_E;

   function Hash_Edge (E : Edge_Id) return Bucket_Range_Type;

   package ES is new Membership_Sets
     (Element_Type => Edge_Id,
      "="          => "=",
      Hash         => Hash_Edge);

   package DG is new Directed_Graphs
     (Vertex_Id   => Vertex_Id,
      No_Vertex   => No_Vertex_Id,
      Hash_Vertex => Hash_Vertex,
      Same_Vertex => "=",
      Edge_Id     => Edge_Id,
      No_Edge     => No_Edge_Id,
      Hash_Edge   => Hash_Edge,
      Same_Edge   => "=");
   use DG;

   package VS is new Membership_Sets
     (Element_Type => Vertex_Id,
      "="          => "=",
      Hash         => Hash_Vertex);

   -- Local subprograms --

   procedure Check_Belongs_To_Component
     (R        : String;
      G        : Directed_Graph;
      V        : Vertex_Id;
      Exp_Comp : Component_Id);
   --  Verify that vertex V of graph G belongs to component Exp_Comp. R is the
   --  calling routine.

   procedure Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Verify that vertex V of graph G belongs to some component. R is the
   --  calling routine.

   procedure Check_Destination_Vertex
     (R     : String;
      G     : Directed_Graph;
      E     : Edge_Id;
      Exp_V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Vertify that the destination vertex of edge E of grah G is Exp_V. R is
   --  the calling routine.

   procedure Check_Distinct_Components
     (R      : String;
      Comp_1 : Component_Id;
      Comp_2 : Component_Id);
   --  Verify that components Comp_1 and Comp_2 are distinct (not the same)

   procedure Check_Has_Component
     (R      : String;
      G      : Directed_Graph;
      G_Name : String;
      Comp   : Component_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G with name G_Name contains component Comp. R is the
   --  calling routine.

   procedure Check_Has_Edge
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      E : Edge_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G contains edge E. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_Has_Vertex
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G contains vertex V. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_No_Component
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Verify that vertex V does not belong to some component. R is the calling
   --  routine.

   procedure Check_No_Component
     (R      : String;
      G      : Directed_Graph;
      G_Name : String;
      Comp   : Component_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G with name G_Name does not contain component Comp. R
   --  is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_No_Edge
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      E : Edge_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G does not contain edge E. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_No_Vertex
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G does not contain vertex V. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Components
     (R       : String;
      G       : Directed_Graph;
      Exp_Num : Natural);
   --  Verify that graph G has exactly Exp_Num components. R is the calling
   --  routine.

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Edges
     (R       : String;
      G       : Directed_Graph;
      Exp_Num : Natural);
   --  Verify that graph G has exactly Exp_Num edges. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Vertices
     (R       : String;
      G       : Directed_Graph;
      Exp_Num : Natural);
   --  Verify that graph G has exactly Exp_Num vertices. R is the calling
   --  routine.

   procedure Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator
     (R   : String;
      G   : Directed_Graph;
      V   : Vertex_Id;
      Set : ES.Membership_Set);
   --  Verify that all outgoing edges of vertex V of graph G can be iterated
   --  and appear in set Set. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_Source_Vertex
     (R     : String;
      G     : Directed_Graph;
      E     : Edge_Id;
      Exp_V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Vertify that the source vertex of edge E of grah G is Exp_V. R is the
   --  calling routine.

   procedure Check_Vertex_Iterator
     (R    : String;
      G    : Directed_Graph;
      Comp : Component_Id;
      Set  : VS.Membership_Set);
   --  Verify that all vertices of component Comp of graph G can be iterated
   --  and appear in set Set. R is the calling routine.

   function Create_And_Populate return Directed_Graph;
   --  Create a brand new graph (see body for the shape of the graph)

   procedure Error (R : String; Msg : String);
   --  Output an error message with text Msg within the context of routine R

   procedure Test_Add_Edge;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Add_Edge

   procedure Test_Add_Vertex;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Add_Vertex

   procedure Test_All_Edge_Iterator;
   --  Verify the semantics of All_Edge_Iterator

   procedure Test_All_Vertex_Iterator;
   --  Verify the semantics of All_Vertex_Iterator

   procedure Test_Component;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Component

   procedure Test_Component_Iterator;
   --  Verify the semantics of Component_Iterator

   procedure Test_Contains_Component;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Contains_Component

   procedure Test_Contains_Edge;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Contains_Edge

   procedure Test_Contains_Vertex;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Contains_Vertex

   procedure Test_Delete_Edge;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Delete_Edge

   procedure Test_Destination_Vertex;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Destination_Vertex

   procedure Test_Find_Components;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Find_Components

   procedure Test_Is_Empty;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Is_Empty

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Components;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Number_Of_Components

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Edges;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Number_Of_Edges

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Vertices;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Number_Of_Vertices

   procedure Test_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;
   --  Verify the semantics of Outgoing_Edge_Iterator

   procedure Test_Present;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Present

   procedure Test_Source_Vertex;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Source_Vertex

   procedure Test_Vertex_Iterator;
   --  Verify the semantics of Vertex_Iterator;

   procedure Unexpected_Exception (R : String);
   --  Output an error message concerning an unexpected exception within
   --  routine R.

   -- Check_Belongs_To_Component --

   procedure Check_Belongs_To_Component
     (R        : String;
      G        : Directed_Graph;
      V        : Vertex_Id;
      Exp_Comp : Component_Id)
      Act_Comp : constant Component_Id := Component (G, V);

      if Act_Comp /= Exp_Comp then
         Error (R, "inconsistent component for vertex " & V'Img);
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_Comp'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_Comp'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Belongs_To_Component;

   -- Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component --

   procedure Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      V : Vertex_Id)
      if not Present (Component (G, V)) then
         Error (R, "vertex " & V'Img & " does not belong to a component");
      end if;
   end Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component;

   -- Check_Destination_Vertex --

   procedure Check_Destination_Vertex
     (R     : String;
      G     : Directed_Graph;
      E     : Edge_Id;
      Exp_V : Vertex_Id)
      Act_V : constant Vertex_Id := Destination_Vertex (G, E);

      if Act_V /= Exp_V then
         Error (R, "inconsistent destination vertex for edge " & E'Img);
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_V'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_V'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Destination_Vertex;

   -- Check_Distinct_Components --

   procedure Check_Distinct_Components
     (R      : String;
      Comp_1 : Component_Id;
      Comp_2 : Component_Id)
      if Comp_1 = Comp_2 then
         Error (R, "components are not distinct");
      end if;
   end Check_Distinct_Components;

   -- Check_Has_Component --

   procedure Check_Has_Component
     (R      : String;
      G      : Directed_Graph;
      G_Name : String;
      Comp   : Component_Id)
      if not Contains_Component (G, Comp) then
         Error (R, "graph " & G_Name & " lacks component");
      end if;
   end Check_Has_Component;

   -- Check_Has_Edge --

   procedure Check_Has_Edge
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      E : Edge_Id)
      if not Contains_Edge (G, E) then
         Error (R, "graph lacks edge " & E'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Has_Edge;

   -- Check_Has_Vertex --

   procedure Check_Has_Vertex
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      V : Vertex_Id)
      if not Contains_Vertex (G, V) then
         Error (R, "graph lacks vertex " & V'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Has_Vertex;

   -- Check_No_Component --

   procedure Check_No_Component
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      V : Vertex_Id)
      if Present (Component (G, V)) then
         Error (R, "vertex " & V'Img & " belongs to a component");
      end if;
   end Check_No_Component;

   procedure Check_No_Component
     (R      : String;
      G      : Directed_Graph;
      G_Name : String;
      Comp   : Component_Id)
      if Contains_Component (G, Comp) then
         Error (R, "graph " & G_Name & " contains component");
      end if;
   end Check_No_Component;

   -- Check_No_Edge --

   procedure Check_No_Edge
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      E : Edge_Id)
      if Contains_Edge (G, E) then
         Error (R, "graph contains edge " & E'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_No_Edge;

   -- Check_No_Vertex --

   procedure Check_No_Vertex
     (R : String;
      G : Directed_Graph;
      V : Vertex_Id)
      if Contains_Vertex (G, V) then
         Error (R, "graph contains vertex " & V'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_No_Vertex;

   -- Check_Number_Of_Components --

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Components
     (R       : String;
      G       : Directed_Graph;
      Exp_Num : Natural)
      Act_Num : constant Natural := Number_Of_Components (G);

      if Act_Num /= Exp_Num then
         Error (R, "inconsistent number of components");
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_Num'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_Num'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Number_Of_Components;

   -- Check_Number_Of_Edges --

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Edges
     (R       : String;
      G       : Directed_Graph;
      Exp_Num : Natural)
      Act_Num : constant Natural := Number_Of_Edges (G);

      if Act_Num /= Exp_Num then
         Error (R, "inconsistent number of edges");
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_Num'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_Num'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Number_Of_Edges;

   -- Check_Number_Of_Vertices --

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Vertices
     (R       : String;
      G       : Directed_Graph;
      Exp_Num : Natural)
      Act_Num : constant Natural := Number_Of_Vertices (G);

      if Act_Num /= Exp_Num then
         Error (R, "inconsistent number of vertices");
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_Num'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_Num'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Number_Of_Vertices;

   -- Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator --

   procedure Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator
     (R   : String;
      G   : Directed_Graph;
      V   : Vertex_Id;
      Set : ES.Membership_Set)
      E : Edge_Id;

      Out_E_Iter : Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;

      --  Iterate over all outgoing edges of vertex V while removing edges seen
      --  from the set.

      Out_E_Iter := Iterate_Outgoing_Edges (G, V);
      while Has_Next (Out_E_Iter) loop
         Next (Out_E_Iter, E);

         if ES.Contains (Set, E) then
            ES.Delete (Set, E);
            Error (R, "outgoing edge " & E'Img & " is not iterated");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point the set of edges should be empty

      if not ES.Is_Empty (Set) then
         Error (R, "not all outgoing edges were iterated");
      end if;
   end Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;

   -- Check_Source_Vertex --

   procedure Check_Source_Vertex
     (R     : String;
      G     : Directed_Graph;
      E     : Edge_Id;
      Exp_V : Vertex_Id)
      Act_V : constant Vertex_Id := Source_Vertex (G, E);

      if Act_V /= Exp_V then
         Error (R, "inconsistent source vertex");
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_V'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_V'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Source_Vertex;

   -- Check_Vertex_Iterator --

   procedure Check_Vertex_Iterator
     (R    : String;
      G    : Directed_Graph;
      Comp : Component_Id;
      Set  : VS.Membership_Set)
      V : Vertex_Id;

      V_Iter : Vertex_Iterator;

      --  Iterate over all vertices of component Comp while removing vertices
      --  seen from the set.

      V_Iter := Iterate_Vertices (G, Comp);
      while Has_Next (V_Iter) loop
         Next (V_Iter, V);

         if VS.Contains (Set, V) then
            VS.Delete (Set, V);
            Error (R, "vertex " & V'Img & " is not iterated");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point the set of vertices should be empty

      if not VS.Is_Empty (Set) then
         Error (R, "not all vertices were iterated");
      end if;
   end Check_Vertex_Iterator;

   -- Create_And_Populate --

   function Create_And_Populate return Directed_Graph is
      G : constant Directed_Graph :=
            Create (Initial_Vertices => Vertex_Id'Size,
                    Initial_Edges    => Edge_Id'Size);

      --       9         8           1        2
      --  G <------ F <------  A  ------> B -------> C
      --  |                  ^ | |        ^          ^
      --  +------------------+ | +-------------------+
      --       10              |          |   3
      --                    4  |        5 |
      --                       v          |
      --            H          D ---------+
      --                      | ^
      --                      | |
      --                    6 | | 7
      --                      | |
      --                      v |
      --                       E
      --  Components:
      --    [A, F, G]
      --    [B]
      --    [C]
      --    [D, E]
      --    [H]

      Add_Vertex (G, VA);
      Add_Vertex (G, VB);
      Add_Vertex (G, VC);
      Add_Vertex (G, VD);
      Add_Vertex (G, VE);
      Add_Vertex (G, VF);
      Add_Vertex (G, VG);
      Add_Vertex (G, VH);

      Add_Edge (G, E1,  Source => VA, Destination => VB);
      Add_Edge (G, E2,  Source => VB, Destination => VC);
      Add_Edge (G, E3,  Source => VA, Destination => VC);
      Add_Edge (G, E4,  Source => VA, Destination => VD);
      Add_Edge (G, E5,  Source => VD, Destination => VB);
      Add_Edge (G, E6,  Source => VD, Destination => VE);
      Add_Edge (G, E7,  Source => VE, Destination => VD);
      Add_Edge (G, E8,  Source => VA, Destination => VF);
      Add_Edge (G, E9,  Source => VF, Destination => VG);
      Add_Edge (G, E10, Source => VG, Destination => VA);

      return G;
   end Create_And_Populate;

   -- Error --

   procedure Error (R : String; Msg : String) is
      Put_Line ("ERROR: " & R & ": " & Msg);
   end Error;

   -- Hash_Edge --

   function Hash_Edge (E : Edge_Id) return Bucket_Range_Type is
      return Bucket_Range_Type (Edge_Id'Pos (E));
   end Hash_Edge;

   -- Hash_Vertex --

   function Hash_Vertex (V : Vertex_Id) return Bucket_Range_Type is
      return Bucket_Range_Type (Vertex_Id'Pos (V));
   end Hash_Vertex;

   -- Test_Add_Edge --

   procedure Test_Add_Edge is
      R : constant String := "Test_Add_Edge";

      E : Edge_Id;
      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;

      All_E_Iter : All_Edge_Iterator;
      Out_E_Iter : Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;

      --  Try to add the same edge twice

         Add_Edge (G, E1, VB, VH);
         Error (R, "duplicate edge not detected");
         when Duplicate_Edge => null;
         when others         => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Try to add an edge with a bogus source

         Add_Edge (G, E97, Source => VX, Destination => VC);
         Error (R, "missing vertex not detected");
         when Missing_Vertex => null;
         when others         => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Try to add an edge with a bogus destination

         Add_Edge (G, E97, Source => VF, Destination => VY);
         Error (R, "missing vertex not detected");
         when Missing_Vertex => null;
         when others         => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Delete edge E1 between vertices VA and VB

         Delete_Edge (G, E1);
         when others => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Try to re-add edge E1

         Add_Edge (G, E1, Source => VA, Destination => VB);
         when others => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Lock all edges in the graph

      All_E_Iter := Iterate_All_Edges (G);

      --  Try to add an edge given that all edges are locked

         Add_Edge (G, E97, Source => VG, Destination => VH);
         Error (R, "all edges not locked");
         when Iterated => null;
         when others   => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Unlock all edges by iterating over them

      while Has_Next (All_E_Iter) loop Next (All_E_Iter, E); end loop;

      --  Lock all outgoing edges of vertex VD

      Out_E_Iter := Iterate_Outgoing_Edges (G, VD);

      --  Try to add an edge with source VD given that all edges of VD are
      --  locked.

         Add_Edge (G, E97, Source => VD, Destination => VG);
         Error (R, "outgoing edges of VD not locked");
         when Iterated => null;
         when others   => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Unlock the edges of vertex VD by iterating over them

      while Has_Next (Out_E_Iter) loop Next (Out_E_Iter, E); end loop;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Add_Edge;

   -- Test_Add_Vertex --

   procedure Test_Add_Vertex is
      R : constant String := "Test_Add_Vertex";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;
      V : Vertex_Id;

      All_V_Iter : All_Vertex_Iterator;

      --  Try to add the same vertex twice

         Add_Vertex (G, VD);
         Error (R, "duplicate vertex not detected");
         when Duplicate_Vertex => null;
         when others           => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Lock all vertices in the graph

      All_V_Iter := Iterate_All_Vertices (G);

      --  Try to add a vertex given that all vertices are locked

         Add_Vertex (G, VZ);
         Error (R, "all vertices not locked");
         when Iterated => null;
         when others   => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Unlock all vertices by iterating over them

      while Has_Next (All_V_Iter) loop Next (All_V_Iter, V); end loop;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Add_Vertex;

   -- Test_All_Edge_Iterator --

   procedure Test_All_Edge_Iterator is
      R : constant String := "Test_All_Edge_Iterator";

      E : Edge_Id;
      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;

      All_E_Iter : All_Edge_Iterator;
      All_Edges  : ES.Membership_Set;

      --  Collect all expected edges in a set

      All_Edges := ES.Create (Number_Of_Edges (G));

      for Curr_E in E1 .. E10 loop
         ES.Insert (All_Edges, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Iterate over all edges while removing encountered edges from the set

      All_E_Iter := Iterate_All_Edges (G);
      while Has_Next (All_E_Iter) loop
         Next (All_E_Iter, E);

         if ES.Contains (All_Edges, E) then
            ES.Delete (All_Edges, E);
            Error (R, "edge " & E'Img & " is not iterated");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point the set of edges should be empty

      if not ES.Is_Empty (All_Edges) then
         Error (R, "not all edges were iterated");
      end if;

      ES.Destroy (All_Edges);
      Destroy (G);
   end Test_All_Edge_Iterator;

   -- Test_All_Vertex_Iterator --

   procedure Test_All_Vertex_Iterator is
      R : constant String := "Test_All_Vertex_Iterator";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;
      V : Vertex_Id;

      All_V_Iter   : All_Vertex_Iterator;
      All_Vertices : VS.Membership_Set;

      --  Collect all expected vertices in a set

      All_Vertices := VS.Create (Number_Of_Vertices (G));

      for Curr_V in VA .. VH loop
         VS.Insert (All_Vertices, Curr_V);
      end loop;

      --  Iterate over all vertices while removing encountered vertices from
      --  the set.

      All_V_Iter := Iterate_All_Vertices (G);
      while Has_Next (All_V_Iter) loop
         Next (All_V_Iter, V);

         if VS.Contains (All_Vertices, V) then
            VS.Delete (All_Vertices, V);
            Error (R, "vertex " & V'Img & " is not iterated");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point the set of vertices should be empty

      if not VS.Is_Empty (All_Vertices) then
         Error (R, "not all vertices were iterated");
      end if;

      VS.Destroy (All_Vertices);
      Destroy (G);
   end Test_All_Vertex_Iterator;

   -- Test_Component --

   procedure Test_Component is
      R : constant String := "Test_Component";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create (Initial_Vertices => 3, Initial_Edges => 2);

      --      E1
      --    ----->
      --  VA       VB     VC
      --    <-----
      --      E2
      --  Components:
      --    [VA, VB]
      --    [VC]

      Add_Vertex (G, VA);
      Add_Vertex (G, VB);
      Add_Vertex (G, VC);

      Add_Edge (G, E1, Source => VA, Destination => VB);
      Add_Edge (G, E2, Source => VB, Destination => VA);

      --  None of the vertices should belong to a component

      Check_No_Component (R, G, VA);
      Check_No_Component (R, G, VB);
      Check_No_Component (R, G, VC);

      --  Find the strongly connected components in the graph

      Find_Components (G);

      --  Vertices should belong to a component

      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VA);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VB);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VC);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Component;

   -- Test_Component_Iterator --

   procedure Test_Component_Iterator is
      R : constant String := "Test_Component_Iterator";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;

      Comp       : Component_Id;
      Comp_Count : Natural;
      Comp_Iter  : Component_Iterator;

      Find_Components (G);
      Check_Number_Of_Components (R, G, 5);

      Comp_Count := Number_Of_Components (G);

      --  Iterate over all components while decrementing their number

      Comp_Iter := Iterate_Components (G);
      while Has_Next (Comp_Iter) loop
         Next (Comp_Iter, Comp);

         Comp_Count := Comp_Count - 1;
      end loop;

      --  At this point all components should have been accounted for

      if Comp_Count /= 0 then
         Error (R, "not all components were iterated");
      end if;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Component_Iterator;

   -- Test_Contains_Component --

   procedure Test_Contains_Component is
      R : constant String := "Test_Contains_Component";

      G1 : Directed_Graph :=
             Create (Initial_Vertices => 2, Initial_Edges => 2);
      G2 : Directed_Graph :=
             Create (Initial_Vertices => 2, Initial_Edges => 2);

      --      E1
      --    ----->
      --  VA       VB
      --    <-----
      --      E2
      --  Components:
      --    [VA, VB]

      Add_Vertex (G1, VA);
      Add_Vertex (G1, VB);

      Add_Edge (G1, E1, Source => VA, Destination => VB);
      Add_Edge (G1, E2, Source => VB, Destination => VA);

      --      E97
      --    ----->
      --  VX       VY
      --    <-----
      --      E98
      --  Components:
      --    [VX, VY]

      Add_Vertex (G2, VX);
      Add_Vertex (G2, VY);

      Add_Edge (G2, E97, Source => VX, Destination => VY);
      Add_Edge (G2, E98, Source => VY, Destination => VX);

      --  Find the strongly connected components in both graphs

      Find_Components (G1);
      Find_Components (G2);

      --  Vertices should belong to a component

      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G1, VA);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G1, VB);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G2, VX);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G2, VY);

      --  Verify that each graph contains the correct component

      Check_Has_Component (R, G1, "G1", Component (G1, VA));
      Check_Has_Component (R, G1, "G1", Component (G1, VB));
      Check_Has_Component (R, G2, "G2", Component (G2, VX));
      Check_Has_Component (R, G2, "G2", Component (G2, VY));

      --  Verify that each graph does not contain components from the other
      --  graph.

      Check_No_Component (R, G1, "G1", Component (G2, VX));
      Check_No_Component (R, G1, "G1", Component (G2, VY));
      Check_No_Component (R, G2, "G2", Component (G1, VA));
      Check_No_Component (R, G2, "G2", Component (G1, VB));

      Destroy (G1);
      Destroy (G2);
   end Test_Contains_Component;

   -- Test_Contains_Edge --

   procedure Test_Contains_Edge is
      R : constant String := "Test_Contains_Edge";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify that all edges in the range E1 .. E10 exist

      for Curr_E in E1 .. E10 loop
         Check_Has_Edge (R, G, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Verify that no extra edges are present

      for Curr_E in E97 .. E99 loop
         Check_No_Edge (R, G, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Add new edges E97, E98, and E99

      Add_Edge (G, E97, Source => VG, Destination => VF);
      Add_Edge (G, E98, Source => VH, Destination => VE);
      Add_Edge (G, E99, Source => VD, Destination => VC);

      --  Verify that all edges in the range E1 .. E99 exist

      for Curr_E in E1 .. E99 loop
         Check_Has_Edge (R, G, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Delete each edge that corresponds to an even position in Edge_Id

      for Curr_E in E1 .. E99 loop
         if Edge_Id'Pos (Curr_E) mod 2 = 0 then
            Delete_Edge (G, Curr_E);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Verify that all "even" edges are missing, and all "odd" edges are
      --  present.

      for Curr_E in E1 .. E99 loop
         if Edge_Id'Pos (Curr_E) mod 2 = 0 then
            Check_No_Edge (R, G, Curr_E);
            Check_Has_Edge (R, G, Curr_E);
         end if;
      end loop;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Contains_Edge;

   -- Test_Contains_Vertex --

   procedure Test_Contains_Vertex is
      R : constant String := "Test_Contains_Vertex";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify that all vertices in the range VA .. VH exist

      for Curr_V in VA .. VH loop
         Check_Has_Vertex (R, G, Curr_V);
      end loop;

      --  Verify that no extra vertices are present

      for Curr_V in VX .. VZ loop
         Check_No_Vertex (R, G, Curr_V);
      end loop;

      --  Add new vertices VX, VY, and VZ

      Add_Vertex (G, VX);
      Add_Vertex (G, VY);
      Add_Vertex (G, VZ);

      --  Verify that all vertices in the range VA .. VZ exist

      for Curr_V in VA .. VZ loop
         Check_Has_Vertex (R, G, Curr_V);
      end loop;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Contains_Vertex;

   -- Test_Delete_Edge --

   procedure Test_Delete_Edge is
      R : constant String := "Test_Delete_Edge";

      E : Edge_Id;
      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;
      V : Vertex_Id;

      All_E_Iter : All_Edge_Iterator;
      All_V_Iter : All_Vertex_Iterator;
      Out_E_Iter : Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;

      --  Try to delete a bogus edge

         Delete_Edge (G, E97);
         Error (R, "missing vertex deleted");
         when Missing_Edge => null;
         when others       => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Delete edge E1 between vertices VA and VB

         Delete_Edge (G, E1);
         when others => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Verify that edge E1 is gone from all edges in the graph

      All_E_Iter := Iterate_All_Edges (G);
      while Has_Next (All_E_Iter) loop
         Next (All_E_Iter, E);

         if E = E1 then
            Error (R, "edge " & E'Img & " not removed from all edges");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Verify that edge E1 is gone from the outgoing edges of vertex VA

      Out_E_Iter := Iterate_Outgoing_Edges (G, VA);
      while Has_Next (Out_E_Iter) loop
         Next (Out_E_Iter, E);

         if E = E1 then
              (R, "edge " & E'Img & "not removed from outgoing edges of VA");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Delete all edges in the range E2 .. E10

      for Curr_E in E2 .. E10 loop
         Delete_Edge (G, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Verify that all edges are gone from the graph

      All_E_Iter := Iterate_All_Edges (G);
      while Has_Next (All_E_Iter) loop
         Next (All_E_Iter, E);

         Error (R, "edge " & E'Img & " not removed from all edges");
      end loop;

      --  Verify that all edges are gone from the respective source vertices

      All_V_Iter := Iterate_All_Vertices (G);
      while Has_Next (All_V_Iter) loop
         Next (All_V_Iter, V);

         Out_E_Iter := Iterate_Outgoing_Edges (G, V);
         while Has_Next (Out_E_Iter) loop
            Next (Out_E_Iter, E);

            Error (R, "edge " & E'Img & " not removed from vertex " & V'Img);
         end loop;
      end loop;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Delete_Edge;

   -- Test_Destination_Vertex --

   procedure Test_Destination_Vertex is
      R : constant String := "Test_Destination_Vertex";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify the destination vertices of all edges in the graph

      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E1,  VB);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E2,  VC);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E3,  VC);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E4,  VD);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E5,  VB);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E6,  VE);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E7,  VD);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E8,  VF);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E9,  VG);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E10, VA);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Destination_Vertex;

   -- Test_Find_Components --

   procedure Test_Find_Components is
      R : constant String := "Test_Find_Components";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;

      Comp_1 : Component_Id;  --  [A, F, G]
      Comp_2 : Component_Id;  --  [B]
      Comp_3 : Component_Id;  --  [C]
      Comp_4 : Component_Id;  --  [D, E]
      Comp_5 : Component_Id;  --  [H]

      Find_Components (G);

      --  Vertices should belong to a component

      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VA);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VB);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VC);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VD);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VH);

      --  Extract the ids of the components from the first vertices in each
      --  component.

      Comp_1 := Component (G, VA);
      Comp_2 := Component (G, VB);
      Comp_3 := Component (G, VC);
      Comp_4 := Component (G, VD);
      Comp_5 := Component (G, VH);

      --  Verify that the components are distinct

      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_1, Comp_2);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_1, Comp_3);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_1, Comp_4);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_1, Comp_5);

      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_2, Comp_3);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_2, Comp_4);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_2, Comp_5);

      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_3, Comp_4);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_3, Comp_5);

      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_4, Comp_5);

      --  Verify that the remaining nodes belong to the proper component

      Check_Belongs_To_Component (R, G, VF, Comp_1);
      Check_Belongs_To_Component (R, G, VG, Comp_1);
      Check_Belongs_To_Component (R, G, VE, Comp_4);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Find_Components;

   -- Test_Is_Empty --

   procedure Test_Is_Empty is
      R : constant String := "Test_Is_Empty";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create (Initial_Vertices => 3, Initial_Edges => 2);

      --  Verify that a graph without vertices and edges is empty

      if not Is_Empty (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is empty");
      end if;

      --  Add vertices

      Add_Vertex (G, VA);
      Add_Vertex (G, VB);

      --  Verify that a graph with vertices and no edges is not empty

      if Is_Empty (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is not empty");
      end if;

      --  Add edges

      Add_Edge (G, E1, Source => VA, Destination => VB);

      --  Verify that a graph with vertices and edges is not empty

      if Is_Empty (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is not empty");
      end if;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Is_Empty;

   -- Test_Number_Of_Components --

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Components is
      R : constant String := "Test_Number_Of_Components";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create (Initial_Vertices => 3, Initial_Edges => 2);

      --  Verify that an empty graph has exactly 0 components

      Check_Number_Of_Components (R, G, 0);

      --      E1
      --    ----->
      --  VA       VB     VC
      --    <-----
      --      E2
      --  Components:
      --    [VA, VB]
      --    [VC]

      Add_Vertex (G, VA);
      Add_Vertex (G, VB);
      Add_Vertex (G, VC);

      Add_Edge (G, E1, Source => VA, Destination => VB);
      Add_Edge (G, E2, Source => VB, Destination => VA);

      --  Verify that the graph has exact 0 components even though it contains
      --  vertices and edges.

      Check_Number_Of_Components (R, G, 0);

      Find_Components (G);

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 2 components

      Check_Number_Of_Components (R, G, 2);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Number_Of_Components;

   -- Test_Number_Of_Edges --

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Edges is
      R : constant String := "Test_Number_Of_Edges";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 10 edges

      Check_Number_Of_Edges (R, G, 10);

      --  Delete two edges

      Delete_Edge (G, E1);
      Delete_Edge (G, E2);

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 8 edges

      Check_Number_Of_Edges (R, G, 8);

      --  Delete the remaining edge

      for Curr_E in E3 .. E10 loop
         Delete_Edge (G, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 0 edges

      Check_Number_Of_Edges (R, G, 0);

      --  Add two edges

      Add_Edge (G, E1, Source => VF, Destination => VA);
      Add_Edge (G, E2, Source => VC, Destination => VH);

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 2 edges

      Check_Number_Of_Edges (R, G, 2);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Number_Of_Edges;

   -- Test_Number_Of_Vertices --

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Vertices is
      R : constant String := "Test_Number_Of_Vertices";

      G : Directed_Graph :=
            Create (Initial_Vertices => 4, Initial_Edges => 12);

      --  Verify that an empty graph has exactly 0 vertices

      Check_Number_Of_Vertices (R, G, 0);

      --  Add three vertices

      Add_Vertex (G, VC);
      Add_Vertex (G, VG);
      Add_Vertex (G, VX);

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 3 vertices

      Check_Number_Of_Vertices (R, G, 3);

      --  Add one edge

      Add_Edge (G, E8, Source => VX, Destination => VG);

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 3 vertices

      Check_Number_Of_Vertices (R, G, 3);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Number_Of_Vertices;

   -- Test_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator --

   procedure Test_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator is
      R : constant String := "Test_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator";

      G   : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;
      Set : ES.Membership_Set;

      Set := ES.Create (4);

      ES.Insert (Set, E1);
      ES.Insert (Set, E3);
      ES.Insert (Set, E4);
      ES.Insert (Set, E8);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VA, Set);

      ES.Insert (Set, E2);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VB, Set);

      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VC, Set);

      ES.Insert (Set, E5);
      ES.Insert (Set, E6);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VD, Set);

      ES.Insert (Set, E7);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VE, Set);

      ES.Insert (Set, E9);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VF, Set);

      ES.Insert (Set, E10);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VG, Set);

      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VH, Set);

      ES.Destroy (Set);
      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;

   -- Test_Present --

   procedure Test_Present is
      R : constant String := "Test_Present";

      G : Directed_Graph := Nil;

      --  Verify that a non-existent graph is not present

      if Present (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is not present");
      end if;

      G := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify that an existing graph is present

      if not Present (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is present");
      end if;

      Destroy (G);

      --  Verify that a destroyed graph is not present

      if Present (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is not present");
      end if;
   end Test_Present;

   -- Test_Source_Vertex --

   procedure Test_Source_Vertex is
      R : constant String := "Test_Source_Vertex";

      G : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify the source vertices of all edges in the graph

      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E1,  VA);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E2,  VB);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E3,  VA);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E4,  VA);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E5,  VD);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E6,  VD);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E7,  VE);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E8,  VA);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E9,  VF);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E10, VG);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Source_Vertex;

   -- Test_Vertex_Iterator --

   procedure Test_Vertex_Iterator is
      R : constant String := "Test_Vertex_Iterator";

      G   : Directed_Graph := Create_And_Populate;
      Set : VS.Membership_Set;

      Find_Components (G);

      Set := VS.Create (3);

      VS.Insert (Set, VA);
      VS.Insert (Set, VF);
      VS.Insert (Set, VG);
      Check_Vertex_Iterator (R, G, Component (G, VA), Set);

      VS.Insert (Set, VB);
      Check_Vertex_Iterator (R, G, Component (G, VB), Set);

      VS.Insert (Set, VC);
      Check_Vertex_Iterator (R, G, Component (G, VC), Set);

      VS.Insert (Set, VD);
      VS.Insert (Set, VE);
      Check_Vertex_Iterator (R, G, Component (G, VD), Set);

      VS.Insert (Set, VH);
      Check_Vertex_Iterator (R, G, Component (G, VH), Set);

      VS.Destroy (Set);
      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Vertex_Iterator;

   -- Unexpected_Exception --

   procedure Unexpected_Exception (R : String) is
      Error (R, "unexpected exception");
   end Unexpected_Exception;

--  Start of processing for Operations


end Operations;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gnatmake -q operations.adb -largs -lgmem
$ ./operations
$ gnatmem operations > leaks.txt
$ grep -c "non freed allocations" leaks.txt

2019-07-01  Hristian Kirtchev  <>


	* libgnat/g-graphs.adb: Use type Directed_Graph rather than
	Instance in various routines.
	* libgnat/ Change type Instance to Directed_Graph.
	Update various routines that mention the type.

From-SVN: r272863
2019-07-01 13:35:15 +00:00
Hristian Kirtchev 1d88851ce9 [Ada] Clean up of GNAT.Sets
-- Source --

--  operations.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT;        use GNAT;
with GNAT.Sets;   use GNAT.Sets;

procedure Operations is
   function Hash (Key : Integer) return Bucket_Range_Type;

   package Integer_Sets is new Membership_Sets
     (Element_Type => Integer,
      "="          => "=",
      Hash         => Hash);
   use Integer_Sets;

   procedure Check_Empty
     (Caller    : String;
      S         : Membership_Set;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer);
   --  Ensure that none of the elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem are
   --  present in set S, and that the set's length is 0.

   procedure Check_Locked_Mutations
     (Caller : String;
      S      : in out Membership_Set);
   --  Ensure that all mutation operations of set S are locked

   procedure Check_Present
     (Caller    : String;
      S         : Membership_Set;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer);
   --  Ensure that all elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem are present
   --  in set S.

   procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations
     (Caller : String;
      S      : in out Membership_Set);
   --  Ensure that all mutation operations of set S are unlocked

   procedure Populate
     (S         : Membership_Set;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer);
   --  Add elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem in set S

   procedure Test_Contains
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive);
   --  Verify that Contains properly identifies that elements in the range
   --  Low_Elem .. High_Elem are within a set. Init_Size denotes the initial
   --  size of the set.

   procedure Test_Create;
   --  Verify that all set operations fail on a non-created set

   procedure Test_Delete
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive);
   --  Verify that Delete properly removes elements in the range Low_Elem ..
   --  High_Elem from a set. Init_Size denotes the initial size of the set.

   procedure Test_Is_Empty;
   --  Verify that Is_Empty properly returns this status of a set

   procedure Test_Iterate;
   --  Verify that iterators properly manipulate mutation operations

   procedure Test_Iterate_Empty;
   --  Verify that iterators properly manipulate mutation operations of an
   --  empty set.

   procedure Test_Iterate_Forced
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive);
   --  Verify that an iterator that is forcefully advanced by Next properly
   --  unlocks the mutation operations of a set. Init_Size denotes the initial
   --  size of the set.

   procedure Test_Size;
   --  Verify that Size returns the correct size of a set

   -- Check_Empty --

   procedure Check_Empty
     (Caller    : String;
      S         : Membership_Set;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer)
      Siz : constant Natural := Size (S);

      for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         if Contains (S, Elem) then
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": extra element" & Elem'Img);
         end if;
      end loop;

      if Siz /= 0 then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": wrong size");
         Put_Line ("expected: 0");
         Put_Line ("got     :" & Siz'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Empty;

   -- Check_Locked_Mutations --

   procedure Check_Locked_Mutations
     (Caller : String;
      S      : in out Membership_Set)
         Delete (S, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: unexpected exception");

         Destroy (S);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: unexpected exception");

         Insert (S, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert: unexpected exception");
   end Check_Locked_Mutations;

   -- Check_Present --

   procedure Check_Present
     (Caller    : String;
      S         : Membership_Set;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer)
      Elem : Integer;
      Iter : Iterator;

      Iter := Iterate (S);
      for Exp_Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         Next (Iter, Elem);

         if Elem /= Exp_Elem then
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Present: wrong element");
            Put_Line ("expected:" & Exp_Elem'Img);
            Put_Line ("got     :" & Elem'Img);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point all elements should have been accounted for. Check for
      --  extra elements.

      while Has_Next (Iter) loop
         Next (Iter, Elem);
           ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Present: extra element" & Elem'Img);
      end loop;

      when Iterator_Exhausted =>
           ("ERROR: "
            & Caller
            & "Check_Present: incorrect number of elements");
   end Check_Present;

   -- Check_Unlocked_Mutations --

   procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations
     (Caller : String;
      S      : in out Membership_Set)
      Delete (S, 1);
      Insert (S, 1);
   end Check_Unlocked_Mutations;

   -- Hash --

   function Hash (Key : Integer) return Bucket_Range_Type is
      return Bucket_Range_Type (Key);
   end Hash;

   -- Populate --

   procedure Populate
     (S         : Membership_Set;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer)
      for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         Insert (S, Elem);
      end loop;
   end Populate;

   -- Test_Contains --

   procedure Test_Contains
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive)
      Low_Bogus  : constant Integer := Low_Elem  - 1;
      High_Bogus : constant Integer := High_Elem + 1;

      S : Membership_Set := Create (Init_Size);

      Populate (S, Low_Elem, High_Elem);

      --  Ensure that the elements are contained in the set

      for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         if not Contains (S, Elem) then
              ("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & Elem'Img & " not in set");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that arbitrary elements which were not inserted in the set are
      --  not contained in the set.

      if Contains (S, Low_Bogus) then
           ("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & Low_Bogus'Img & " in set");
      end if;

      if Contains (S, High_Bogus) then
           ("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & High_Bogus'Img & " in set");
      end if;

      Destroy (S);
   end Test_Contains;

   -- Test_Create --

   procedure Test_Create is
      Count : Natural;
      Flag  : Boolean;
      Iter  : Iterator;
      S     : Membership_Set;

      --  Ensure that every routine defined in the API fails on a set which
      --  has not been created yet.

         Flag := Contains (S, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Contains: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Contains: unexpected exception");

         Delete (S, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: unexpected exception");

         Insert (S, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert: unexpected exception");

         Flag := Is_Empty (S);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Is_Empty: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Is_Empty: unexpected exception");

         Iter := Iterate (S);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: unexpected exception");

         Count := Size (S);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: unexpected exception");
   end Test_Create;

   -- Test_Delete --

   procedure Test_Delete
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive)
      Iter : Iterator;
      S    : Membership_Set := Create (Init_Size);

      Populate (S, Low_Elem, High_Elem);

      --  Delete all even elements

      for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         if Elem mod 2 = 0 then
            Delete (S, Elem);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that all remaining odd elements are present in the set

      for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         if Elem mod 2 /= 0 and then not Contains (S, Elem) then
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete: missing element" & Elem'Img);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Delete all odd elements

      for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         if Elem mod 2 /= 0 then
            Delete (S, Elem);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point the set should be completely empty

        (Caller    => "Test_Delete",
         S         => S,
         Low_Elem  => Low_Elem,
         High_Elem => High_Elem);

      Destroy (S);
   end Test_Delete;

   -- Test_Is_Empty --

   procedure Test_Is_Empty is
      S : Membership_Set := Create (8);

      if not Is_Empty (S) then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: set is not empty");
      end if;

      Insert (S, 1);

      if Is_Empty (S) then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: set is empty");
      end if;

      Delete (S, 1);

      if not Is_Empty (S) then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: set is not empty");
      end if;

      Destroy (S);
   end Test_Is_Empty;

   -- Test_Iterate --

   procedure Test_Iterate is
      Elem   : Integer;
      Iter_1 : Iterator;
      Iter_2 : Iterator;
      S      : Membership_Set := Create (5);

      Populate (S, 1, 5);

      --  Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
      --  the set.

      Iter_1 := Iterate (S);

      --  Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a set
      --  with at least one outstanding iterator.

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate",
         S      => S);

      --  Obtain another iterator

      Iter_2 := Iterate (S);

      --  Ensure that every mutation is still locked

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate",
         S      => S);

      --  Exhaust the first itertor

      while Has_Next (Iter_1) loop
         Next (Iter_1, Elem);
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that every mutation is still locked

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate",
         S      => S);

      --  Exhaust the second itertor

      while Has_Next (Iter_2) loop
         Next (Iter_2, Elem);
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate",
         S      => S);

      Destroy (S);
   end Test_Iterate;

   -- Test_Iterate_Empty --

   procedure Test_Iterate_Empty is
      Elem : Integer;
      Iter : Iterator;
      S    : Membership_Set := Create (5);

      --  Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
      --  the set.

      Iter := Iterate (S);

      --  Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a set
      --  with at least one outstanding iterator.

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Empty",
         S      => S);

      --  Attempt to iterate over the elements

      while Has_Next (Iter) loop
         Next (Iter, Elem);

           ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Empty: element" & Elem'Img & " exists");
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Empty",
         S      => S);

      Destroy (S);
   end Test_Iterate_Empty;

   -- Test_Iterate_Forced --

   procedure Test_Iterate_Forced
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive)
      Elem : Integer;
      Iter : Iterator;
      S    : Membership_Set := Create (Init_Size);

      Populate (S, Low_Elem, High_Elem);

      --  Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
      --  the set.

      Iter := Iterate (S);

      --  Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a set
      --  with at least one outstanding iterator.

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Forced",
         S      => S);

      --  Forcibly advance the iterator until it raises an exception

         for Guard in Low_Elem .. High_Elem + 1 loop
            Next (Iter, Elem);
         end loop;

           ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: Iterator_Exhausted not raised");
         when Iterator_Exhausted =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: unexpected exception");

      --  Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Forced",
         S      => S);

      Destroy (S);
   end Test_Iterate_Forced;

   -- Test_Size --

   procedure Test_Size is
      S   : Membership_Set := Create (6);
      Siz : Natural;

      Siz := Size (S);

      if Siz /= 0 then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size");
         Put_Line ("expected: 0");
         Put_Line ("got     :" & Siz'Img);
      end if;

      Populate (S, 1, 2);
      Siz := Size (S);

      if Siz /= 2 then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size");
         Put_Line ("expected: 2");
         Put_Line ("got     :" & Siz'Img);
      end if;

      Populate (S, 3, 6);
      Siz := Size (S);

      if Siz /= 6 then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size");
         Put_Line ("expected: 6");
         Put_Line ("got     :" & Siz'Img);
      end if;

      Destroy (S);
   end Test_Size;

--  Start of processing for Operations

     (Low_Elem  => 1,
      High_Elem => 5,
      Init_Size => 5);


     (Low_Elem  => 1,
      High_Elem => 10,
      Init_Size => 10);


     (Low_Elem  => 1,
      High_Elem => 5,
      Init_Size => 5);

end Operations;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gnatmake -q operations.adb -largs -lgmem
$ ./operations
$ gnatmem operations > leaks.txt
$ grep -c "non freed allocations" leaks.txt

2019-07-01  Hristian Kirtchev  <>


	* libgnat/g-sets.adb: Use type Membership_Set rathern than
	Instance in various routines.
	* libgnat/ Change type Instance to Membership_Set.
	Update various routines that mention the type.


	* gnat.dg/sets1.adb: Update.

From-SVN: r272862
2019-07-01 13:35:07 +00:00
Hristian Kirtchev 02fd808ca2 [Ada] Clean up of GNAT.Lists
-- Source --

--  operations.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT;        use GNAT;
with GNAT.Lists;  use GNAT.Lists;

procedure Operations is
   procedure Destroy (Val : in out Integer) is null;

   package Integer_Lists is new Doubly_Linked_Lists
     (Element_Type    => Integer,
      "="             => "=",
      Destroy_Element => Destroy);
   use Integer_Lists;

   procedure Check_Empty
     (Caller    : String;
      L         : Doubly_Linked_List;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer);
   --  Ensure that none of the elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem are
   --  present in list L, and that the list's length is 0.

   procedure Check_Locked_Mutations
     (Caller : String;
      L      : in out Doubly_Linked_List);
   --  Ensure that all mutation operations of list L are locked

   procedure Check_Present
     (Caller    : String;
      L         : Doubly_Linked_List;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer);
   --  Ensure that all elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem are present
   --  in list L.

   procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations
     (Caller : String;
      L      : in out Doubly_Linked_List);
   --  Ensure that all mutation operations of list L are unlocked

   procedure Populate_With_Append
     (L         : Doubly_Linked_List;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer);
   --  Add elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem in that order in list L

   procedure Test_Append;
   --  Verify that Append properly inserts at the tail of a list

   procedure Test_Contains
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer);
   --  Verify that Contains properly identifies that elements in the range
   --  Low_Elem .. High_Elem are within a list.

   procedure Test_Create;
   --  Verify that all list operations fail on a non-created list

   procedure Test_Delete
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer);
   --  Verify that Delete properly removes elements in the range Low_Elem ..
   --  High_Elem from a list.

   procedure Test_Delete_First
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer);
   --  Verify that Delete properly removes elements in the range Low_Elem ..
   --  High_Elem from the head of a list.

   procedure Test_Delete_Last
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer);
   --  Verify that Delete properly removes elements in the range Low_Elem ..
   --  High_Elem from the tail of a list.

   procedure Test_First;
   --  Verify that First properly returns the head of a list

   procedure Test_Insert_After;
   --  Verify that Insert_After properly adds an element after some other
   --  element.

   procedure Test_Insert_Before;
   --  Vefity that Insert_Before properly adds an element before some other
   --  element.

   procedure Test_Is_Empty;
   --  Verify that Is_Empty properly returns this status of a list

   procedure Test_Iterate;
   --  Verify that iterators properly manipulate mutation operations

   procedure Test_Iterate_Empty;
   --  Verify that iterators properly manipulate mutation operations of an
   --  empty list.

   procedure Test_Iterate_Forced
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer);
   --  Verify that an iterator that is forcefully advanced by Next properly
   --  unlocks the mutation operations of a list.

   procedure Test_Last;
   --  Verify that Last properly returns the tail of a list

   procedure Test_Prepend;
   --  Verify that Prepend properly inserts at the head of a list

   procedure Test_Present;
   --  Verify that Present properly detects a list

   procedure Test_Replace;
   --  Verify that Replace properly substitutes old elements with new ones

   procedure Test_Size;
   --  Verify that Size returns the correct size of a list

   -- Check_Empty --

   procedure Check_Empty
     (Caller    : String;
      L         : Doubly_Linked_List;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer)
      Len : constant Natural := Size (L);

      for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         if Contains (L, Elem) then
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": extra element" & Elem'Img);
         end if;
      end loop;

      if Len /= 0 then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": wrong length");
         Put_Line ("expected: 0");
         Put_Line ("got     :" & Len'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Empty;

   -- Check_Locked_Mutations --

   procedure Check_Locked_Mutations
     (Caller : String;
      L      : in out Doubly_Linked_List)
         Append (L, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Append: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Append: unexpected exception");

         Delete (L, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: no exception raised");
         when List_Empty =>
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: unexpected exception");

         Delete_First (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete_First: no exception raised");
         when List_Empty =>
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
              ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete_First: unexpected exception");

         Delete_Last (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete_List: no exception raised");
         when List_Empty =>
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
              ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete_Last: unexpected exception");

         Destroy (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: unexpected exception");

         Insert_After (L, 1, 2);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert_After: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
              ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert_After: unexpected exception");

         Insert_Before (L, 1, 2);
           ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert_Before: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
              ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert_Before: unexpected exception");

         Prepend (L, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Prepend: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Prepend: unexpected exception");

         Replace (L, 1, 2);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Replace: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Replace: unexpected exception");
   end Check_Locked_Mutations;

   -- Check_Present --

   procedure Check_Present
     (Caller    : String;
      L         : Doubly_Linked_List;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer)
      Elem : Integer;
      Iter : Iterator;

      Iter := Iterate (L);
      for Exp_Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         Next (Iter, Elem);

         if Elem /= Exp_Elem then
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Present: wrong element");
            Put_Line ("expected:" & Exp_Elem'Img);
            Put_Line ("got     :" & Elem'Img);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point all elements should have been accounted for. Check for
      --  extra elements.

      while Has_Next (Iter) loop
         Next (Iter, Elem);
           ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Present: extra element" & Elem'Img);
      end loop;

      when Iterator_Exhausted =>
           ("ERROR: "
            & Caller
            & "Check_Present: incorrect number of elements");
   end Check_Present;

   -- Check_Unlocked_Mutations --

   procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations
     (Caller : String;
      L      : in out Doubly_Linked_List)
         Append (L, 1);
         Append (L, 2);
         Append (L, 3);
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Append: unexpected exception");

         Delete (L, 1);
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: unexpected exception");

         Delete_First (L);
         when others =>
              ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete_First: unexpected exception");

         Delete_Last (L);
         when others =>
              ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete_Last: unexpected exception");

         Insert_After (L, 2, 3);
         when others =>
              ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert_After: unexpected exception");

         Insert_Before (L, 2, 1);
         when others =>
              ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert_Before: unexpected exception");

         Prepend (L, 0);
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Prepend: unexpected exception");

         Replace (L, 3, 4);
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Replace: unexpected exception");
   end Check_Unlocked_Mutations;

   -- Populate_With_Append --

   procedure Populate_With_Append
     (L         : Doubly_Linked_List;
      Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer)
      for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         Append (L, Elem);
      end loop;
   end Populate_With_Append;

   -- Test_Append --

   procedure Test_Append is
      L : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      Append (L, 1);
      Append (L, 2);
      Append (L, 3);
      Append (L, 4);
      Append (L, 5);

        (Caller    => "Test_Append",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => 1,
         High_Elem => 5);

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Append;

   -- Test_Contains --

   procedure Test_Contains
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer)
      Low_Bogus  : constant Integer := Low_Elem  - 1;
      High_Bogus : constant Integer := High_Elem + 1;

      L : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      Populate_With_Append (L, Low_Elem, High_Elem);

      --  Ensure that the elements are contained in the list

      for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         if not Contains (L, Elem) then
              ("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & Elem'Img & " not in list");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that arbitrary elements which were not inserted in the list
      --  are not contained in the list.

      if Contains (L, Low_Bogus) then
           ("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & Low_Bogus'Img & " in list");
      end if;

      if Contains (L, High_Bogus) then
           ("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & High_Bogus'Img & " in list");
      end if;

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Contains;

   -- Test_Create --

   procedure Test_Create is
      Count : Natural;
      Flag  : Boolean;
      Iter  : Iterator;
      L     : Doubly_Linked_List;
      Val   : Integer;

      --  Ensure that every routine defined in the API fails on a list which
      --  has not been created yet.

         Append (L, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Append: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Append: unexpected exception");

         Flag := Contains (L, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Contains: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Contains: unexpected exception");

         Delete (L, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: unexpected exception");

         Delete_First (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete_First: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
              ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete_First: unexpected exception");

         Delete_Last (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete_Last: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete_Last: unexpected exception");

         Val := First (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: First: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: First: unexpected exception");

         Insert_After (L, 1, 2);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert_After: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
              ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert_After: unexpected exception");

         Insert_Before (L, 1, 2);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert_Before: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
              ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert_Before: unexpected exception");

         Flag := Is_Empty (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Is_Empty: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Is_Empty: unexpected exception");

         Iter := Iterate (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: unexpected exception");

         Val := Last (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Last: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Last: unexpected exception");

         Prepend (L, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Prepend: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Prepend: unexpected exception");

         Replace (L, 1, 2);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Replace: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Replace: unexpected exception");

         Count := Size (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: unexpected exception");
   end Test_Create;

   -- Test_Delete --

   procedure Test_Delete
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer)
      L : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      Populate_With_Append (L, Low_Elem, High_Elem);

      --  Delete the first element, which is technically the head

      Delete (L, Low_Elem);

      --  Ensure that all remaining elements except for the head are present in
      --  the list.

        (Caller    => "Test_Delete",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => Low_Elem + 1,
         High_Elem => High_Elem);

      --  Delete the last element, which is technically the tail

      Delete (L, High_Elem);

      --  Ensure that all remaining elements except for the head and tail are
      --  present in the list.

        (Caller    => "Test_Delete",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => Low_Elem  + 1,
         High_Elem => High_Elem - 1);

      --  Delete all even elements

      for Elem in Low_Elem + 1 .. High_Elem - 1 loop
         if Elem mod 2 = 0 then
            Delete (L, Elem);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that all remaining elements except the head, tail, and even
      --  elements are present in the list.

      for Elem in Low_Elem + 1 .. High_Elem - 1 loop
         if Elem mod 2 /= 0 and then not Contains (L, Elem) then
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete: missing element" & Elem'Img);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Delete all odd elements

      for Elem in Low_Elem + 1 .. High_Elem - 1 loop
         if Elem mod 2 /= 0 then
            Delete (L, Elem);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point the list should be completely empty

        (Caller    => "Test_Delete",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => Low_Elem,
         High_Elem => High_Elem);

      --  Try to delete an element. This operation should raise List_Empty.

         Delete (L, Low_Elem);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete: List_Empty not raised");
         when List_Empty =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete: unexpected exception");

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Delete;

   -- Test_Delete_First --

   procedure Test_Delete_First
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer)
      L : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      Populate_With_Append (L, Low_Elem, High_Elem);

      --  Delete the head of the list, and verify that the remaining elements
      --  are still present in the list.

      for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         Delete_First (L);

           (Caller    => "Test_Delete_First",
            L         => L,
            Low_Elem  => Elem + 1,
            High_Elem => High_Elem);
      end loop;

      --  At this point the list should be completely empty

        (Caller    => "Test_Delete_First",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => Low_Elem,
         High_Elem => High_Elem);

      --  Try to delete an element. This operation should raise List_Empty.

         Delete_First (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_First: List_Empty not raised");
         when List_Empty =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_First: unexpected exception");

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Delete_First;

   -- Test_Delete_Last --

   procedure Test_Delete_Last
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer)
      L : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      Populate_With_Append (L, Low_Elem, High_Elem);

      --  Delete the tail of the list, and verify that the remaining elements
      --  are still present in the list.

      for Elem in reverse Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
         Delete_Last (L);

           (Caller    => "Test_Delete_Last",
            L         => L,
            Low_Elem  => Low_Elem,
            High_Elem => Elem - 1);
      end loop;

      --  At this point the list should be completely empty

        (Caller    => "Test_Delete_Last",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => Low_Elem,
         High_Elem => High_Elem);

      --  Try to delete an element. This operation should raise List_Empty.

         Delete_Last (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_Last: List_Empty not raised");
         when List_Empty =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_First: unexpected exception");

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Delete_Last;

   -- Test_First --

   procedure Test_First is
      Elem : Integer;
      L    : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      --  Try to obtain the head. This operation should raise List_Empty.

         Elem := First (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_First: List_Empty not raised");
         when List_Empty =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_First: unexpected exception");

      Populate_With_Append (L, 1, 2);

      --  Obtain the head

      Elem := First (L);

      if Elem /= 1 then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_First: wrong element");
         Put_Line ("expected: 1");
         Put_Line ("got     :" & Elem'Img);
      end if;

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_First;

   -- Test_Insert_After --

   procedure Test_Insert_After is
      L : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      --  Try to insert after a non-inserted element, in an empty list

      Insert_After (L, 1, 2);

      --  At this point the list should be completely empty

        (Caller    => "Test_Insert_After",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => 0,
         High_Elem => -1);

      Append (L, 1);           --  1

      Insert_After (L, 1, 3);  --  1, 3
      Insert_After (L, 1, 2);  --  1, 2, 3
      Insert_After (L, 3, 4);  --  1, 2, 3, 4

      --  Try to insert after a non-inserted element, in a full list

      Insert_After (L, 10, 11);

        (Caller    => "Test_Insert_After",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => 1,
         High_Elem => 4);

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Insert_After;

   -- Test_Insert_Before --

   procedure Test_Insert_Before is
      L : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      --  Try to insert before a non-inserted element, in an empty list

      Insert_Before (L, 1, 2);

      --  At this point the list should be completely empty

        (Caller    => "Test_Insert_Before",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => 0,
         High_Elem => -1);

      Append (L, 4);            --  4

      Insert_Before (L, 4, 2);  --  2, 4
      Insert_Before (L, 2, 1);  --  1, 2, 4
      Insert_Before (L, 4, 3);  --  1, 2, 3, 4

      --  Try to insert before a non-inserted element, in a full list

      Insert_Before (L, 10, 11);

        (Caller    => "Test_Insert_Before",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => 1,
         High_Elem => 4);

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Insert_Before;

   -- Test_Is_Empty --

   procedure Test_Is_Empty is
      L : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      if not Is_Empty (L) then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: list is not empty");
      end if;

      Append (L, 1);

      if Is_Empty (L) then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: list is empty");
      end if;

      Delete_First (L);

      if not Is_Empty (L) then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: list is not empty");
      end if;

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Is_Empty;

   -- Test_Iterate --

   procedure Test_Iterate is
      Elem   : Integer;
      Iter_1 : Iterator;
      Iter_2 : Iterator;
      L      : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      Populate_With_Append (L, 1, 5);

      --  Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
      --  the list.

      Iter_1 := Iterate (L);

      --  Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a list
      --  with at least one outstanding iterator.

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate",
         L      => L);

      --  Obtain another iterator

      Iter_2 := Iterate (L);

      --  Ensure that every mutation is still locked

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate",
         L      => L);

      --  Exhaust the first itertor

      while Has_Next (Iter_1) loop
         Next (Iter_1, Elem);
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that every mutation is still locked

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate",
         L      => L);

      --  Exhaust the second itertor

      while Has_Next (Iter_2) loop
         Next (Iter_2, Elem);
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate",
         L      => L);

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Iterate;

   -- Test_Iterate_Empty --

   procedure Test_Iterate_Empty is
      Elem : Integer;
      Iter : Iterator;
      L    : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      --  Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
      --  the list.

      Iter := Iterate (L);

      --  Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a list
      --  with at least one outstanding iterator.

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Empty",
         L      => L);

      --  Attempt to iterate over the elements

      while Has_Next (Iter) loop
         Next (Iter, Elem);

           ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Empty: element" & Elem'Img & " exists");
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Empty",
         L      => L);

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Iterate_Empty;

   -- Test_Iterate_Forced --

   procedure Test_Iterate_Forced
     (Low_Elem  : Integer;
      High_Elem : Integer)
      Elem : Integer;
      Iter : Iterator;
      L    : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      Populate_With_Append (L, Low_Elem, High_Elem);

      --  Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
      --  the list.

      Iter := Iterate (L);

      --  Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a list
      --  with at least one outstanding iterator.

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Forced",
         L      => L);

      --  Forcibly advance the iterator until it raises an exception

         for Guard in Low_Elem .. High_Elem + 1 loop
            Next (Iter, Elem);
         end loop;

           ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: Iterator_Exhausted not raised");
         when Iterator_Exhausted =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: unexpected exception");

      --  Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Forced",
         L      => L);

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Iterate_Forced;

   -- Test_Last --

   procedure Test_Last is
      Elem : Integer;
      L    : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      --  Try to obtain the tail. This operation should raise List_Empty.

         Elem := First (L);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Last: List_Empty not raised");
         when List_Empty =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Last: unexpected exception");

      Populate_With_Append (L, 1, 2);

      --  Obtain the tail

      Elem := Last (L);

      if Elem /= 2 then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Last: wrong element");
         Put_Line ("expected: 2");
         Put_Line ("got     :" & Elem'Img);
      end if;

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Last;

   -- Test_Prepend --

   procedure Test_Prepend is
      L : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      Prepend (L, 5);
      Prepend (L, 4);
      Prepend (L, 3);
      Prepend (L, 2);
      Prepend (L, 1);

        (Caller    => "Test_Prepend",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => 1,
         High_Elem => 5);

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Prepend;

   -- Test_Present --

   procedure Test_Present is
      L : Doubly_Linked_List;

      if Present (L) then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Present: list does not exist");
      end if;

      L := Create;

      if not Present (L) then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Present: list exists");
      end if;

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Present;

   -- Test_Replace --

   procedure Test_Replace is
      L : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;

      Populate_With_Append (L, 1, 5);

      Replace (L, 3, 8);
      Replace (L, 1, 6);
      Replace (L, 4, 9);
      Replace (L, 5, 10);
      Replace (L, 2, 7);

      Replace (L, 11, 12);

        (Caller    => "Test_Replace",
         L         => L,
         Low_Elem  => 6,
         High_Elem => 10);

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Replace;

   -- Test_Size --

   procedure Test_Size is
      L : Doubly_Linked_List := Create;
      S : Natural;

      S := Size (L);

      if S /= 0 then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size");
         Put_Line ("expected: 0");
         Put_Line ("got     :" & S'Img);
      end if;

      Populate_With_Append (L, 1, 2);
      S := Size (L);

      if S /= 2 then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size");
         Put_Line ("expected: 2");
         Put_Line ("got     :" & S'Img);
      end if;

      Populate_With_Append (L, 3, 6);
      S := Size (L);

      if S /= 6 then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size");
         Put_Line ("expected: 6");
         Put_Line ("got     :" & S'Img);
      end if;

      Destroy (L);
   end Test_Size;

--  Start of processing for Operations


     (Low_Elem  => 1,
      High_Elem => 5);


     (Low_Elem  => 1,
      High_Elem => 10);

     (Low_Elem  => 1,
      High_Elem => 5);

     (Low_Elem  => 1,
      High_Elem => 5);


     (Low_Elem  => 1,
      High_Elem => 5);

end Operations;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gnatmake -q operations.adb -largs -lgmem
$ ./operations
$ gnatmem operations > leaks.txt
$ grep -c "non freed allocations" leaks.txt

2019-07-01  Hristian Kirtchev  <>


	* libgnat/g-lists.adb: Use type Doubly_Linked_List rather than
	Instance in various routines.
	* libgnat/ Change type Instance to
	Doubly_Linked_List. Update various routines that mention the


	* gnat.dg/linkedlist.adb: Update.

From-SVN: r272861
2019-07-01 13:35:01 +00:00
Hristian Kirtchev 7f070fc469 [Ada] Clean up of GNAT.Dynamic_HTables
-- Source --

--  operations.adb

with Ada.Text_IO;          use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT;                 use GNAT;
with GNAT.Dynamic_HTables; use GNAT.Dynamic_HTables;

procedure Operations is
   procedure Destroy (Val : in out Integer) is null;
   function Hash (Key : Integer) return Bucket_Range_Type;

   package DHT is new Dynamic_Hash_Tables
     (Key_Type              => Integer,
      Value_Type            => Integer,
      No_Value              => 0,
      Expansion_Threshold   => 1.3,
      Expansion_Factor      => 2,
      Compression_Threshold => 0.3,
      Compression_Factor    => 2,
      "="                   => "=",
      Destroy_Value         => Destroy,
      Hash                  => Hash);
   use DHT;

   function Create_And_Populate
     (Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive) return Dynamic_Hash_Table;
   --  Create a hash table with initial size Init_Size and populate it with
   --  key-value pairs where both keys and values are in the range Low_Key
   --  .. High_Key.

   procedure Check_Empty
     (Caller    : String;
      T         : Dynamic_Hash_Table;
      Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer);
   --  Ensure that
   --    * The key-value pairs count of hash table T is 0.
   --    * All values for the keys in range Low_Key .. High_Key are 0.

   procedure Check_Keys
     (Caller   : String;
      Iter     : in out Iterator;
      Low_Key  : Integer;
      High_Key : Integer);
   --  Ensure that iterator Iter visits every key in the range Low_Key ..
   --  High_Key exactly once.

   procedure Check_Locked_Mutations
     (Caller : String;
      T      : in out Dynamic_Hash_Table);
   --  Ensure that all mutation operations of hash table T are locked

   procedure Check_Size
     (Caller    : String;
      T         : Dynamic_Hash_Table;
      Exp_Count : Natural);
   --  Ensure that the count of key-value pairs of hash table T matches
   --  expected count Exp_Count. Emit an error if this is not the case.

   procedure Test_Create (Init_Size : Positive);
   --  Verify that all dynamic hash table operations fail on a non-created
   --  table of size Init_Size.

   procedure Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size
     (Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer;
      Exp_Count : Natural;
      Init_Size : Positive);
   --  Verify that
   --    * Put properly inserts values in the hash table.
   --    * Get properly retrieves all values inserted in the table.
   --    * Delete properly deletes values.
   --    * The size of the hash table properly reflects the number of key-value
   --      pairs.
   --  Low_Key and High_Key denote the range of keys to be inserted, retrieved,
   --  and deleted. Exp_Count is the expected count of key-value pairs n the
   --  hash table. Init_Size denotes the initial size of the table.

   procedure Test_Iterate
     (Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive);
   --  Verify that iterators
   --    * Properly visit each key exactly once.
   --    * Mutation operations are properly locked and unlocked during
   --      iteration.
   --  Low_Key and High_Key denote the range of keys to be inserted, retrieved,
   --  and deleted. Init_Size denotes the initial size of the table.

   procedure Test_Iterate_Empty (Init_Size : Positive);
   --  Verify that an iterator over an empty hash table
   --    * Does not visit any key
   --    * Mutation operations are properly locked and unlocked during
   --      iteration.
   --  Init_Size denotes the initial size of the table.

   procedure Test_Iterate_Forced
     (Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive);
   --  Verify that an iterator that is forcefully advanced by just Next
   --    * Properly visit each key exactly once.
   --    * Mutation operations are properly locked and unlocked during
   --      iteration.
   --  Low_Key and High_Key denote the range of keys to be inserted, retrieved,
   --  and deleted. Init_Size denotes the initial size of the table.

   procedure Test_Replace
     (Low_Val   : Integer;
      High_Val  : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive);
   --  Verify that Put properly updates the value of a particular key. Low_Val
   --  and High_Val denote the range of values to be updated. Init_Size denotes
   --  the initial size of the table.

   procedure Test_Reset
     (Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive);
   --  Verify that Reset properly destroy and recreats a hash table. Low_Key
   --  and High_Key denote the range of keys to be inserted in the hash table.
   --  Init_Size denotes the initial size of the table.

   -- Create_And_Populate --

   function Create_And_Populate
     (Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive) return Dynamic_Hash_Table
      T : Dynamic_Hash_Table;

      T := Create (Init_Size);

      for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop
         Put (T, Key, Key);
      end loop;

      return T;
   end Create_And_Populate;

   -- Check_Empty --

   procedure Check_Empty
     (Caller    : String;
      T         : Dynamic_Hash_Table;
      Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer)
      Val : Integer;

        (Caller    => Caller,
         T         => T,
         Exp_Count => 0);

      for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop
         Val := Get (T, Key);

         if Val /= 0 then
            Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": wrong value");
            Put_Line ("expected: 0");
            Put_Line ("got     :" & Val'Img);
         end if;
      end loop;
   end Check_Empty;

   -- Check_Keys --

   procedure Check_Keys
     (Caller   : String;
      Iter     : in out Iterator;
      Low_Key  : Integer;
      High_Key : Integer)
      type Bit_Vector is array (Low_Key .. High_Key) of Boolean;
      pragma Pack (Bit_Vector);

      Count : Natural;
      Key   : Integer;
      Seen  : Bit_Vector := (others => False);

      --  Compute the number of outstanding keys that have to be iterated on

      Count := High_Key - Low_Key + 1;

      while Has_Next (Iter) loop
         Next (Iter, Key);

         if Seen (Key) then
              ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Keys: duplicate key" & Key'Img);
            Seen (Key) := True;
            Count := Count - 1;
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  In the end, all keys must have been iterated on

      if Count /= 0 then
         for Key in Seen'Range loop
            if not Seen (Key) then
                 ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Keys: missing key" & Key'Img);
            end if;
         end loop;
      end if;
   end Check_Keys;

   -- Check_Locked_Mutations --

   procedure Check_Locked_Mutations
     (Caller : String;
      T      : in out Dynamic_Hash_Table)
         Delete (T, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
           Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: unexpected exception");

         Destroy (T);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
           Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: unexpected exception");

         Put (T, 1, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Put: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
           Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Put: unexpected exception");

         Reset (T);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Reset: no exception raised");
         when Iterated =>
         when others =>
           Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Reset: unexpected exception");
   end Check_Locked_Mutations;

   -- Check_Size --

   procedure Check_Size
     (Caller    : String;
      T         : Dynamic_Hash_Table;
      Exp_Count : Natural)
      Count : constant Natural := Size (T);

      if Count /= Exp_Count then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Size: wrong value");
         Put_Line ("expected:" & Exp_Count'Img);
         Put_Line ("got     :" & Count'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Size;

   -- Hash --

   function Hash (Key : Integer) return Bucket_Range_Type is
      return Bucket_Range_Type (Key);
   end Hash;

   -- Test_Create --

   procedure Test_Create (Init_Size : Positive) is
      Count : Natural;
      Iter  : Iterator;
      T     : Dynamic_Hash_Table;
      Val   : Integer;

      --  Ensure that every routine defined in the API fails on a hash table
      --  which has not been created yet.

         Delete (T, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
           Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: unexpected exception");

         Destroy (T);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Destroy: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
           Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Destroy: unexpected exception");

         Val := Get (T, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Get: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
           Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Get: unexpected exception");

         Iter := Iterate (T);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
           Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: unexpected exception");

         Put (T, 1, 1);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Put: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
           Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Put: unexpected exception");

         Reset (T);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Reset: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
           Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Reset: unexpected exception");

         Count := Size (T);
         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: no exception raised");
         when Not_Created =>
         when others =>
           Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: unexpected exception");

      --  Test create

      T := Create (Init_Size);

      --  Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks

      Destroy (T);
   end Test_Create;

   -- Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size --

   procedure Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size
     (Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer;
      Exp_Count : Natural;
      Init_Size : Positive)
      Exp_Val : Integer;
      T       : Dynamic_Hash_Table;
      Val     : Integer;

      T := Create_And_Populate (Low_Key, High_Key, Init_Size);

      --  Ensure that its size matches an expected value

        (Caller    => "Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size",
         T         => T,
         Exp_Count => Exp_Count);

      --  Ensure that every value for the range of keys exists

      for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop
         Val := Get (T, Key);

         if Val /= Key then
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size: Get: wrong value");
            Put_Line ("expected:" & Key'Img);
            Put_Line ("got     :" & Val'Img);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Delete values whose keys are divisible by 10

      for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop
         if Key mod 10 = 0 then
            Delete (T, Key);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that all values whose keys were not deleted still exist

      for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop
         if Key mod 10 = 0 then
            Exp_Val := 0;
            Exp_Val := Key;
         end if;

         Val := Get (T, Key);

         if Val /= Exp_Val then
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size: Get: wrong value");
            Put_Line ("expected:" & Exp_Val'Img);
            Put_Line ("got     :" & Val'Img);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Delete all values

      for Key in Low_Key .. High_Key loop
         Delete (T, Key);
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that the hash table is empty

        (Caller   => "Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size",
         T        => T,
         Low_Key  => Low_Key,
         High_Key => High_Key);

      --  Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks

      Destroy (T);
   end Test_Delete_Get_Put_Size;

   -- Test_Iterate --

   procedure Test_Iterate
     (Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive)
      Iter_1 : Iterator;
      Iter_2 : Iterator;
      T      : Dynamic_Hash_Table;

      T := Create_And_Populate (Low_Key, High_Key, Init_Size);

      --  Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
      --  the hash table.

      Iter_1 := Iterate (T);

      --  Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a hash
      --  table with at least one outstanding iterator.

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate",
         T      => T);

      --  Obtain another iterator

      Iter_2 := Iterate (T);

      --  Ensure that every mutation is still locked

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate",
         T      => T);

      --  Ensure that all keys are iterable. Note that this does not unlock the
      --  mutation operations of the hash table because Iter_2 is not exhausted
      --  yet.

        (Caller   => "Test_Iterate",
         Iter     => Iter_1,
         Low_Key  => Low_Key,
         High_Key => High_Key);

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate",
         T      => T);

      --  Ensure that all keys are iterable. This action unlocks all mutation
      --  operations of the hash table because all outstanding iterators have
      --  been exhausted.

        (Caller   => "Test_Iterate",
         Iter     => Iter_2,
         Low_Key  => Low_Key,
         High_Key => High_Key);

      --  Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable

      Delete (T, Low_Key);
      Put (T, Low_Key, Low_Key);
      Reset (T);

      --  Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks

      Destroy (T);
   end Test_Iterate;

   -- Test_Iterate_Empty --

   procedure Test_Iterate_Empty (Init_Size : Positive) is
      Iter : Iterator;
      Key  : Integer;
      T    : Dynamic_Hash_Table;

      T := Create_And_Populate (0, -1, Init_Size);

      --  Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
      --  the hash table.

      Iter := Iterate (T);

      --  Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a hash
      --  table with at least one outstanding iterator.

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Empty",
         T      => T);

      --  Attempt to iterate over the keys

      while Has_Next (Iter) loop
         Next (Iter, Key);

         Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Empty: key" & Key'Img & " exists");
      end loop;

      --  Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable

      Delete (T, 1);
      Put (T, 1, 1);
      Reset (T);

      --  Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks

      Destroy (T);
   end Test_Iterate_Empty;

   -- Test_Iterate_Forced --

   procedure Test_Iterate_Forced
     (Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive)
      Iter : Iterator;
      Key  : Integer;
      T    : Dynamic_Hash_Table;

      T := Create_And_Populate (Low_Key, High_Key, Init_Size);

      --  Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
      --  the hash table.

      Iter := Iterate (T);

      --  Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a hash
      --  table with at least one outstanding iterator.

        (Caller => "Test_Iterate_Forced",
         T      => T);

      --  Forcibly advance the iterator until it raises an exception

         for Guard in Low_Key .. High_Key + 1 loop
            Next (Iter, Key);
         end loop;

           ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: Iterator_Exhausted not raised");
         when Iterator_Exhausted =>
         when others =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: unexpected exception");

      --  Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable

      Delete (T, Low_Key);
      Put (T, Low_Key, Low_Key);
      Reset (T);

      --  Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks

      Destroy (T);
   end Test_Iterate_Forced;

   -- Test_Replace --

   procedure Test_Replace
     (Low_Val   : Integer;
      High_Val  : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive)
      Key : constant Integer := 1;
      T   : Dynamic_Hash_Table;
      Val : Integer;

      T := Create (Init_Size);

      --  Ensure the Put properly updates values with the same key

      for Exp_Val in Low_Val .. High_Val loop
         Put (T, Key, Exp_Val);

         Val := Get (T, Key);

         if Val /= Exp_Val then
            Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Replace: Get: wrong value");
            Put_Line ("expected:" & Exp_Val'Img);
            Put_Line ("got     :" & Val'Img);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks

      Destroy (T);
   end Test_Replace;

   -- Test_Reset --

   procedure Test_Reset
     (Low_Key   : Integer;
      High_Key  : Integer;
      Init_Size : Positive)
      T : Dynamic_Hash_Table;

      T := Create_And_Populate (Low_Key, High_Key, Init_Size);

      --  Reset the contents of the hash table

      Reset (T);

      --  Ensure that the hash table is empty

        (Caller   => "Test_Reset",
         T        => T,
         Low_Key  => Low_Key,
         High_Key => High_Key);

      --  Clean up the hash table to prevent memory leaks

      Destroy (T);
   end Test_Reset;

--  Start of processing for Operations

   Test_Create (Init_Size => 1);
   Test_Create (Init_Size => 100);

     (Low_Key   => 1,
      High_Key  => 1,
      Exp_Count => 1,
      Init_Size => 1);

     (Low_Key   => 1,
      High_Key  => 1000,
      Exp_Count => 1000,
      Init_Size => 32);

     (Low_Key   => 1,
      High_Key  => 32,
      Init_Size => 32);

   Test_Iterate_Empty (Init_Size => 32);

     (Low_Key   => 1,
      High_Key  => 32,
      Init_Size => 32);

     (Low_Val   => 1,
      High_Val  => 10,
      Init_Size => 32);

     (Low_Key   => 1,
      High_Key  => 1000,
      Init_Size => 100);
end Operations;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gnatmake -q operations.adb -largs -lgmem
$ ./operations
$ gnatmem operations > leaks.txt
$ grep -c "non freed allocations" leaks.txt

2019-07-01  Hristian Kirtchev  <>


	* libgnat/g-dynhta.adb: Use type Dynamic_Hash_Table rather than
	Instance in various routines.
	* libgnat/ Change type Instance to
	Dynamic_Hash_Table. Update various routines that mention the


	* gnat.dg/dynhash.adb, gnat.dg/dynhash1.adb: Update.

From-SVN: r272860
2019-07-01 13:34:55 +00:00
Hristian Kirtchev 68f27c97bf [Ada] Minor reformatting
2019-07-01  Hristian Kirtchev  <>


	* exp_attr.adb, exp_ch7.adb, exp_unst.adb, sem_ch3.adb,
	sem_util.adb, uintp.adb, Minor reformatting.

From-SVN: r272859
2019-07-01 13:34:49 +00:00
Javier Miranda 54948285e6 [Ada] Disable expansion of 'Min/'Max of floating point types
2019-07-01  Javier Miranda  <>


	* exp_attr.adb (Expand_Min_Max_Attribute): Disable expansion of
	'Min/'Max on integer, enumeration, fixed point and floating
	point types since the CCG backend now provides in file
	standard.h routines to support it.

From-SVN: r272858
2019-07-01 13:34:45 +00:00
Hristian Kirtchev 5a428808e7 [Ada] Implement GNAT.Graphs
This patch introduces new unit GNAT.Graphs which currently provides a
directed graph abstraction.

-- Source --

--  operations.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT;        use GNAT;
with GNAT.Graphs; use GNAT.Graphs;
with GNAT.Sets;   use GNAT.Sets;

procedure Operations is
   type Vertex_Id is
     (No_V, VA, VB, VC, VD, VE, VF, VG, VH, VX, VY, VZ);
   No_Vertex_Id : constant Vertex_Id := No_V;

   function Hash_Vertex (V : Vertex_Id) return Bucket_Range_Type;

   type Edge_Id is
    (No_E, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, E10, E97, E98, E99);
   No_Edge_Id : constant Edge_Id := No_E;

   function Hash_Edge (E : Edge_Id) return Bucket_Range_Type;

   package ES is new Membership_Set
     (Element_Type => Edge_Id,
      "="          => "=",
      Hash         => Hash_Edge);

   package DG is new Directed_Graph
     (Vertex_Id   => Vertex_Id,
      No_Vertex   => No_Vertex_Id,
      Hash_Vertex => Hash_Vertex,
      Same_Vertex => "=",
      Edge_Id     => Edge_Id,
      No_Edge     => No_Edge_Id,
      Hash_Edge   => Hash_Edge,
      Same_Edge   => "=");
   use DG;

   package VS is new Membership_Set
     (Element_Type => Vertex_Id,
      "="          => "=",
      Hash         => Hash_Vertex);

   -- Local subprograms --

   procedure Check_Belongs_To_Component
     (R        : String;
      G        : Instance;
      V        : Vertex_Id;
      Exp_Comp : Component_Id);
   --  Verify that vertex V of graph G belongs to component Exp_Comp. R is the
   --  calling routine.

   procedure Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Verify that vertex V of graph G belongs to some component. R is the
   --  calling routine.

   procedure Check_Destination_Vertex
     (R     : String;
      G     : Instance;
      E     : Edge_Id;
      Exp_V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Vertify that the destination vertex of edge E of grah G is Exp_V. R is
   --  the calling routine.

   procedure Check_Distinct_Components
     (R      : String;
      Comp_1 : Component_Id;
      Comp_2 : Component_Id);
   --  Verify that components Comp_1 and Comp_2 are distinct (not the same)

   procedure Check_Has_Component
     (R      : String;
      G      : Instance;
      G_Name : String;
      Comp   : Component_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G with name G_Name contains component Comp. R is the
   --  calling routine.

   procedure Check_Has_Edge
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      E : Edge_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G contains edge E. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_Has_Vertex
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G contains vertex V. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_No_Component
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Verify that vertex V does not belong to some component. R is the calling
   --  routine.

   procedure Check_No_Component
     (R      : String;
      G      : Instance;
      G_Name : String;
      Comp   : Component_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G with name G_Name does not contain component Comp. R
   --  is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_No_Edge
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      E : Edge_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G does not contain edge E. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_No_Vertex
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Verify that graph G does not contain vertex V. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Components
     (R       : String;
      G       : Instance;
      Exp_Num : Natural);
   --  Verify that graph G has exactly Exp_Num components. R is the calling
   --  routine.

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Edges
     (R       : String;
      G       : Instance;
      Exp_Num : Natural);
   --  Verify that graph G has exactly Exp_Num edges. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Vertices
     (R       : String;
      G       : Instance;
      Exp_Num : Natural);
   --  Verify that graph G has exactly Exp_Num vertices. R is the calling
   --  routine.

   procedure Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator
     (R   : String;
      G   : Instance;
      V   : Vertex_Id;
      Set : ES.Instance);
   --  Verify that all outgoing edges of vertex V of graph G can be iterated
   --  and appear in set Set. R is the calling routine.

   procedure Check_Source_Vertex
     (R     : String;
      G     : Instance;
      E     : Edge_Id;
      Exp_V : Vertex_Id);
   --  Vertify that the source vertex of edge E of grah G is Exp_V. R is the
   --  calling routine.

   procedure Check_Vertex_Iterator
     (R    : String;
      G    : Instance;
      Comp : Component_Id;
      Set  : VS.Instance);
   --  Verify that all vertices of component Comp of graph G can be iterated
   --  and appear in set Set. R is the calling routine.

   function Create_And_Populate return Instance;
   --  Create a brand new graph (see body for the shape of the graph)

   procedure Error (R : String; Msg : String);
   --  Output an error message with text Msg within the context of routine R

   procedure Test_Add_Edge;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Add_Edge

   procedure Test_Add_Vertex;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Add_Vertex

   procedure Test_All_Edge_Iterator;
   --  Verify the semantics of All_Edge_Iterator

   procedure Test_All_Vertex_Iterator;
   --  Verify the semantics of All_Vertex_Iterator

   procedure Test_Component;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Component

   procedure Test_Component_Iterator;
   --  Verify the semantics of Component_Iterator

   procedure Test_Contains_Component;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Contains_Component

   procedure Test_Contains_Edge;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Contains_Edge

   procedure Test_Contains_Vertex;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Contains_Vertex

   procedure Test_Delete_Edge;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Delete_Edge

   procedure Test_Destination_Vertex;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Destination_Vertex

   procedure Test_Find_Components;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Find_Components

   procedure Test_Is_Empty;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Is_Empty

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Components;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Number_Of_Components

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Edges;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Number_Of_Edges

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Vertices;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Number_Of_Vertices

   procedure Test_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;
   --  Verify the semantics of Outgoing_Edge_Iterator

   procedure Test_Present;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Present

   procedure Test_Source_Vertex;
   --  Verify the semantics of routine Source_Vertex

   procedure Test_Vertex_Iterator;
   --  Verify the semantics of Vertex_Iterator;

   procedure Unexpected_Exception (R : String);
   --  Output an error message concerning an unexpected exception within
   --  routine R.

   -- Check_Belongs_To_Component --

   procedure Check_Belongs_To_Component
     (R        : String;
      G        : Instance;
      V        : Vertex_Id;
      Exp_Comp : Component_Id)
      Act_Comp : constant Component_Id := Component (G, V);

      if Act_Comp /= Exp_Comp then
         Error (R, "inconsistent component for vertex " & V'Img);
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_Comp'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_Comp'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Belongs_To_Component;

   -- Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component --

   procedure Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      V : Vertex_Id)
      if not Present (Component (G, V)) then
         Error (R, "vertex " & V'Img & " does not belong to a component");
      end if;
   end Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component;

   -- Check_Destination_Vertex --

   procedure Check_Destination_Vertex
     (R     : String;
      G     : Instance;
      E     : Edge_Id;
      Exp_V : Vertex_Id)
      Act_V : constant Vertex_Id := Destination_Vertex (G, E);

      if Act_V /= Exp_V then
         Error (R, "inconsistent destination vertex for edge " & E'Img);
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_V'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_V'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Destination_Vertex;

   -- Check_Distinct_Components --

   procedure Check_Distinct_Components
     (R      : String;
      Comp_1 : Component_Id;
      Comp_2 : Component_Id)
      if Comp_1 = Comp_2 then
         Error (R, "components are not distinct");
      end if;
   end Check_Distinct_Components;

   -- Check_Has_Component --

   procedure Check_Has_Component
     (R      : String;
      G      : Instance;
      G_Name : String;
      Comp   : Component_Id)
      if not Contains_Component (G, Comp) then
         Error (R, "graph " & G_Name & " lacks component");
      end if;
   end Check_Has_Component;

   -- Check_Has_Edge --

   procedure Check_Has_Edge
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      E : Edge_Id)
      if not Contains_Edge (G, E) then
         Error (R, "graph lacks edge " & E'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Has_Edge;

   -- Check_Has_Vertex --

   procedure Check_Has_Vertex
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      V : Vertex_Id)
      if not Contains_Vertex (G, V) then
         Error (R, "graph lacks vertex " & V'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Has_Vertex;

   -- Check_No_Component --

   procedure Check_No_Component
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      V : Vertex_Id)
      if Present (Component (G, V)) then
         Error (R, "vertex " & V'Img & " belongs to a component");
      end if;
   end Check_No_Component;

   procedure Check_No_Component
     (R      : String;
      G      : Instance;
      G_Name : String;
      Comp   : Component_Id)
      if Contains_Component (G, Comp) then
         Error (R, "graph " & G_Name & " contains component");
      end if;
   end Check_No_Component;

   -- Check_No_Edge --

   procedure Check_No_Edge
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      E : Edge_Id)
      if Contains_Edge (G, E) then
         Error (R, "graph contains edge " & E'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_No_Edge;

   -- Check_No_Vertex --

   procedure Check_No_Vertex
     (R : String;
      G : Instance;
      V : Vertex_Id)
      if Contains_Vertex (G, V) then
         Error (R, "graph contains vertex " & V'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_No_Vertex;

   -- Check_Number_Of_Components --

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Components
     (R       : String;
      G       : Instance;
      Exp_Num : Natural)
      Act_Num : constant Natural := Number_Of_Components (G);

      if Act_Num /= Exp_Num then
         Error (R, "inconsistent number of components");
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_Num'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_Num'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Number_Of_Components;

   -- Check_Number_Of_Edges --

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Edges
     (R       : String;
      G       : Instance;
      Exp_Num : Natural)
      Act_Num : constant Natural := Number_Of_Edges (G);

      if Act_Num /= Exp_Num then
         Error (R, "inconsistent number of edges");
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_Num'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_Num'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Number_Of_Edges;

   -- Check_Number_Of_Vertices --

   procedure Check_Number_Of_Vertices
     (R       : String;
      G       : Instance;
      Exp_Num : Natural)
      Act_Num : constant Natural := Number_Of_Vertices (G);

      if Act_Num /= Exp_Num then
         Error (R, "inconsistent number of vertices");
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_Num'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_Num'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Number_Of_Vertices;

   -- Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator --

   procedure Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator
     (R   : String;
      G   : Instance;
      V   : Vertex_Id;
      Set : ES.Instance)
      E : Edge_Id;

      Out_E_Iter : Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;

      --  Iterate over all outgoing edges of vertex V while removing edges seen
      --  from the set.

      Out_E_Iter := Iterate_Outgoing_Edges (G, V);
      while Has_Next (Out_E_Iter) loop
         Next (Out_E_Iter, E);

         if ES.Contains (Set, E) then
            ES.Delete (Set, E);
            Error (R, "outgoing edge " & E'Img & " is not iterated");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point the set of edges should be empty

      if not ES.Is_Empty (Set) then
         Error (R, "not all outgoing edges were iterated");
      end if;
   end Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;

   -- Check_Source_Vertex --

   procedure Check_Source_Vertex
     (R     : String;
      G     : Instance;
      E     : Edge_Id;
      Exp_V : Vertex_Id)
      Act_V : constant Vertex_Id := Source_Vertex (G, E);

      if Act_V /= Exp_V then
         Error (R, "inconsistent source vertex");
         Error (R, "  expected: " & Exp_V'Img);
         Error (R, "  got     : " & Act_V'Img);
      end if;
   end Check_Source_Vertex;

   -- Check_Vertex_Iterator --

   procedure Check_Vertex_Iterator
     (R    : String;
      G    : Instance;
      Comp : Component_Id;
      Set  : VS.Instance)
      V : Vertex_Id;

      V_Iter : Vertex_Iterator;

      --  Iterate over all vertices of component Comp while removing vertices
      --  seen from the set.

      V_Iter := Iterate_Vertices (G, Comp);
      while Has_Next (V_Iter) loop
         Next (V_Iter, V);

         if VS.Contains (Set, V) then
            VS.Delete (Set, V);
            Error (R, "vertex " & V'Img & " is not iterated");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point the set of vertices should be empty

      if not VS.Is_Empty (Set) then
         Error (R, "not all vertices were iterated");
      end if;
   end Check_Vertex_Iterator;

   -- Create_And_Populate --

   function Create_And_Populate return Instance is
      G : constant Instance :=
            Create (Initial_Vertices => Vertex_Id'Size,
                    Initial_Edges    => Edge_Id'Size);

      --       9         8           1        2
      --  G <------ F <------  A  ------> B -------> C
      --  |                  ^ | |        ^          ^
      --  +------------------+ | +-------------------+
      --       10              |          |   3
      --                    4  |        5 |
      --                       v          |
      --            H          D ---------+
      --                      | ^
      --                      | |
      --                    6 | | 7
      --                      | |
      --                      v |
      --                       E
      --  Components:
      --    [A, F, G]
      --    [B]
      --    [C]
      --    [D, E]
      --    [H]

      Add_Vertex (G, VA);
      Add_Vertex (G, VB);
      Add_Vertex (G, VC);
      Add_Vertex (G, VD);
      Add_Vertex (G, VE);
      Add_Vertex (G, VF);
      Add_Vertex (G, VG);
      Add_Vertex (G, VH);

      Add_Edge (G, E1,  Source => VA, Destination => VB);
      Add_Edge (G, E2,  Source => VB, Destination => VC);
      Add_Edge (G, E3,  Source => VA, Destination => VC);
      Add_Edge (G, E4,  Source => VA, Destination => VD);
      Add_Edge (G, E5,  Source => VD, Destination => VB);
      Add_Edge (G, E6,  Source => VD, Destination => VE);
      Add_Edge (G, E7,  Source => VE, Destination => VD);
      Add_Edge (G, E8,  Source => VA, Destination => VF);
      Add_Edge (G, E9,  Source => VF, Destination => VG);
      Add_Edge (G, E10, Source => VG, Destination => VA);

      return G;
   end Create_And_Populate;

   -- Error --

   procedure Error (R : String; Msg : String) is
      Put_Line ("ERROR: " & R & ": " & Msg);
   end Error;

   -- Hash_Edge --

   function Hash_Edge (E : Edge_Id) return Bucket_Range_Type is
      return Bucket_Range_Type (Edge_Id'Pos (E));
   end Hash_Edge;

   -- Hash_Vertex --

   function Hash_Vertex (V : Vertex_Id) return Bucket_Range_Type is
      return Bucket_Range_Type (Vertex_Id'Pos (V));
   end Hash_Vertex;

   -- Test_Add_Edge --

   procedure Test_Add_Edge is
      R : constant String := "Test_Add_Edge";

      E : Edge_Id;
      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;

      All_E_Iter : All_Edge_Iterator;
      Out_E_Iter : Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;

      --  Try to add the same edge twice

         Add_Edge (G, E1, VB, VH);
         Error (R, "duplicate edge not detected");
         when Duplicate_Edge => null;
         when others         => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Try to add an edge with a bogus source

         Add_Edge (G, E97, Source => VX, Destination => VC);
         Error (R, "missing vertex not detected");
         when Missing_Vertex => null;
         when others         => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Try to add an edge with a bogus destination

         Add_Edge (G, E97, Source => VF, Destination => VY);
         Error (R, "missing vertex not detected");
         when Missing_Vertex => null;
         when others         => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Delete edge E1 between vertices VA and VB

         Delete_Edge (G, E1);
         when others => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Try to re-add edge E1

         Add_Edge (G, E1, Source => VA, Destination => VB);
         when others => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Lock all edges in the graph

      All_E_Iter := Iterate_All_Edges (G);

      --  Try to add an edge given that all edges are locked

         Add_Edge (G, E97, Source => VG, Destination => VH);
         Error (R, "all edges not locked");
         when Iterated => null;
         when others   => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Unlock all edges by iterating over them

      while Has_Next (All_E_Iter) loop Next (All_E_Iter, E); end loop;

      --  Lock all outgoing edges of vertex VD

      Out_E_Iter := Iterate_Outgoing_Edges (G, VD);

      --  Try to add an edge with source VD given that all edges of VD are
      --  locked.

         Add_Edge (G, E97, Source => VD, Destination => VG);
         Error (R, "outgoing edges of VD not locked");
         when Iterated => null;
         when others   => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Unlock the edges of vertex VD by iterating over them

      while Has_Next (Out_E_Iter) loop Next (Out_E_Iter, E); end loop;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Add_Edge;

   -- Test_Add_Vertex --

   procedure Test_Add_Vertex is
      R : constant String := "Test_Add_Vertex";

      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;
      V : Vertex_Id;

      All_V_Iter : All_Vertex_Iterator;

      --  Try to add the same vertex twice

         Add_Vertex (G, VD);
         Error (R, "duplicate vertex not detected");
         when Duplicate_Vertex => null;
         when others           => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Lock all vertices in the graph

      All_V_Iter := Iterate_All_Vertices (G);

      --  Try to add a vertex given that all vertices are locked

         Add_Vertex (G, VZ);
         Error (R, "all vertices not locked");
         when Iterated => null;
         when others   => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Unlock all vertices by iterating over them

      while Has_Next (All_V_Iter) loop Next (All_V_Iter, V); end loop;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Add_Vertex;

   -- Test_All_Edge_Iterator --

   procedure Test_All_Edge_Iterator is
      R : constant String := "Test_All_Edge_Iterator";

      E : Edge_Id;
      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;

      All_E_Iter : All_Edge_Iterator;
      All_Edges  : ES.Instance;

      --  Collect all expected edges in a set

      All_Edges := ES.Create (Number_Of_Edges (G));

      for Curr_E in E1 .. E10 loop
         ES.Insert (All_Edges, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Iterate over all edges while removing encountered edges from the set

      All_E_Iter := Iterate_All_Edges (G);
      while Has_Next (All_E_Iter) loop
         Next (All_E_Iter, E);

         if ES.Contains (All_Edges, E) then
            ES.Delete (All_Edges, E);
            Error (R, "edge " & E'Img & " is not iterated");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point the set of edges should be empty

      if not ES.Is_Empty (All_Edges) then
         Error (R, "not all edges were iterated");
      end if;

      ES.Destroy (All_Edges);
      Destroy (G);
   end Test_All_Edge_Iterator;

   -- Test_All_Vertex_Iterator --

   procedure Test_All_Vertex_Iterator is
      R : constant String := "Test_All_Vertex_Iterator";

      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;
      V : Vertex_Id;

      All_V_Iter   : All_Vertex_Iterator;
      All_Vertices : VS.Instance;

      --  Collect all expected vertices in a set

      All_Vertices := VS.Create (Number_Of_Vertices (G));

      for Curr_V in VA .. VH loop
         VS.Insert (All_Vertices, Curr_V);
      end loop;

      --  Iterate over all vertices while removing encountered vertices from
      --  the set.

      All_V_Iter := Iterate_All_Vertices (G);
      while Has_Next (All_V_Iter) loop
         Next (All_V_Iter, V);

         if VS.Contains (All_Vertices, V) then
            VS.Delete (All_Vertices, V);
            Error (R, "vertex " & V'Img & " is not iterated");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  At this point the set of vertices should be empty

      if not VS.Is_Empty (All_Vertices) then
         Error (R, "not all vertices were iterated");
      end if;

      VS.Destroy (All_Vertices);
      Destroy (G);
   end Test_All_Vertex_Iterator;

   -- Test_Component --

   procedure Test_Component is
      R : constant String := "Test_Component";

      G : Instance := Create (Initial_Vertices => 3, Initial_Edges => 2);

      --      E1
      --    ----->
      --  VA       VB     VC
      --    <-----
      --      E2
      --  Components:
      --    [VA, VB]
      --    [VC]

      Add_Vertex (G, VA);
      Add_Vertex (G, VB);
      Add_Vertex (G, VC);

      Add_Edge (G, E1, Source => VA, Destination => VB);
      Add_Edge (G, E2, Source => VB, Destination => VA);

      --  None of the vertices should belong to a component

      Check_No_Component (R, G, VA);
      Check_No_Component (R, G, VB);
      Check_No_Component (R, G, VC);

      --  Find the strongly connected components in the graph

      Find_Components (G);

      --  Vertices should belong to a component

      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VA);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VB);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VC);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Component;

   -- Test_Component_Iterator --

   procedure Test_Component_Iterator is
      R : constant String := "Test_Component_Iterator";

      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;

      Comp       : Component_Id;
      Comp_Count : Natural;
      Comp_Iter  : Component_Iterator;

      Find_Components (G);
      Check_Number_Of_Components (R, G, 5);

      Comp_Count := Number_Of_Components (G);

      --  Iterate over all components while decrementing their number

      Comp_Iter := Iterate_Components (G);
      while Has_Next (Comp_Iter) loop
         Next (Comp_Iter, Comp);

         Comp_Count := Comp_Count - 1;
      end loop;

      --  At this point all components should have been accounted for

      if Comp_Count /= 0 then
         Error (R, "not all components were iterated");
      end if;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Component_Iterator;

   -- Test_Contains_Component --

   procedure Test_Contains_Component is
      R : constant String := "Test_Contains_Component";

      G1 : Instance := Create (Initial_Vertices => 2, Initial_Edges => 2);
      G2 : Instance := Create (Initial_Vertices => 2, Initial_Edges => 2);

      --      E1
      --    ----->
      --  VA       VB
      --    <-----
      --      E2
      --  Components:
      --    [VA, VB]

      Add_Vertex (G1, VA);
      Add_Vertex (G1, VB);

      Add_Edge (G1, E1, Source => VA, Destination => VB);
      Add_Edge (G1, E2, Source => VB, Destination => VA);

      --      E97
      --    ----->
      --  VX       VY
      --    <-----
      --      E98
      --  Components:
      --    [VX, VY]

      Add_Vertex (G2, VX);
      Add_Vertex (G2, VY);

      Add_Edge (G2, E97, Source => VX, Destination => VY);
      Add_Edge (G2, E98, Source => VY, Destination => VX);

      --  Find the strongly connected components in both graphs

      Find_Components (G1);
      Find_Components (G2);

      --  Vertices should belong to a component

      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G1, VA);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G1, VB);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G2, VX);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G2, VY);

      --  Verify that each graph contains the correct component

      Check_Has_Component (R, G1, "G1", Component (G1, VA));
      Check_Has_Component (R, G1, "G1", Component (G1, VB));
      Check_Has_Component (R, G2, "G2", Component (G2, VX));
      Check_Has_Component (R, G2, "G2", Component (G2, VY));

      --  Verify that each graph does not contain components from the other
      --  graph.

      Check_No_Component (R, G1, "G1", Component (G2, VX));
      Check_No_Component (R, G1, "G1", Component (G2, VY));
      Check_No_Component (R, G2, "G2", Component (G1, VA));
      Check_No_Component (R, G2, "G2", Component (G1, VB));

      Destroy (G1);
      Destroy (G2);
   end Test_Contains_Component;

   -- Test_Contains_Edge --

   procedure Test_Contains_Edge is
      R : constant String := "Test_Contains_Edge";

      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify that all edges in the range E1 .. E10 exist

      for Curr_E in E1 .. E10 loop
         Check_Has_Edge (R, G, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Verify that no extra edges are present

      for Curr_E in E97 .. E99 loop
         Check_No_Edge (R, G, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Add new edges E97, E98, and E99

      Add_Edge (G, E97, Source => VG, Destination => VF);
      Add_Edge (G, E98, Source => VH, Destination => VE);
      Add_Edge (G, E99, Source => VD, Destination => VC);

      --  Verify that all edges in the range E1 .. E99 exist

      for Curr_E in E1 .. E99 loop
         Check_Has_Edge (R, G, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Delete each edge that corresponds to an even position in Edge_Id

      for Curr_E in E1 .. E99 loop
         if Edge_Id'Pos (Curr_E) mod 2 = 0 then
            Delete_Edge (G, Curr_E);
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Verify that all "even" edges are missing, and all "odd" edges are
      --  present.

      for Curr_E in E1 .. E99 loop
         if Edge_Id'Pos (Curr_E) mod 2 = 0 then
            Check_No_Edge (R, G, Curr_E);
            Check_Has_Edge (R, G, Curr_E);
         end if;
      end loop;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Contains_Edge;

   -- Test_Contains_Vertex --

   procedure Test_Contains_Vertex is
      R : constant String := "Test_Contains_Vertex";

      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify that all vertices in the range VA .. VH exist

      for Curr_V in VA .. VH loop
         Check_Has_Vertex (R, G, Curr_V);
      end loop;

      --  Verify that no extra vertices are present

      for Curr_V in VX .. VZ loop
         Check_No_Vertex (R, G, Curr_V);
      end loop;

      --  Add new vertices VX, VY, and VZ

      Add_Vertex (G, VX);
      Add_Vertex (G, VY);
      Add_Vertex (G, VZ);

      --  Verify that all vertices in the range VA .. VZ exist

      for Curr_V in VA .. VZ loop
         Check_Has_Vertex (R, G, Curr_V);
      end loop;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Contains_Vertex;

   -- Test_Delete_Edge --

   procedure Test_Delete_Edge is
      R : constant String := "Test_Delete_Edge";

      E : Edge_Id;
      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;
      V : Vertex_Id;

      All_E_Iter : All_Edge_Iterator;
      All_V_Iter : All_Vertex_Iterator;
      Out_E_Iter : Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;

      --  Try to delete a bogus edge

         Delete_Edge (G, E97);
         Error (R, "missing vertex deleted");
         when Missing_Edge => null;
         when others       => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Delete edge E1 between vertices VA and VB

         Delete_Edge (G, E1);
         when others => Unexpected_Exception (R);

      --  Verify that edge E1 is gone from all edges in the graph

      All_E_Iter := Iterate_All_Edges (G);
      while Has_Next (All_E_Iter) loop
         Next (All_E_Iter, E);

         if E = E1 then
            Error (R, "edge " & E'Img & " not removed from all edges");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Verify that edge E1 is gone from the outgoing edges of vertex VA

      Out_E_Iter := Iterate_Outgoing_Edges (G, VA);
      while Has_Next (Out_E_Iter) loop
         Next (Out_E_Iter, E);

         if E = E1 then
              (R, "edge " & E'Img & "not removed from outgoing edges of VA");
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Delete all edges in the range E2 .. E10

      for Curr_E in E2 .. E10 loop
         Delete_Edge (G, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Verify that all edges are gone from the graph

      All_E_Iter := Iterate_All_Edges (G);
      while Has_Next (All_E_Iter) loop
         Next (All_E_Iter, E);

         Error (R, "edge " & E'Img & " not removed from all edges");
      end loop;

      --  Verify that all edges are gone from the respective source vertices

      All_V_Iter := Iterate_All_Vertices (G);
      while Has_Next (All_V_Iter) loop
         Next (All_V_Iter, V);

         Out_E_Iter := Iterate_Outgoing_Edges (G, V);
         while Has_Next (Out_E_Iter) loop
            Next (Out_E_Iter, E);

            Error (R, "edge " & E'Img & " not removed from vertex " & V'Img);
         end loop;
      end loop;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Delete_Edge;

   -- Test_Destination_Vertex --

   procedure Test_Destination_Vertex is
      R : constant String := "Test_Destination_Vertex";

      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify the destination vertices of all edges in the graph

      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E1,  VB);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E2,  VC);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E3,  VC);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E4,  VD);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E5,  VB);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E6,  VE);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E7,  VD);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E8,  VF);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E9,  VG);
      Check_Destination_Vertex (R, G, E10, VA);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Destination_Vertex;

   -- Test_Find_Components --

   procedure Test_Find_Components is
      R : constant String := "Test_Find_Components";

      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;

      Comp_1 : Component_Id;  --  [A, F, G]
      Comp_2 : Component_Id;  --  [B]
      Comp_3 : Component_Id;  --  [C]
      Comp_4 : Component_Id;  --  [D, E]
      Comp_5 : Component_Id;  --  [H]

      Find_Components (G);

      --  Vertices should belong to a component

      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VA);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VB);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VC);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VD);
      Check_Belongs_To_Some_Component (R, G, VH);

      --  Extract the ids of the components from the first vertices in each
      --  component.

      Comp_1 := Component (G, VA);
      Comp_2 := Component (G, VB);
      Comp_3 := Component (G, VC);
      Comp_4 := Component (G, VD);
      Comp_5 := Component (G, VH);

      --  Verify that the components are distinct

      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_1, Comp_2);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_1, Comp_3);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_1, Comp_4);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_1, Comp_5);

      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_2, Comp_3);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_2, Comp_4);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_2, Comp_5);

      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_3, Comp_4);
      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_3, Comp_5);

      Check_Distinct_Components (R, Comp_4, Comp_5);

      --  Verify that the remaining nodes belong to the proper component

      Check_Belongs_To_Component (R, G, VF, Comp_1);
      Check_Belongs_To_Component (R, G, VG, Comp_1);
      Check_Belongs_To_Component (R, G, VE, Comp_4);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Find_Components;

   -- Test_Is_Empty --

   procedure Test_Is_Empty is
      R : constant String := "Test_Is_Empty";

      G : Instance := Create (Initial_Vertices => 3, Initial_Edges => 2);

      --  Verify that a graph without vertices and edges is empty

      if not Is_Empty (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is empty");
      end if;

      --  Add vertices

      Add_Vertex (G, VA);
      Add_Vertex (G, VB);

      --  Verify that a graph with vertices and no edges is not empty

      if Is_Empty (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is not empty");
      end if;

      --  Add edges

      Add_Edge (G, E1, Source => VA, Destination => VB);

      --  Verify that a graph with vertices and edges is not empty

      if Is_Empty (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is not empty");
      end if;

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Is_Empty;

   -- Test_Number_Of_Components --

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Components is
      R : constant String := "Test_Number_Of_Components";

      G : Instance := Create (Initial_Vertices => 3, Initial_Edges => 2);

      --  Verify that an empty graph has exactly 0 components

      Check_Number_Of_Components (R, G, 0);

      --      E1
      --    ----->
      --  VA       VB     VC
      --    <-----
      --      E2
      --  Components:
      --    [VA, VB]
      --    [VC]

      Add_Vertex (G, VA);
      Add_Vertex (G, VB);
      Add_Vertex (G, VC);

      Add_Edge (G, E1, Source => VA, Destination => VB);
      Add_Edge (G, E2, Source => VB, Destination => VA);

      --  Verify that the graph has exact 0 components even though it contains
      --  vertices and edges.

      Check_Number_Of_Components (R, G, 0);

      Find_Components (G);

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 2 components

      Check_Number_Of_Components (R, G, 2);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Number_Of_Components;

   -- Test_Number_Of_Edges --

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Edges is
      R : constant String := "Test_Number_Of_Edges";

      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 10 edges

      Check_Number_Of_Edges (R, G, 10);

      --  Delete two edges

      Delete_Edge (G, E1);
      Delete_Edge (G, E2);

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 8 edges

      Check_Number_Of_Edges (R, G, 8);

      --  Delete the remaining edge

      for Curr_E in E3 .. E10 loop
         Delete_Edge (G, Curr_E);
      end loop;

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 0 edges

      Check_Number_Of_Edges (R, G, 0);

      --  Add two edges

      Add_Edge (G, E1, Source => VF, Destination => VA);
      Add_Edge (G, E2, Source => VC, Destination => VH);

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 2 edges

      Check_Number_Of_Edges (R, G, 2);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Number_Of_Edges;

   -- Test_Number_Of_Vertices --

   procedure Test_Number_Of_Vertices is
      R : constant String := "Test_Number_Of_Vertices";

      G : Instance := Create (Initial_Vertices => 4, Initial_Edges => 12);

      --  Verify that an empty graph has exactly 0 vertices

      Check_Number_Of_Vertices (R, G, 0);

      --  Add three vertices

      Add_Vertex (G, VC);
      Add_Vertex (G, VG);
      Add_Vertex (G, VX);

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 3 vertices

      Check_Number_Of_Vertices (R, G, 3);

      --  Add one edge

      Add_Edge (G, E8, Source => VX, Destination => VG);

      --  Verify that the graph has exactly 3 vertices

      Check_Number_Of_Vertices (R, G, 3);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Number_Of_Vertices;

   -- Test_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator --

   procedure Test_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator is
      R : constant String := "Test_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator";

      G   : Instance := Create_And_Populate;
      Set : ES.Instance;

      Set := ES.Create (4);

      ES.Insert (Set, E1);
      ES.Insert (Set, E3);
      ES.Insert (Set, E4);
      ES.Insert (Set, E8);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VA, Set);

      ES.Insert (Set, E2);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VB, Set);

      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VC, Set);

      ES.Insert (Set, E5);
      ES.Insert (Set, E6);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VD, Set);

      ES.Insert (Set, E7);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VE, Set);

      ES.Insert (Set, E9);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VF, Set);

      ES.Insert (Set, E10);
      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VG, Set);

      Check_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator (R, G, VH, Set);

      ES.Destroy (Set);
      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Outgoing_Edge_Iterator;

   -- Test_Present --

   procedure Test_Present is
      R : constant String := "Test_Present";

      G : Instance := Nil;

      --  Verify that a non-existent graph is not present

      if Present (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is not present");
      end if;

      G := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify that an existing graph is present

      if not Present (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is present");
      end if;

      Destroy (G);

      --  Verify that a destroyed graph is not present

      if Present (G) then
         Error (R, "graph is not present");
      end if;
   end Test_Present;

   -- Test_Source_Vertex --

   procedure Test_Source_Vertex is
      R : constant String := "Test_Source_Vertex";

      G : Instance := Create_And_Populate;

      --  Verify the source vertices of all edges in the graph

      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E1,  VA);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E2,  VB);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E3,  VA);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E4,  VA);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E5,  VD);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E6,  VD);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E7,  VE);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E8,  VA);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E9,  VF);
      Check_Source_Vertex (R, G, E10, VG);

      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Source_Vertex;

   -- Test_Vertex_Iterator --

   procedure Test_Vertex_Iterator is
      R : constant String := "Test_Vertex_Iterator";

      G   : Instance := Create_And_Populate;
      Set : VS.Instance;

      Find_Components (G);

      Set := VS.Create (3);

      VS.Insert (Set, VA);
      VS.Insert (Set, VF);
      VS.Insert (Set, VG);
      Check_Vertex_Iterator (R, G, Component (G, VA), Set);

      VS.Insert (Set, VB);
      Check_Vertex_Iterator (R, G, Component (G, VB), Set);

      VS.Insert (Set, VC);
      Check_Vertex_Iterator (R, G, Component (G, VC), Set);

      VS.Insert (Set, VD);
      VS.Insert (Set, VE);
      Check_Vertex_Iterator (R, G, Component (G, VD), Set);

      VS.Insert (Set, VH);
      Check_Vertex_Iterator (R, G, Component (G, VH), Set);

      VS.Destroy (Set);
      Destroy (G);
   end Test_Vertex_Iterator;

   -- Unexpected_Exception --

   procedure Unexpected_Exception (R : String) is
      Error (R, "unexpected exception");
   end Unexpected_Exception;

--  Start of processing for Operations


end Operations;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gnatmake -q operations.adb -largs -lgmem
$ ./operations
$ gnatmem operations > leaks.txt
$ grep -c "non freed allocations" leaks.txt

2019-07-01  Hristian Kirtchev  <>


	* impunit.adb: Add GNAT.Graphs to list Non_Imp_File_Names_95.
	* Makefile.rtl, gcc-interface/ Register unit
	* libgnat/g-dynhta.adb: Various minor cleanups (use Present
	rather than direct comparisons).
	(Delete): Reimplement to use Delete_Node.
	(Delete_Node): New routine.
	(Destroy_Bucket): Invoke the provided destructor.
	(Present): New routines.
	* libgnat/ Add new generic formal Destroy_Value.
	Use better names for the components of iterators.
	* libgnat/g-graphs.adb, libgnat/ New unit.
	* libgnat/g-lists.adb: Various minor cleanups (use Present
	rather than direct comparisons).
	(Delete_Node): Invoke the provided destructor.
	(Present): New routine.
	* libgnat/ Add new generic formal Destroy_Element.
	Use better names for the components of iterators.
	(Present): New routine.
	* libgnat/g-sets.adb, libgnat/ (Destroy, Preset,
	Reset): New routines.

From-SVN: r272857
2019-07-01 13:34:40 +00:00
Dmitriy Anisimkov 7c46e926fa [Ada] GNAT.Sockets: fix Get_Address when AF_INET6 is not defined
2019-07-01  Dmitriy Anisimkov  <>


	* libgnat/g-sothco.adb (Get_Address): Fix the case when AF_INET6
	is not defined.

From-SVN: r272856
2019-07-01 13:34:34 +00:00
Ed Schonberg 6a04c94390 [Ada] Compiler abort on use of Invalid_Value on numeric positive subtype
Invalid_Value in most cases uses a predefined numeric value from a
built-in table, but if the type does not include zero in its range, the
literal 0 is used instead. In that case the value (produced by a call to
Get_Simple_Init_Val) must be resolved for proper type information.

The following must compile quietly:

   gnatmake -q main

with Problems; use Problems;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;

procedure Main is

   Put_Line ("P1: " & P1'Image);
   Put_Line ("P2: " & P2'Image);
   Put_Line ("P3: " & P3'Image);
   Put_Line ("P4: " & P4'Image);

end Main;
package Problems is

   function P1 return Integer;
   function P2 return Long_Integer;

   -- Max. number of prime factors a number can have is log_2 N
   -- For N = 600851475143, this is ~ 40
   -- type P3_Factors is array (1 .. 40) of Long_Integer;
   function P3 return Long_Integer;

   type P4_Palindrome is range 100*100 .. 999*999;
   function P4 return P4_Palindrome;

end Problems;
package body Problems is

   function P1 return Integer is separate;
   function P2 return Long_Integer is separate;
   function P3 return Long_Integer is separate;
   function P4 return P4_Palindrome is separate;

end Problems;

function P1 return Integer is

   Sum : Integer range 0 .. 500_500 := 0;


   for I in Integer range 1 .. 1000 - 1 loop
      if I mod 3 = 0 or I mod 5 = 0 then
         Sum := Sum + I;
      end if;
   end loop;

   return Sum;

end P1;

function P2 return Long_Integer is

   subtype Total is Long_Integer range 0 .. 8_000002e6 ;
   subtype Elem  is Total        range 0 .. 4e7 ;

   Sum : Total := 0;
   a, b, c : Elem;

   a := 1;
   b := 2;

      if b mod 2 = 0 then
         Sum := Sum + b;
      end if;

      c := b;
      b := a + b;
      a := c;

      exit when b >= 4e6;
   end loop;

   return Sum;

end P2;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;

function P3 return Long_Integer is

   -- Greatest prime factor
   GPF      : Long_Integer       := 1;

   Dividend : Long_Integer  := 600851475143;
   Factor   : Long_Integer  := 2;
   Quotient : Long_Integer;


   while Dividend > 1 loop
      Quotient := Dividend / Factor;
      if Dividend mod Factor = 0 then
         GPF := Factor;
         Dividend := Quotient;
         if Factor >= Quotient then
            GPF := Dividend;
         end if;
         Factor := Factor + 1;
      end if;
   end loop;

   return GPF;

end P3;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
function P4 return P4_Palindrome is

   type TripleDigit is range 100 .. 999;
   a, b: TripleDigit := TripleDigit'First;

   c : P4_Palindrome;

   Max_Palindrome : P4_Palindrome := P4_Palindrome'Invalid_Value;

   function Is_Palindrome (X : in P4_Palindrome) return Boolean is

      type Int_Digit is range 0 .. 9;
      type Int_Digits is array (1 .. 6) of Int_Digit;

      type Digit_Extractor is range 0 .. P4_Palindrome'Last;
      Y : Digit_Extractor := Digit_Extractor (X);
      X_Digits : Int_Digits;


      for I in reverse X_Digits'Range loop
         X_Digits (I) := Int_Digit (Y mod 10);
         Y := Y / 10;
      end loop;

        (X_Digits (1) = X_Digits (6) and X_Digits (2) = X_Digits (5) and
             X_Digits (3) = X_Digits (4)) or
        (X_Digits (2) = X_Digits (6) and X_Digits (3) = X_Digits (5) and
             X_Digits(1) = 0);

   end Is_Palindrome;


   for a in TripleDigit'Range loop
      for b in TripleDigit'Range loop
         c := P4_Palindrome (a * b);
         if Is_Palindrome (c) then
            if Max_Palindrome'Valid or else c > Max_Palindrome then
               Max_Palindrome := c;
            end if;
         end if;
      end loop;
   end loop;

   return Max_Palindrome;

2019-07-01  Ed Schonberg  <>


	* exp_attr.adb (Expand_Attribute_Reference, case Invalid_Value):
	Resolve result of call to Get_Simple_Init_Val, which may be a
	conversion of a literal.

From-SVN: r272855
2019-07-01 13:34:30 +00:00
Hristian Kirtchev 867edb0b61 [Ada] Crash due to missing freeze nodes in transient scope
The following patch updates the freezing of expressions to insert the
generated freeze nodes prior to the expression that produced them when
the context is a transient scope within a type initialization procedure.
This ensures that the nodes are properly interleaved with respect to the
constructs that generated them.

2019-07-01  Hristian Kirtchev  <>


	* freeze.adb (Freeze_Expression): Remove the horrible useless
	name hiding of N. Insert the freeze nodes generated by the
	expression prior to the expression when the nearest enclosing
	scope is transient.


	* gnat.dg/freezing1.adb, gnat.dg/,
	gnat.dg/freezing1_pack.adb, gnat.dg/ New

From-SVN: r272854
2019-07-01 13:34:25 +00:00
Pierre-Marie de Rodat 7b3a8d3440 [Ada] Fix formatting issues in the gnat_ugn documentation
2019-07-01  Pierre-Marie de Rodat  <>


	* doc/gnat_ugn/building_executable_programs_with_gnat.rst: Fix
	formatting issues in the -gnatR section.
	* gnat_ugn.texi: Regenerate.

From-SVN: r272853
2019-07-01 13:34:19 +00:00
Jan Hubicka 2330bb91f9 re PR lto/91028 (g++.dg/lto/alias-2 FAILs with -fno-use-linker-plugin)
PR lto/91028
	PR lto/90720
	* g++.dg/lto/alias-1_0.C: Add loop to make inlining happen with
	* g++.dg/lto/alias-2_0.C: Likewise.

From-SVN: r272852
2019-07-01 09:05:07 +00:00
Richard Sandiford 6de20b9d7a Use ira_setup_alts for conflict detection
make_early_clobber_and_input_conflicts records allocno conflicts
between inputs and earlyclobber outputs.  It (rightly) avoids
doing this for inputs that are explicitly allowed to match the
output due to matching constraints.

The problem is that whether this matching is allowed varies
between alternatives.  At the moment the code avoids adding
a clobber if *any* enabled alternative allows the match,
even if some other operand makes that alternative impossible.

The specific instance of this for SVE is that some alternatives
allow matched earlyclobbers when a third operand X is constant zero.
We should avoid adding conflicts when X really is constant zero,
but should ignore the match if X is nonzero or nonconstant.

ira_setup_alts can already filter these alternatives out for us,
so all we need to do is use it in process_bb_node_lives.  The
preferred_alternatives variable is only used for this earlyclobber
detection, so no other check should be affected.

With the previous patch to check the reject weight in ira_setup_alts,
this has the effect of ignoring expensive alternatives if we have
other valid alternatives with zero cost.  It seems reasonable to base
the heuristic on only the alternatives that we'd actually like to use,
but if this ends up being too aggressive, we could instead make the new
reject behaviour conditional and only use it for add_insn_allocno_copies.

2019-07-01  Richard Sandiford  <>

	* ira-lives.c (process_bb_node_lives): Use ira_setup_alts.

From-SVN: r272851
2019-07-01 08:58:44 +00:00
Richard Sandiford ae5569fa33 Allow earlyclobbers in ira_get_dup_out_num
ira_get_dup_out_num punted on operands that are matched to
earlyclobber outputs:

	    /* It is better ignore an alternative with early clobber.  */
	    else if (*str == '&')
	      goto fail;

But I'm not sure why this is the right thing to do.  At this stage
we've established that *all* alternatives of interest require the
input to match the output, so

(a) the earlyclobber can only affect other operands and
(b) not tying the registers is bound to introduce a move

The code was part of the initial commit and so isn't obviously
related to a specific testcase.  Also, I can imagine LRA makes
a much better job of this situation than reload did.  (Certainly
SVE uses matched earlyclobbers extensively and I haven't seen any

In case this turns out to regress something important: the main
case that matters for SVE is the one in which all alternatives
are earlyclobber.

2019-07-01  Richard Sandiford  <>

	* ira.c (ira_get_dup_out_num): Don't punt for earlyclobbers.
	Use recog_data to test for an output operand.

From-SVN: r272850
2019-07-01 08:58:35 +00:00
Richard Sandiford ed680e2cc1 Make ira_get_dup_out_num handle more cases
SVE has a prefix instruction (MOVPRFX) that acts as a move but is
designed to be easily fusible with the following instruction.  The SVE
port therefore has lots of patterns with constraints of the form:

  A: operand 0: =w,?w
     operand n:  0, w

where the first alternative is a single instruction and the second
alternative uses MOVPRFX.

Ideally we want operand n to be allocated to the same register as
operand 0 in this case.

add_insn_allocno_copies is the main IRA routine that deals with tied
operands.  It is (rightly) very conservative, and only handles cases in
which we're confident about saving a full move.  So for a pattern like:

  B: operand 0: =w,w
     operand n:  0,w

we don't (and shouldn't) assume that tying operands 0 and n would
save the cost of a move.

But in A, the second alternative has a ? marker, which makes it more
expensive than the first alternative by a full reload.  So I think for
copy elision we should ignore the untied operand n in the second
alternative of A.

One approach would be to add '*' markers to each pattern and make
ira_get_dup_out_num honour them.  But I think the rule applies on
first principles, so marking with '*' shouldn't be necessary.

This patch instead makes ira_get_dup_out_num ignore expensive
alternatives if there are other alternatives that match exactly.
The cheapest way of doing that seemed to be to take expensive
alternatives out of consideration in ira_setup_alts, which provides
a bitmask of alternatives and has all the information available.
add_insn_allocno_copies is the only current user of ira_setup_alts,
so no other code should be affected.

If all available alternatives are disparaged or need a reload,
there's not much we can do to cut them down at this stage,
since it's hard to predict which operands will be reloaded and
which registers will need to be spilled.

An interesting case is patterns like this msp430 one:

;; Alternatives 2 and 3 are to handle cases generated by reload.
(define_insn "subqi3"
  [(set (match_operand:QI           0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rYs,  rm,  &?r, ?&r")
	(minus:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand"       "0,    0,    !r,  !i")
		  (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand"      " riYs, rmi, rmi,   r")))]
  SUB.B\t%2, %0
  SUB%X0.B\t%2, %0
  MOV%X0.B\t%1, %0 { SUB%X0.B\t%2, %0
  MOV%X0.B\t%1, %0 { SUB%X0.B\t%2, %0"

Here alternative 3 is significantly more expensive then alternative 0
(reject costs 0 and 606 respectively).  But if operand 1 is an integer
constant, we'll still use alternative 3 if operand 2 is an allocated
register.  On the other hand, if operand 1 is an integer constant but
operand 2 is spilled to memory, we'll move the constant into a register
and use the first alternative.

So in this case, if operand 1 is a register, we should consider
only the first two alternatives and thus try to tie operand 1
to operand 0 (which we didn't do previously).  If operand 1 is a
constant integer, we should consider at least alternatives 0, 1 and 3.
We could exclude alternative 2, but I don't have any evidence that
that's useful.

2019-07-01  Richard Sandiford  <>

	* ira.c (ira_setup_alts): If any valid alternatives have zero cost,
	exclude any others that are disparaged or that are bound to need
	a reload or spill.
	(ira_get_dup_out_num): Expand comment.

From-SVN: r272849
2019-07-01 08:58:23 +00:00
Richard Sandiford 06a65e803e Simplify ira_setup_alts
ira_setup_alts has its own code to calculate the start of the
constraint string for each operand/alternative combination,
but preprocess_constraints now provides that information in (almost)
constant time for non-asm instructions.  Using it here should speed
up the common case at the cost of potentially slowing down the handling
of asm statements.

The real reason for doing this is that a later patch wants to use
more of the operand_alternative information.

2019-07-01  Richard Sandiford  <>

	* ira.c (ira_setup_alts): Use preprocess_constraints to get the
	constraint string for each operand/alternative combo.  Only handle
	'%' at the start of constraint strings, and look for it outside
	the main loop.

From-SVN: r272848
2019-07-01 08:58:10 +00:00
Richard Sandiford 73bb8fe9e9 Use alternative_mask for add_insn_allocno_copies
add_insn_allocno_copies and its subroutines used HARD_REG_SET to
represent a bitmask of alternatives.  There's not really any connection
between the number of registers and the maximum number of alternatives,
so this patch uses alternative_mask instead (which wasn't around when
this code was added).

This is just a minor clean-up making way for later patches.

2019-07-01  Richard Sandiford  <>

	* ira-int.h (ira_setup_alts, ira_get_dup_out_num): Use
	alternative_mask instead of HARD_REG_SET to represent a
	bitmask of alternatives.
	* ira.c (ira_setup_alts, ira_get_dup_out_num): Likewise.
	* ira-conflicts.c (add_insn_allocno_copies): Likewise.

From-SVN: r272847
2019-07-01 08:57:59 +00:00
Martin Liska c53930bb4e Fix 2 clang warnings.
2019-07-01  Martin Liska  <>

	* edit-context.c (test_applying_fixits_unreadable_file): Do not
	use () for a constructor call.
	(test_applying_fixits_line_out_of_range): Likewise.
	* ggc-page.c (alloc_page): Use (void *) for %p printf format
	(free_page): Likewise.

From-SVN: r272846
2019-07-01 08:08:29 +00:00
Vladislav Ivanishin 823d12a837 rename parameters to match usage

	* (GdbPrettyPrinters.add_printer_for_types): Reorder
	parameter names to match usage (no functional change).
	(GdbPrettyPrinters.add_printer_for_regex): Ditto.

From-SVN: r272845
2019-07-01 08:05:51 +00:00
Dominique d'Humieres 4c40b365b8 gen-attrs-67.C: Add error for darwin.
2019-07-01  Dominique d'Humieres  <>

	* g++.dg/cpp0x/gen-attrs-67.C: Add error for darwin.

From-SVN: r272844
2019-07-01 10:05:39 +02:00
Richard Biener 744fd446c3 tree-ssa-sccvn.c (class pass_fre): Add may_iterate pass parameter.
2019-07-01  Richard Biener  <>

	* tree-ssa-sccvn.c (class pass_fre): Add may_iterate
	pass parameter.
	(pass_fre::execute): Honor it.
	* passes.def: Adjust pass_fre invocations to allow iterating,
	add non-iterating pass_fre before late threading/dom.

	* gcc.dg/tree-ssa/pr77445-2.c: Adjust.

From-SVN: r272843
2019-07-01 07:54:38 +00:00
Richard Biener 2f215d2176 tree-ssa-sccvn.c (copy_reference_ops_from_ref): Adjust TARGET_MEM_REF handling to also handle address-taken ones.
2019-07-01  Richard Biener  <>

	* tree-ssa-sccvn.c (copy_reference_ops_from_ref): Adjust
	TARGET_MEM_REF handling to also handle address-taken ones.

From-SVN: r272842
2019-07-01 07:37:28 +00:00
Hongtao Liu 8d1184f025 sourcebuild.texi (Effective-Target Keywords, [...]): Document avx512vp2intersect.

2019-07-01  Hongtao Liu  <>

	* doc/sourcebuild.texi (Effective-Target Keywords, Other
	hardware attributes): Document avx512vp2intersect.


2019-07-01  Hongtao Liu  <>

	* lib/target-supports.exp
	(check_effective_target_avx512vp2intersect): New proc.
	* Add
	dg-require-effective-target avx512vp2intersect.
	* Ditto.

From-SVN: r272840
2019-07-01 02:12:42 +00:00
GCC Administrator 1b4fcec21f Daily bump.
From-SVN: r272839
2019-07-01 00:16:17 +00:00
Uros Bizjak 6be2bef81f (ssse3_abs<mode>2): Rename from abs<mode>2.
* config/i386/ (ssse3_abs<mode>2): Rename from abs<mode>2.
	(abs<mode>2): New expander.
	* config/i386/i386-builtin.def (__builtin_ia32_pabsb):
	Use CODE_FOR_ssse3_absv8qi2.
	(__builtin_ia32_pabsw): Use CODE_FOR_ssse3_absv4hi2.
	(__builtin_ia32_pabsd): Use CODE_FOR_ssse3_absv2si2.

From-SVN: r272835
2019-06-30 23:12:07 +02:00
Uros Bizjak b49ae8a52f (mmx_isa): Rename x64, x64_noavx and x64_avx to sse, sse_noavx and avx.
* config/i386/ (mmx_isa): Rename x64, x64_noavx and x64_avx
	to sse, sse_noavx and avx.  Update all uses.

	* config/i386/ (sse_movntq): Add "isa" attribute.
	(*mmx_<plusminus_insn><mode>3): Ditto.
	(*mmx_mulv4hi3"): Ditto.
	(*mmx_smulv4hi3_highpart): Ditto.
	(*mmx_umulv4hi3_highpart): Ditto.
	(*mmx_pmaddwd): Ditto.
	(*sse2_umulv1siv1di3): Ditto.
	(*mmx_<code>v4hi3): Ditto.
	(*mmx_<code>v8qi3): Ditto.
	(mmx_ashr<mode>3): Ditto.
	("mmx_<shift_insn><mode>3): Ditto.
	(*mmx_eq<mode>3): Ditto.
	(mmx_gt<mode>3): Ditto.
	(mmx_andnot<mode>3): Ditto.
	(*mmx_<code><mode>3): Ditto.
	(*mmx_pinsrw): Ditto.
	(*mmx_pextrw): Ditto.
	(mmx_pshufw_1): Ditto.
	(*mmx_uavgv8qi3): Ditto.
	(*mmx_uavgv4hi3): Ditto.
	("mmx_psadbw): Ditto.
	* config/i386/ (sse_cvtps2pi): Ditto.
	(sse_cvttps2pi): Ditto.
	(ssse3_pmaddubsw): Ditto.
	(*ssse3_pmulhrswv4hi3): Ditto.
	(ssse3_psign<mode>3): Ditto.

From-SVN: r272834
2019-06-30 21:40:32 +02:00
Iain Sandoe b09e0af6b2 [PATCH, Ada] Push -shared-libgcc where needed.
Gnatlink has code that checks for duplicate '-shared-libgcc’ switches (but not
duplicate ‘static-libgcc’) and also pushes ’static-libgcc' onto the link line for
targets that default to static linking, provided '-shared-libgcc' is not present.

For targets that should use a shared libgcc we need the same process to be
applied (in inverse), in the event that they do not default to providing the
shared flag implicitly.

So this adds the complementary set of tests for the shared case and pushes
the shared flag as needed.  As a minor tidy-up there’s no need push duplicates
of the libgcc switch onto the link line when one has already been seen (given by
the user).

The patch does not alter any of the platform defaults for static/shared libgcc,
but it ensures that the intent of the link is explicit.


2019-06-30  Iain Sandoe  <>

	* gnatlink.adb (Link_Step): Remove duplicate -static-libgcc switches.
	Push -shared-libgcc explicitly, when it is the target default (unless
	overidden by the static flag).
	When the user has put an instance of shared/static-libgcc do not push
	a duplicate of this.

From-SVN: r272832
2019-06-30 14:58:45 +00:00
GCC Administrator 4d30be5771 Daily bump.
From-SVN: r272831
2019-06-30 00:16:25 +00:00
Eric Botcazou 7fddde9549 decl.c (gnat_to_gnu_entity): Beep up comment on SAVED...
* gcc-interface/decl.c (gnat_to_gnu_entity): Beep up comment on SAVED,
	and tweak comment on the assertion about the scopes of Itypes.  Do not
	skip the regular processing for Itypes that are E_Record_Subtype with
	a Cloned_Subtype.  Get the Cloned_Subtype for every E_Record_Subtype
	if the type is dummy and hasn't got its own freeze node.
	<E_Record_Subtype>: Save again the DECL of the Cloned_Subtype, if any.
	<E_Access_Subtype>: Save again the DECL of the equivalent type.
	(Gigi_Equivalent_Type) <E_Access_Subtype>: New case.

From-SVN: r272822
2019-06-29 09:01:27 +00:00
Eric Botcazou db53aa5c98 utils.c (unchecked_convert): Tweak comment.
* gcc-interface/utils.c (unchecked_convert): Tweak comment.  Only skip
	dereferences when padding to have the same size on both sides.  Do it
	for destination types with self-referential size too.

From-SVN: r272821
2019-06-29 08:22:35 +00:00
Eric Botcazou 8623afc48b decl.c (gnat_to_gnu_entity): If the type requires strict alignment, then set the RM size to the type size.
* gcc-interface/decl.c (gnat_to_gnu_entity) <E_Record_Type>: If the
	type requires strict alignment, then set the RM size to the type size.
	Rework handling of alignment and sizes of tagged types in ASIS mode.
	(validate_size): Rename local variable and remove special handling for
	strict-alignment types.
	* gcc-interface/utils.c (finish_record_type): Constify local variables
	and use properly typed constants.

From-SVN: r272820
2019-06-29 08:10:20 +00:00
Eric Botcazou 26cf789910 decl.c (gnat_to_gnu_field): Rework error messages for fields requiring strict alignment...
* gcc-interface/decl.c (gnat_to_gnu_field): Rework error messages for
	fields requiring strict alignment, add explicit test on Storage_Unit
	for position and size, and mention type alignment for position.

From-SVN: r272819
2019-06-29 07:53:27 +00:00
Eric Botcazou 4ed9ab2de7 trans.c (mark_visited_r): Set TYPE_SIZES_GIMPLIFIED on the main variant of a type, if any.
* gcc-interface/trans.c (mark_visited_r): Set TYPE_SIZES_GIMPLIFIED on
	the main variant of a type, if any.

From-SVN: r272815
2019-06-29 07:37:31 +00:00
Eric Botcazou d9888378d3 decl.c (set_nonaliased_component_on_array_type): Add missing guard for the presence of TYPE_CANONICAL.
* gcc-interface/decl.c (set_nonaliased_component_on_array_type): Add
	missing guard for the presence of TYPE_CANONICAL.
	(set_reverse_storage_order_on_array_type): Likewise.

From-SVN: r272811
2019-06-29 07:30:22 +00:00
Eric Botcazou b1af4cb290 expr.c (expand_expr_real_1): Apply the big-endian adjustment for bit-fields to all aggregate types.
* expr.c (expand_expr_real_1) <BIT_FIELD_REF>: Apply the big-endian
	adjustment for bit-fields to all aggregate types.
	* gcc-interface/gigi.h (make_packable_type): Remove default value.
	(value_factor_p): Tweak prototype.
	* gcc-interface/decl.c (gnat_to_gnu_entity): Add comment.
	(gnat_to_gnu_component_type): Likewise.
	(gnat_to_gnu_field): Likewise.  Fetch the position of the field earlier
	and simplify the condition under which the type is packed.  Declare
 	local variable is_bitfield.  Pass 1 as max_align to make_packable_type
	if it is set to true.
	(copy_and_substitute_in_layout): Pass 0 to make_packable_type.
	* gcc-interface/utils.c (make_packable_array_type): New function.
	(make_packable_type): Use it to rewrite the type of array field.
	(maybe_pad_type): Pass align parameter to make_packable_type.
	(create_field_decl): Minor tweaks.
	(value_factor_p): Assert that FACTOR is a power of 2 and replace the
	modulo computation by a masking operation.

From-SVN: r272810
2019-06-29 07:16:37 +00:00
Jason Merrill 43e1e8b5b8 Remove trailing whitespace in C++ front end.
From-SVN: r272809
2019-06-29 01:40:58 -04:00
GCC Administrator ee62a32fb7 Daily bump.
From-SVN: r272808
2019-06-29 00:16:16 +00:00
Michael Meissner 183ba378ca Update pc-relative support.
2019-06-28  Michael Meissner  <>

	* config/rs6000/ (pcrel_address):  Use
	SYMBOL_REF_LOCAL_P to determine if a label is local.
	(pcrel_external_address): New predicate.
	(non_prefixed_mem_operand): Delete, predicate not used.
	* config/rs6000/rs6000.h (SYMBOL_FLAG_PCREL_P): Delete, we now use
	SYMBOL_REF_LOCAL_P to determine if we can use pc-relative
	(SYMBOL_REF_PCREL_P): Likewise.

From-SVN: r272792
2019-06-28 20:19:54 +00:00
Michael Meissner afbde658c8 re PR target/91009 (Bug with future PowerPC patches with lfiwax/lfiwzx (related to PR 90822))
Fix PR target/91009

2019-06-27   Michael Meissner  <>

	PR target/91009
	* config/rs6000/ (floatsi<mode>2_lfiwax): Add non-VSX
	(floatsi<mode>2_lfiwax_mem): Add non-VSX alternative.
	(floatunssi<mode>2_lfiwzx): Add non-VSX alternative.
	(floatunssi<mode>2_lfiwzx_mem): Add non-VSX alternative.

From-SVN: r272791
2019-06-28 19:52:52 +00:00
Iain Sandoe 415f0387fb [Darwin, PPC] Install the same headers as other sub-targets.
This is primarily in order to improve testsuite coverage, we might elect
to prune the list at some point.

2019-06-28  Iain Sandoe  <>

	* config.gcc (powerpc-*-darwin*, powerpc64-*-darwin*): Remove
	override on extra_headers.

From-SVN: r272790
2019-06-28 18:51:09 +00:00
Iain Sandoe ccd40a6932 [Darwin] Fix a couple of Wformat-diag build warnings.
2019-06-28  Iain Sandoe  <>

	* config/darwin-c.c (pop_field_alignment): Quote #pragma options.
	* config/darwin-driver.c (darwin_default_min_version): Remove newline
	from warning.
	(darwin_driver_init): Likewise.

From-SVN: r272789
2019-06-28 18:41:09 +00:00
Jan Beulich 778d120f73 x86: improve GFNI insns
There's no need for three alternatives: "v" without TARGET_AVX512F is
the same as "x".

From-SVN: r272784
2019-06-28 13:21:53 +00:00
Jan Beulich c0569d342c x86: fix vgf2p8affine*qb insns
The affine transformations are not commutative (the two source operands
have entirely different meaning).

Also the nonimmediate_operand predicate can better be vector_operand.

From-SVN: r272783
2019-06-28 13:19:51 +00:00
Claudiu Zissulescu 807c3ab51d [ARC][COMMITTED] Fix slsr-13 regressions.
A recent RTX cost commit has changed the costs for ARC700 leading to errors in slsr-13.c test.
 This commit fixes this issue by reverting the cost computation for short instructions.

2019-06-28  Claudiu Zissulescu  <>

	* config/arc/arc.c (arc_rtx_costs): All short instructions are
	having a lower cost regardless of the speed option.

From-SVN: r272782
2019-06-28 15:14:12 +02:00
Jan Beulich 8662802d49 add file missing from earlier commit
From-SVN: r272781
2019-06-28 08:49:23 +00:00
Jan Beulich c1a106c222 x86: fix CVT{,T}PD2PI insns
With just an "m" constraint misaligned memory operands won't be forced
into a register, and hence cause #GP. So far this was guaranteed only
in the case that CVT{,T}PD2DQ were chosen (which looks to be the case on
x86-64 only).

Switch the second alternative to Bm and also replace
nonimmediate_operand by vector_operand.

From-SVN: r272780
2019-06-28 08:46:56 +00:00
Dennis Zhang cd65e2652d [Arm] Remove constraint strings from define_expand constructs in the back end
A number of Arm define_expand patterns have specified constraints for
their operands. But the constraint strings are ignored at expand time
and are therefore redundant/useless. We now avoid specifying constraints
in new define_expands, but we should clean up the existing define_expand

2019-06-28  Dennis Zhang  <>

        * config/arm/ Remove redundant constraints from
        define_expand but leave reload_inm and reload_outm patterns
        untouched since they need special constraints to work.
        * config/arm/ Remove redundant constraints from
        * config/arm/ Likewise.
        * config/arm/ Likewise.
        * config/arm/ Likewise.
        * config/arm/ Likewise.
        * config/arm/ Likewise.

From-SVN: r272779
2019-06-28 08:42:09 +00:00
GCC Administrator 494cd9e805 Daily bump.
From-SVN: r272774
2019-06-28 00:16:16 +00:00
Ilia Diachkov 5a4602805e Add --disable-tm-clone-registry libgcc configure option.
This patch adds libgcc configuration option to disable TM clone 
registry. This option helps to reduce code size for embedded targets 
which do not need transactional memory support.

	* doc/install.texi: Document --disable-tm-clone-registry.
	* Add --disable-tm-clone-registry option.
	* configure: Regenerate.

From-SVN: r272769
2019-06-27 16:41:03 -07:00