
1193 lines
46 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import argparse
import contextlib
import datetime
import distutils.version
import hashlib
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
from time import time
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
def support_xz():
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_file:
temp_path =
with, "w:xz"):
return True
except tarfile.CompressionError:
return False
def get(url, path, verbose=False, do_verify=True):
suffix = '.sha256'
sha_url = url + suffix
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_file:
temp_path =
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=suffix, delete=False) as sha_file:
sha_path =
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
if do_verify:
download(sha_path, sha_url, False, verbose)
if os.path.exists(path):
if verify(path, sha_path, False):
if verbose:
print("using already-download file", path)
if verbose:
print("ignoring already-download file",
path, "due to failed verification")
download(temp_path, url, True, verbose)
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
if do_verify and not verify(temp_path, sha_path, verbose):
raise RuntimeError("failed verification")
if verbose:
print("moving {} to {}".format(temp_path, path))
shutil.move(temp_path, path)
delete_if_present(sha_path, verbose)
delete_if_present(temp_path, verbose)
2016-05-08 10:00:36 +02:00
def delete_if_present(path, verbose):
"""Remove the given file if present"""
2016-05-08 10:00:36 +02:00
if os.path.isfile(path):
if verbose:
print("removing", path)
2016-05-08 10:00:36 +02:00
def download(path, url, probably_big, verbose):
for _ in range(0, 4):
_download(path, url, probably_big, verbose, True)
except RuntimeError:
print("\nspurious failure, trying again")
_download(path, url, probably_big, verbose, False)
def _download(path, url, probably_big, verbose, exception):
if probably_big or verbose:
print("downloading {}".format(url))
# see
if sys.platform == 'win32':
run(["PowerShell.exe", "/nologo", "-Command",
2018-11-12 11:32:21 +01:00
"[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;",
"(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('{}', '{}')".format(url, path)],
if probably_big or verbose:
option = "-#"
option = "-s"
require(["curl", "--version"])
run(["curl", option,
"-y", "30", "-Y", "10", # timeout if speed is < 10 bytes/sec for > 30 seconds
2020-02-08 04:04:44 +01:00
"--connect-timeout", "30", # timeout if cannot connect within 30 seconds
"--retry", "3", "-Sf", "-o", path, url],
def verify(path, sha_path, verbose):
"""Check if the sha256 sum of the given path is valid"""
if verbose:
print("verifying", path)
with open(path, "rb") as source:
found = hashlib.sha256(
with open(sha_path, "r") as sha256sum:
expected = sha256sum.readline().split()[0]
verified = found == expected
if not verified:
print("invalid checksum:\n"
2017-05-19 13:16:29 +02:00
" found: {}\n"
" expected: {}".format(found, expected))
return verified
2019-10-29 09:48:05 +01:00
def unpack(tarball, tarball_suffix, dst, verbose=False, match=None):
"""Unpack the given tarball file"""
print("extracting", tarball)
2019-10-29 09:48:05 +01:00
fname = os.path.basename(tarball).replace(tarball_suffix, "")
with contextlib.closing( as tar:
for member in tar.getnames():
if "/" not in member:
name = member.replace(fname + "/", "", 1)
if match is not None and not name.startswith(match):
name = name[len(match) + 1:]
dst_path = os.path.join(dst, name)
if verbose:
print(" extracting", member)
tar.extract(member, dst)
src_path = os.path.join(dst, member)
if os.path.isdir(src_path) and os.path.exists(dst_path):
shutil.move(src_path, dst_path)
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dst, fname))
2017-05-18 10:33:24 +02:00
def run(args, verbose=False, exception=False, **kwargs):
"""Run a child program in a new process"""
if verbose:
print("running: " + ' '.join(args))
# Use Popen here instead of call() as it apparently allows powershell on
# Windows to not lock up waiting for input presumably.
2017-05-18 10:33:24 +02:00
ret = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)
code = ret.wait()
if code != 0:
err = "failed to run: " + ' '.join(args)
if verbose or exception:
raise RuntimeError(err)
2017-05-19 13:16:29 +02:00
def require(cmd, exit=True):
'''Run a command, returning its output.
On error,
If `exit` is `True`, exit the process.
Otherwise, return None.'''
return subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip()
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as exc:
if not exit:
return None
print("error: unable to run `{}`: {}".format(' '.join(cmd), exc))
print("Please make sure it's installed and in the path.")
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
def stage0_data(rust_root):
"""Build a dictionary from stage0.txt"""
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
nightlies = os.path.join(rust_root, "src/stage0.txt")
with open(nightlies, 'r') as nightlies:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in nightlies
if not line.startswith("#")]
return dict([line.split(": ", 1) for line in lines if line])
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
2017-05-19 13:16:29 +02:00
def format_build_time(duration):
"""Return a nicer format for build time
>>> format_build_time('300')
return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(duration)))
2016-09-18 08:31:06 +02:00
def default_build_triple(verbose):
"""Build triple as in LLVM"""
# If the user already has a host build triple with an existing `rustc`
# install, use their preference. This fixes most issues with Windows builds
# being detected as GNU instead of MSVC.
default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
version = subprocess.check_output(["rustc", "--version", "--verbose"],
version = version.decode(default_encoding)
host = next(x for x in version.split('\n') if x.startswith("host: "))
triple = host.split("host: ")[1]
if verbose:
print("detected default triple {}".format(triple))
return triple
except Exception as e:
if verbose:
print("rustup not detected: {}".format(e))
print("falling back to auto-detect")
2020-05-07 02:24:40 +02:00
required = sys.platform != 'win32'
ostype = require(["uname", "-s"], exit=required)
cputype = require(['uname', '-m'], exit=required)
# If we do not have `uname`, assume Windows.
if ostype is None or cputype is None:
return 'x86_64-pc-windows-msvc'
2020-05-07 02:24:40 +02:00
ostype = ostype.decode(default_encoding)
cputype = cputype.decode(default_encoding)
# The goal here is to come up with the same triple as LLVM would,
# at least for the subset of platforms we're willing to target.
ostype_mapper = {
'Darwin': 'apple-darwin',
'DragonFly': 'unknown-dragonfly',
'FreeBSD': 'unknown-freebsd',
'Haiku': 'unknown-haiku',
'NetBSD': 'unknown-netbsd',
'OpenBSD': 'unknown-openbsd'
# Consider the direct transformation first and then the special cases
if ostype in ostype_mapper:
ostype = ostype_mapper[ostype]
elif ostype == 'Linux':
os_from_sp = subprocess.check_output(
['uname', '-o']).strip().decode(default_encoding)
if os_from_sp == 'Android':
ostype = 'linux-android'
ostype = 'unknown-linux-gnu'
elif ostype == 'SunOS':
ostype = 'pc-solaris'
# On Solaris, uname -m will return a machine classification instead
# of a cpu type, so uname -p is recommended instead. However, the
# output from that option is too generic for our purposes (it will
# always emit 'i386' on x86/amd64 systems). As such, isainfo -k
# must be used instead.
cputype = require(['isainfo', '-k']).decode(default_encoding)
# sparc cpus have sun as a target vendor
if 'sparc' in cputype:
ostype = 'sun-solaris'
elif ostype.startswith('MINGW'):
# msys' `uname` does not print gcc configuration, but prints msys
# configuration. so we cannot believe `uname -m`:
# msys1 is always i686 and msys2 is always x86_64.
# instead, msys defines $MSYSTEM which is MINGW32 on i686 and
# MINGW64 on x86_64.
ostype = 'pc-windows-gnu'
cputype = 'i686'
if os.environ.get('MSYSTEM') == 'MINGW64':
cputype = 'x86_64'
elif ostype.startswith('MSYS'):
ostype = 'pc-windows-gnu'
elif ostype.startswith('CYGWIN_NT'):
cputype = 'i686'
if ostype.endswith('WOW64'):
cputype = 'x86_64'
ostype = 'pc-windows-gnu'
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
# Some Windows platforms might have a `uname` command that returns a
# non-standard string (e.g. gnuwin32 tools returns `windows32`). In
# these cases, fall back to using sys.platform.
return 'x86_64-pc-windows-msvc'
err = "unknown OS type: {}".format(ostype)
if cputype == 'powerpc' and ostype == 'unknown-freebsd':
cputype = subprocess.check_output(
['uname', '-p']).strip().decode(default_encoding)
cputype_mapper = {
'BePC': 'i686',
'aarch64': 'aarch64',
'amd64': 'x86_64',
'arm64': 'aarch64',
'i386': 'i686',
'i486': 'i686',
'i686': 'i686',
'i786': 'i686',
'powerpc': 'powerpc',
'powerpc64': 'powerpc64',
'powerpc64le': 'powerpc64le',
'ppc': 'powerpc',
'ppc64': 'powerpc64',
'ppc64le': 'powerpc64le',
's390x': 's390x',
'x64': 'x86_64',
'x86': 'i686',
'x86-64': 'x86_64',
'x86_64': 'x86_64'
# Consider the direct transformation first and then the special cases
if cputype in cputype_mapper:
cputype = cputype_mapper[cputype]
elif cputype in {'xscale', 'arm'}:
cputype = 'arm'
if ostype == 'linux-android':
ostype = 'linux-androideabi'
2019-02-02 16:41:38 +01:00
elif ostype == 'unknown-freebsd':
cputype = subprocess.check_output(
['uname', '-p']).strip().decode(default_encoding)
ostype = 'unknown-freebsd'
elif cputype == 'armv6l':
cputype = 'arm'
if ostype == 'linux-android':
ostype = 'linux-androideabi'
ostype += 'eabihf'
elif cputype in {'armv7l', 'armv8l'}:
cputype = 'armv7'
if ostype == 'linux-android':
ostype = 'linux-androideabi'
ostype += 'eabihf'
elif cputype == 'mips':
if sys.byteorder == 'big':
cputype = 'mips'
elif sys.byteorder == 'little':
cputype = 'mipsel'
raise ValueError("unknown byteorder: {}".format(sys.byteorder))
elif cputype == 'mips64':
if sys.byteorder == 'big':
cputype = 'mips64'
elif sys.byteorder == 'little':
cputype = 'mips64el'
raise ValueError('unknown byteorder: {}'.format(sys.byteorder))
# only the n64 ABI is supported, indicate it
ostype += 'abi64'
elif cputype == 'sparc' or cputype == 'sparcv9' or cputype == 'sparc64':
err = "unknown cpu type: {}".format(cputype)
return "{}-{}".format(cputype, ostype)
def output(filepath):
tmp = filepath + '.tmp'
with open(tmp, 'w') as f:
yield f
if os.path.exists(filepath):
os.remove(filepath) # PermissionError/OSError on Win32 if in use
except OSError:
shutil.copy2(tmp, filepath)
os.rename(tmp, filepath)
2016-09-18 08:31:06 +02:00
class RustBuild(object):
"""Provide all the methods required to build Rust"""
def __init__(self): = ''
self._download_url = ''
self.rustc_channel = ''
self.rustfmt_channel = '' = ''
self.build_dir = ''
self.clean = False
self.config_toml = ''
self.rust_root = ''
self.use_locked_deps = ''
self.use_vendored_sources = ''
self.verbose = False
self.git_version = None
self.nix_deps_dir = None
self.rustc_commit = None
2017-05-19 13:16:29 +02:00
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
def download_stage0(self):
"""Fetch the build system for Rust, written in Rust
This method will build a cache directory, then it will fetch the
tarball which has the stage0 compiler used to then bootstrap the Rust
compiler itself.
Each downloaded tarball is extracted, after that, the script
will move all the content to the right place.
rustc_channel = self.rustc_channel
rustfmt_channel = self.rustfmt_channel
if self.rustc().startswith(self.bin_root()) and \
(not os.path.exists(self.rustc()) or
self.program_out_of_date(self.rustc_stamp(), + str(self.rustc_commit))):
if os.path.exists(self.bin_root()):
download_rustc = self.rustc_commit is not None
tarball_suffix = '.tar.xz' if support_xz() else '.tar.gz'
2019-10-29 09:48:05 +01:00
filename = "rust-std-{}-{}{}".format(
rustc_channel,, tarball_suffix)
pattern = "rust-std-{}".format(
self._download_component_helper(filename, pattern, tarball_suffix, download_rustc)
2019-10-29 09:48:05 +01:00
filename = "rustc-{}-{}{}".format(rustc_channel,,
self._download_component_helper(filename, "rustc", tarball_suffix, download_rustc)
filename = "cargo-{}-{}{}".format(rustc_channel,,
self._download_component_helper(filename, "cargo", tarball_suffix)
if self.rustc_commit is not None:
filename = "rustc-dev-{}-{}{}".format(rustc_channel,, tarball_suffix)
filename, "rustc-dev", tarball_suffix, download_rustc
lib_dir = "{}/lib".format(self.bin_root())
for lib in os.listdir(lib_dir):
if lib.endswith(".so"):
self.fix_bin_or_dylib(os.path.join(lib_dir, lib), rpath_libz=True)
with output(self.rustc_stamp()) as rust_stamp:
rust_stamp.write( + str(self.rustc_commit))
if self.rustfmt() and self.rustfmt().startswith(self.bin_root()) and (
not os.path.exists(self.rustfmt())
or self.program_out_of_date(self.rustfmt_stamp(), self.rustfmt_channel)
if rustfmt_channel:
tarball_suffix = '.tar.xz' if support_xz() else '.tar.gz'
[channel, date] = rustfmt_channel.split('-', 1)
filename = "rustfmt-{}-{}{}".format(channel,, tarball_suffix)
filename, "rustfmt-preview", tarball_suffix, key=date
with output(self.rustfmt_stamp()) as rustfmt_stamp:
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
if self.downloading_llvm():
# We want the most recent LLVM submodule update to avoid downloading
# LLVM more often than necessary.
# This git command finds that commit SHA, looking for bors-authored
# merges that modified src/llvm-project.
# This works even in a repository that has not yet initialized
# submodules.
top_level = subprocess.check_output([
"git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel",
llvm_sha = subprocess.check_output([
"git", "log", "--author=bors", "--format=%H", "-n1",
"-m", "--first-parent",
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
llvm_assertions = self.get_toml('assertions', 'llvm') == 'true'
llvm_root = self.llvm_root()
llvm_lib = os.path.join(llvm_root, "lib")
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
if self.program_out_of_date(self.llvm_stamp(), llvm_sha + str(llvm_assertions)):
self._download_ci_llvm(llvm_sha, llvm_assertions)
for binary in ["llvm-config", "FileCheck"]:
self.fix_bin_or_dylib(os.path.join(llvm_root, "bin", binary), rpath_libz=True)
for lib in os.listdir(llvm_lib):
if lib.endswith(".so"):
self.fix_bin_or_dylib(os.path.join(llvm_lib, lib), rpath_libz=True)
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
with output(self.llvm_stamp()) as llvm_stamp:
llvm_stamp.write(llvm_sha + str(llvm_assertions))
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
def downloading_llvm(self):
opt = self.get_toml('download-ci-llvm', 'llvm')
# This is currently all tier 1 targets (since others may not have CI
# artifacts)
supported_platforms = [
return opt == "true" \
or (opt == "if-available" and in supported_platforms)
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
def _download_component_helper(
self, filename, pattern, tarball_suffix, download_rustc=False, key=None
if key is None:
if download_rustc:
key = self.rustc_commit
key =
cache_dst = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "cache")
rustc_cache = os.path.join(cache_dst, key)
if not os.path.exists(rustc_cache):
if download_rustc:
url = "{}".format(self.rustc_commit)
url = "{}/dist/{}".format(self._download_url, key)
tarball = os.path.join(rustc_cache, filename)
if not os.path.exists(tarball):
do_verify = not download_rustc
get("{}/{}".format(url, filename), tarball, verbose=self.verbose, do_verify=do_verify)
unpack(tarball, tarball_suffix, self.bin_root(), match=pattern, verbose=self.verbose)
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
def _download_ci_llvm(self, llvm_sha, llvm_assertions):
cache_prefix = "llvm-{}-{}".format(llvm_sha, llvm_assertions)
cache_dst = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "cache")
rustc_cache = os.path.join(cache_dst, cache_prefix)
if not os.path.exists(rustc_cache):
url = "{}".format(llvm_sha)
if llvm_assertions:
url = url.replace('rustc-builds', 'rustc-builds-alt')
# ci-artifacts are only stored as .xz, not .gz
if not support_xz():
print("error: XZ support is required to download LLVM")
print("help: consider disabling `download-ci-llvm` or using python3")
tarball_suffix = '.tar.xz'
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
filename = "rust-dev-nightly-" + + tarball_suffix
tarball = os.path.join(rustc_cache, filename)
if not os.path.exists(tarball):
get("{}/{}".format(url, filename), tarball, verbose=self.verbose, do_verify=False)
unpack(tarball, tarball_suffix, self.llvm_root(),
def fix_bin_or_dylib(self, fname, rpath_libz=False):
"""Modifies the interpreter section of 'fname' to fix the dynamic linker,
or the RPATH section, to fix the dynamic library search path
This method is only required on NixOS and uses the PatchELF utility to
change the interpreter/RPATH of ELF executables.
Please see for more information
default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
2017-05-19 13:16:29 +02:00
ostype = subprocess.check_output(
['uname', '-s']).strip().decode(default_encoding)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
except OSError as reason:
if getattr(reason, 'winerror', None) is not None:
raise reason
if ostype != "Linux":
2017-02-11 09:17:54 +01:00
if not os.path.exists("/etc/NIXOS"):
if os.path.exists("/lib"):
# At this point we're pretty sure the user is running NixOS
nix_os_msg = "info: you seem to be running NixOS. Attempting to patch"
2017-07-01 14:16:57 +02:00
print(nix_os_msg, fname)
# Only build `stage0/.nix-deps` once.
nix_deps_dir = self.nix_deps_dir
if not nix_deps_dir:
nix_deps_dir = "{}/.nix-deps".format(self.bin_root())
if not os.path.exists(nix_deps_dir):
nix_deps = [
# Needed for the path of `` (via `nix-support/dynamic-linker`).
# Needed as a system dependency of `libLLVM-*.so`.
# Needed for patching ELF binaries (see doc comment above).
# Run `nix-build` to "build" each dependency (which will likely reuse
# the existing `/nix/store` copy, or at most download a pre-built copy).
# Importantly, we don't rely on `nix-build` printing the `/nix/store`
# path on stdout, but use `-o` to symlink it into `stage0/.nix-deps/$dep`,
# ensuring garbage collection will never remove the `/nix/store` path
# (which would break our patched binaries that hardcode those paths).
for dep in nix_deps:
"nix-build", "<nixpkgs>",
"-A", dep,
"-o", "{}/{}".format(nix_deps_dir, dep),
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as reason:
print("warning: failed to call nix-build:", reason)
self.nix_deps_dir = nix_deps_dir
patchelf = "{}/patchelf/bin/patchelf".format(nix_deps_dir)
patchelf_args = []
if rpath_libz:
# Patch RPATH to add `zlib` dependency that stems from LLVM
dylib_deps = ["zlib"]
rpath_entries = [
# Relative default, all binary and dynamic libraries we ship
# appear to have this (even when `../lib` is redundant).
] + ["{}/{}/lib".format(nix_deps_dir, dep) for dep in dylib_deps]
patchelf_args += ["--set-rpath", ":".join(rpath_entries)]
if not fname.endswith(".so"):
# Finally, set the corret .interp for binaries
bintools_dir = "{}/".format(nix_deps_dir)
with open("{}/nix-support/dynamic-linker".format(bintools_dir)) as dynamic_linker:
patchelf_args += ["--set-interpreter",]
subprocess.check_output([patchelf] + patchelf_args + [fname])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as reason:
print("warning: failed to call patchelf:", reason)
# Return the stage1 compiler to download, if any.
def maybe_download_rustc(self):
# If `download-rustc` is not set, default to rebuilding.
if self.get_toml("download-rustc", section="rust") != "true":
return None
# Handle running from a directory other than the top level
rev_parse = ["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"]
top_level = subprocess.check_output(rev_parse, universal_newlines=True).strip()
compiler = "{}/compiler/".format(top_level)
# Look for a version to compare to based on the current commit.
# Only commits merged by bors will have CI artifacts.
merge_base = ["git", "log", "--author=bors", "--pretty=%H", "-n1"]
commit = subprocess.check_output(merge_base, universal_newlines=True).strip()
# Warn if there were changes to the compiler since the ancestor commit.
status =["git", "diff-index", "--quiet", commit, "--", compiler])
if status != 0:
print("warning: `download-rustc` is enabled, but there are changes to compiler/")
return commit
def rustc_stamp(self):
"""Return the path for .rustc-stamp
>>> rb = RustBuild()
>>> rb.build_dir = "build"
>>> rb.rustc_stamp() == os.path.join("build", "stage0", ".rustc-stamp")
return os.path.join(self.bin_root(), '.rustc-stamp')
def rustfmt_stamp(self):
"""Return the path for .rustfmt-stamp
>>> rb = RustBuild()
>>> rb.build_dir = "build"
>>> rb.rustfmt_stamp() == os.path.join("build", "stage0", ".rustfmt-stamp")
return os.path.join(self.bin_root(), '.rustfmt-stamp')
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
def llvm_stamp(self):
"""Return the path for .rustfmt-stamp
>>> rb = RustBuild()
>>> rb.build_dir = "build"
>>> rb.llvm_stamp() == os.path.join("build", "ci-llvm", ".llvm-stamp")
return os.path.join(self.llvm_root(), '.llvm-stamp')
def program_out_of_date(self, stamp_path, key):
"""Check if the given program stamp is out of date"""
if not os.path.exists(stamp_path) or self.clean:
return True
with open(stamp_path, 'r') as stamp:
return key !=
def bin_root(self):
"""Return the binary root directory
>>> rb = RustBuild()
>>> rb.build_dir = "build"
>>> rb.bin_root() == os.path.join("build", "stage0")
When the 'build' property is given should be a nested directory:
>>> = "devel"
>>> rb.bin_root() == os.path.join("build", "devel", "stage0")
return os.path.join(self.build_dir,, "stage0")
2020-09-05 01:00:04 +02:00
def llvm_root(self):
"""Return the CI LLVM root directory
>>> rb = RustBuild()
>>> rb.build_dir = "build"
>>> rb.llvm_root() == os.path.join("build", "ci-llvm")
When the 'build' property is given should be a nested directory:
>>> = "devel"
>>> rb.llvm_root() == os.path.join("build", "devel", "ci-llvm")
return os.path.join(self.build_dir,, "ci-llvm")
def get_toml(self, key, section=None):
"""Returns the value of the given key in config.toml, otherwise returns None
>>> rb = RustBuild()
>>> rb.config_toml = 'key1 = "value1"\\nkey2 = "value2"'
>>> rb.get_toml("key2")
If the key does not exists, the result is None:
>>> rb.get_toml("key3") is None
Optionally also matches the section the key appears in
>>> rb.config_toml = '[a]\\nkey = "value1"\\n[b]\\nkey = "value2"'
>>> rb.get_toml('key', 'a')
>>> rb.get_toml('key', 'b')
>>> rb.get_toml('key', 'c') is None
>>> rb.config_toml = 'key1 = true'
>>> rb.get_toml("key1")
cur_section = None
for line in self.config_toml.splitlines():
section_match = re.match(r'^\s*\[(.*)\]\s*$', line)
if section_match is not None:
cur_section =
match = re.match(r'^{}\s*=(.*)$'.format(key), line)
if match is not None:
value =
if section is None or section == cur_section:
return self.get_string(value) or value.strip()
return None
def cargo(self):
"""Return config path for cargo"""
return self.program_config('cargo')
def rustc(self):
"""Return config path for rustc"""
return self.program_config('rustc')
def rustfmt(self):
"""Return config path for rustfmt"""
if not self.rustfmt_channel:
return None
return self.program_config('rustfmt')
def program_config(self, program):
"""Return config path for the given program
>>> rb = RustBuild()
>>> rb.config_toml = 'rustc = "rustc"\\n'
>>> rb.program_config('rustc')
>>> rb.config_toml = ''
>>> cargo_path = rb.program_config('cargo')
>>> cargo_path.rstrip(".exe") == os.path.join(rb.bin_root(),
... "bin", "cargo")
config = self.get_toml(program)
if config:
2017-10-18 23:22:32 +02:00
return os.path.expanduser(config)
return os.path.join(self.bin_root(), "bin", "{}{}".format(
program, self.exe_suffix()))
def get_string(line):
"""Return the value between double quotes
>>> RustBuild.get_string(' "devel" ')
>>> RustBuild.get_string(" 'devel' ")
>>> RustBuild.get_string('devel') is None
>>> RustBuild.get_string(' "devel ')
start = line.find('"')
if start != -1:
end = start + 1 + line[start + 1:].find('"')
return line[start + 1:end]
start = line.find('\'')
if start != -1:
end = start + 1 + line[start + 1:].find('\'')
return line[start + 1:end]
return None
def exe_suffix():
"""Return a suffix for executables"""
if sys.platform == 'win32':
return '.exe'
return ''
def bootstrap_binary(self):
2018-10-22 18:21:55 +02:00
"""Return the path of the bootstrap binary
>>> rb = RustBuild()
>>> rb.build_dir = "build"
>>> rb.bootstrap_binary() == os.path.join("build", "bootstrap",
... "debug", "bootstrap")
return os.path.join(self.build_dir, "bootstrap", "debug", "bootstrap")
def build_bootstrap(self):
"""Build bootstrap"""
build_dir = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "bootstrap")
if self.clean and os.path.exists(build_dir):
env = os.environ.copy()
# `CARGO_BUILD_TARGET` breaks bootstrap build.
# See also: <>.
env["CARGO_TARGET_DIR"] = build_dir
env["RUSTC"] = self.rustc()
env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.path.join(self.bin_root(), "lib") + \
2017-05-19 13:16:29 +02:00
(os.pathsep + env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]) \
if "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in env else ""
env["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.path.join(self.bin_root(), "lib") + \
2017-05-19 13:16:29 +02:00
(os.pathsep + env["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"]) \
if "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" in env else ""
env["LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.path.join(self.bin_root(), "lib") + \
2017-05-19 13:16:29 +02:00
(os.pathsep + env["LIBRARY_PATH"]) \
if "LIBRARY_PATH" in env else ""
# preserve existing RUSTFLAGS
env.setdefault("RUSTFLAGS", "")
env["RUSTFLAGS"] += " -Cdebuginfo=2"
build_section = "target.{}".format(
target_features = []
if self.get_toml("crt-static", build_section) == "true":
target_features += ["+crt-static"]
elif self.get_toml("crt-static", build_section) == "false":
target_features += ["-crt-static"]
if target_features:
env["RUSTFLAGS"] += " -C target-feature=" + (",".join(target_features))
target_linker = self.get_toml("linker", build_section)
if target_linker is not None:
env["RUSTFLAGS"] += " -C linker=" + target_linker
# cfg(bootstrap): Add `-Wsemicolon_in_expressions_from_macros` after the next beta bump
env["RUSTFLAGS"] += " -Wrust_2018_idioms -Wunused_lifetimes"
if self.get_toml("deny-warnings", "rust") != "false":
env["RUSTFLAGS"] += " -Dwarnings"
env["PATH"] = os.path.join(self.bin_root(), "bin") + \
2017-05-19 13:16:29 +02:00
os.pathsep + env["PATH"]
if not os.path.isfile(self.cargo()):
raise Exception("no cargo executable found at `{}`".format(
args = [self.cargo(), "build", "--manifest-path",
os.path.join(self.rust_root, "src/bootstrap/Cargo.toml")]
for _ in range(1, self.verbose):
if self.use_locked_deps:
if self.use_vendored_sources:
run(args, env=env, verbose=self.verbose)
def build_triple(self):
"""Build triple as in LLVM
Note that `default_build_triple` is moderately expensive,
so use `` where possible.
config = self.get_toml('build')
if config:
return config
return default_build_triple(self.verbose)
2018-03-15 20:13:33 +01:00
def check_submodule(self, module, slow_submodules):
if not slow_submodules:
checked_out = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"],
cwd=os.path.join(self.rust_root, module),
return checked_out
return None
def update_submodule(self, module, checked_out, recorded_submodules):
module_path = os.path.join(self.rust_root, module)
if checked_out is not None:
2018-03-15 20:13:33 +01:00
default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
checked_out = checked_out.communicate()[0].decode(default_encoding).strip()
if recorded_submodules[module] == checked_out:
print("Updating submodule", module)
run(["git", "submodule", "-q", "sync", module],
2018-03-15 20:13:33 +01:00
cwd=self.rust_root, verbose=self.verbose)
update_args = ["git", "submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive"]
if self.git_version >= distutils.version.LooseVersion("2.11.0"):
run(update_args, cwd=self.rust_root, verbose=self.verbose, exception=True)
2018-03-15 20:13:33 +01:00
run(["git", "reset", "-q", "--hard"],
cwd=module_path, verbose=self.verbose)
run(["git", "clean", "-qdfx"],
cwd=module_path, verbose=self.verbose)
def update_submodules(self):
"""Update submodules"""
if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.rust_root, ".git"))) or \
self.get_toml('submodules') == "false":
default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
# check the existence and version of 'git' command
git_version_str = require(['git', '--version']).split()[2].decode(default_encoding)
self.git_version = distutils.version.LooseVersion(git_version_str)
slow_submodules = self.get_toml('fast-submodules') == "false"
2018-03-15 20:13:33 +01:00
start_time = time()
if slow_submodules:
print('Unconditionally updating all submodules')
print('Updating only changed submodules')
default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
submodules = [s.split(' ', 1)[1] for s in subprocess.check_output(
["git", "config", "--file",
os.path.join(self.rust_root, ".gitmodules"),
"--get-regexp", "path"]
rustc: Split Emscripten to a separate codegen backend This commit introduces a separately compiled backend for Emscripten, avoiding compiling the `JSBackend` target in the main LLVM codegen backend. This builds on the foundation provided by #47671 to create a new codegen backend dedicated solely to Emscripten, removing the `JSBackend` of the main codegen backend in the process. A new field was added to each target for this commit which specifies the backend to use for translation, the default being `llvm` which is the main backend that we use. The Emscripten targets specify an `emscripten` backend instead of the main `llvm` one. There's a whole bunch of consequences of this change, but I'll try to enumerate them here: * A *second* LLVM submodule was added in this commit. The main LLVM submodule will soon start to drift from the Emscripten submodule, but currently they're both at the same revision. * Logic was added to rustbuild to *not* build the Emscripten backend by default. This is gated behind a `--enable-emscripten` flag to the configure script. By default users should neither check out the emscripten submodule nor compile it. * The `` script was updated to fetch the Emscripten submodule from GitHub the same way we do the main LLVM submodule (a tarball fetch). * The Emscripten backend, turned off by default, is still turned on for a number of targets on CI. We'll only be shipping an Emscripten backend with Tier 1 platforms, though. All cross-compiled platforms will not be receiving an Emscripten backend yet. This commit means that when you download the `rustc` package in Rustup for Tier 1 platforms you'll be receiving two trans backends, one for Emscripten and one that's the general LLVM backend. If you never compile for Emscripten you'll never use the Emscripten backend, so we may update this one day to only download the Emscripten backend when you add the Emscripten target. For now though it's just an extra 10MB gzip'd. Closes #46819
2018-01-24 17:22:34 +01:00
filtered_submodules = []
2018-03-15 20:13:33 +01:00
submodules_names = []
llvm_checked_out = os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.rust_root, "src/llvm-project/.git"))
external_llvm_provided = self.get_toml('llvm-config') or self.downloading_llvm()
llvm_needed = not self.get_toml('codegen-backends', 'rust') \
or "llvm" in self.get_toml('codegen-backends', 'rust')
rustc: Split Emscripten to a separate codegen backend This commit introduces a separately compiled backend for Emscripten, avoiding compiling the `JSBackend` target in the main LLVM codegen backend. This builds on the foundation provided by #47671 to create a new codegen backend dedicated solely to Emscripten, removing the `JSBackend` of the main codegen backend in the process. A new field was added to each target for this commit which specifies the backend to use for translation, the default being `llvm` which is the main backend that we use. The Emscripten targets specify an `emscripten` backend instead of the main `llvm` one. There's a whole bunch of consequences of this change, but I'll try to enumerate them here: * A *second* LLVM submodule was added in this commit. The main LLVM submodule will soon start to drift from the Emscripten submodule, but currently they're both at the same revision. * Logic was added to rustbuild to *not* build the Emscripten backend by default. This is gated behind a `--enable-emscripten` flag to the configure script. By default users should neither check out the emscripten submodule nor compile it. * The `` script was updated to fetch the Emscripten submodule from GitHub the same way we do the main LLVM submodule (a tarball fetch). * The Emscripten backend, turned off by default, is still turned on for a number of targets on CI. We'll only be shipping an Emscripten backend with Tier 1 platforms, though. All cross-compiled platforms will not be receiving an Emscripten backend yet. This commit means that when you download the `rustc` package in Rustup for Tier 1 platforms you'll be receiving two trans backends, one for Emscripten and one that's the general LLVM backend. If you never compile for Emscripten you'll never use the Emscripten backend, so we may update this one day to only download the Emscripten backend when you add the Emscripten target. For now though it's just an extra 10MB gzip'd. Closes #46819
2018-01-24 17:22:34 +01:00
for module in submodules:
if module.endswith("llvm-project"):
# Don't sync the llvm-project submodule if an external LLVM was
# provided, if we are downloading LLVM or if the LLVM backend is
# not being built. Also, if the submodule has been initialized
# already, sync it anyways so that it doesn't mess up contributor
# pull requests.
if external_llvm_provided or not llvm_needed:
if self.get_toml('lld') != 'true' and not llvm_checked_out:
2018-03-15 20:13:33 +01:00
check = self.check_submodule(module, slow_submodules)
filtered_submodules.append((module, check))
recorded = subprocess.Popen(["git", "ls-tree", "HEAD"] + submodules_names,
cwd=self.rust_root, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
recorded = recorded.communicate()[0].decode(default_encoding).strip().splitlines()
recorded_submodules = {}
for data in recorded:
data = data.split()
recorded_submodules[data[3]] = data[2]
for module in filtered_submodules:
self.update_submodule(module[0], module[1], recorded_submodules)
print("Submodules updated in %.2f seconds" % (time() - start_time))
2017-05-18 10:33:24 +02:00
def set_normal_environment(self):
"""Set download URL for normal environment"""
if 'RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER' in os.environ:
self._download_url = os.environ['RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER']
self._download_url = ''
def set_dev_environment(self):
"""Set download URL for development environment"""
if 'RUSTUP_DEV_DIST_SERVER' in os.environ:
self._download_url = os.environ['RUSTUP_DEV_DIST_SERVER']
self._download_url = ''
2019-07-10 01:12:41 +02:00
def check_vendored_status(self):
"""Check that vendoring is configured properly"""
vendor_dir = os.path.join(self.rust_root, 'vendor')
if 'SUDO_USER' in os.environ and not self.use_vendored_sources:
if os.environ.get('USER') != os.environ['SUDO_USER']:
self.use_vendored_sources = True
print('info: looks like you are running this command under `sudo`')
print(' and so in order to preserve your $HOME this will now')
print(' use vendored sources by default.')
if not os.path.exists(vendor_dir):
print('error: vendoring required, but vendor directory does not exist.')
print(' Run `cargo vendor` without sudo to initialize the '
2020-02-08 04:04:44 +01:00
'vendor directory.')
2019-07-10 01:12:41 +02:00
raise Exception("{} not found".format(vendor_dir))
if self.use_vendored_sources:
if not os.path.exists('.cargo'):
with output('.cargo/config') as cargo_config:
"replace-with = 'vendored-sources'\n"
"registry = ''\n"
"directory = '{}/vendor'\n"
2020-02-08 04:04:44 +01:00
2019-07-10 01:12:41 +02:00
if os.path.exists('.cargo'):
def ensure_vendored(self):
"""Ensure that the vendored sources are available if needed"""
vendor_dir = os.path.join(self.rust_root, 'vendor')
# Note that this does not handle updating the vendored dependencies if
# the rust git repository is updated. Normal development usually does
# not use vendoring, so hopefully this isn't too much of a problem.
if self.use_vendored_sources and not os.path.exists(vendor_dir):
], verbose=self.verbose, cwd=self.rust_root)
2019-07-10 01:12:41 +02:00
def bootstrap(help_triggered):
"""Configure, fetch, build and run the initial bootstrap"""
# If the user is asking for help, let them know that the whole download-and-build
# process has to happen before anything is printed out.
if help_triggered:
print("info: Downloading and building bootstrap before processing --help")
print(" command. See src/bootstrap/ for help with common")
print(" commands.")
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build rust')
parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0)
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
args = [a for a in sys.argv if a != '-h' and a != '--help']
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(args)
# Configure initial bootstrap
build = RustBuild()
build.rust_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '../../..'))
build.verbose = args.verbose
build.clean = args.clean
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
# Read from `RUST_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG`, then `--config`, then fallback to `config.toml` (if it
# exists).
toml_path = os.getenv('RUST_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG') or args.config
if not toml_path and os.path.exists('config.toml'):
toml_path = 'config.toml'
if toml_path:
if not os.path.exists(toml_path):
toml_path = os.path.join(build.rust_root, toml_path)
with open(toml_path) as config:
build.config_toml =
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
2020-10-13 17:58:56 +02:00
profile = build.get_toml('profile')
if profile is not None:
include_file = 'config.{}.toml'.format(profile)
include_dir = os.path.join(build.rust_root, 'src', 'bootstrap', 'defaults')
include_path = os.path.join(include_dir, include_file)
# HACK: This works because `build.get_toml()` returns the first match it finds for a
# specific key, so appending our defaults at the end allows the user to override them
with open(include_path) as included_toml:
build.config_toml += os.linesep +
config_verbose = build.get_toml('verbose', 'build')
if config_verbose is not None:
build.verbose = max(build.verbose, int(config_verbose))
build.use_vendored_sources = build.get_toml('vendor', 'build') == 'true'
build.use_locked_deps = build.get_toml('locked-deps', 'build') == 'true'
2019-07-10 01:12:41 +02:00
build_dir = build.get_toml('build-dir', 'build') or 'build'
build.build_dir = os.path.abspath(build_dir.replace("$ROOT", build.rust_root))
data = stage0_data(build.rust_root) = data['date']
build.rustc_channel = data['rustc']
if "rustfmt" in data:
build.rustfmt_channel = data['rustfmt']
if 'dev' in data:
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00 = or build.build_triple()
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
# Fetch/build the bootstrap
build.rustc_commit = build.maybe_download_rustc()
if build.rustc_commit is not None:
if build.verbose:
commit = build.rustc_commit
print("using downloaded stage1 artifacts from CI (commit {})".format(commit))
# FIXME: support downloading artifacts from the beta channel
build.rustc_channel = "nightly"
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
2019-07-10 01:12:41 +02:00
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
# Run the bootstrap
args = [build.bootstrap_binary()]
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
env = os.environ.copy()
env["BOOTSTRAP_PARENT_ID"] = str(os.getpid())
env["BOOTSTRAP_PYTHON"] = sys.executable
env["BUILD_DIR"] = build.build_dir
env["RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP"] = '1'
if toml_path:
env["BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG"] = toml_path
run(args, env=env, verbose=build.verbose)
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
2017-05-19 13:16:29 +02:00
def main():
"""Entry point for the bootstrap process"""
start_time = time()
2018-10-01 03:06:58 +02:00
# help <cmd> ...
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'help':
sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], '-h'] + sys.argv[2:]
2018-10-01 03:06:58 +02:00
2017-05-19 13:16:29 +02:00
help_triggered = (
'-h' in sys.argv) or ('--help' in sys.argv) or (len(sys.argv) == 1)
if not help_triggered:
print("Build completed successfully in {}".format(
format_build_time(time() - start_time)))
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt) as error:
if hasattr(error, 'code') and isinstance(error.code, int):
exit_code = error.code
exit_code = 1
if not help_triggered:
print("Build completed unsuccessfully in {}".format(
format_build_time(time() - start_time)))
mk: Bootstrap from stable instead of snapshots This commit removes all infrastructure from the repository for our so-called snapshots to instead bootstrap the compiler from stable releases. Bootstrapping from a previously stable release is a long-desired feature of distros because they're not fans of downloading binary stage0 blobs from us. Additionally, this makes our own CI easier as we can decommission all of the snapshot builders and start having a regular cadence to when we update the stage0 compiler. A new `src/etc/` script was added which shares some code with `src/bootstrap/` to read a new file, `src/stage0.txt`, which lists the current stage0 compiler as well as cargo that we bootstrap from. This script will download the relevant `rustc` package an unpack it into `$target/stage0` as we do today. One problem of bootstrapping from stable releases is that we're not able to compile unstable code (e.g. all the `#![feature]` directives in libcore/libstd). To overcome this we employ two strategies: * The bootstrap key of the previous compiler is hardcoded into `src/stage0.txt` (enabled as a result of #32731) and exported by the build system. This enables nightly features in the compiler we download. * The standard library and compiler are pinned to a specific stage0, which doesn't change, so we're guaranteed that we'll continue compiling as we start from a known fixed source. The process for making a release will also need to be tweaked now to continue to cadence of bootstrapping from the previous release. This process looks like: 1. Merge `beta` to `stable` 2. Produce a new stable compiler. 3. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new stable compiler. 4. Merge `master` to `beta` 5. Produce a new beta compiler 6. Change `master` to bootstrap from this new beta compiler. Step 3 above should involve very few changes as `master` was previously bootstrapping from `beta` which is the same as `stable` at that point in time. Step 6, however, is where we benefit from removing lots of `#[cfg(stage0)]` and get to use new features. This also shouldn't slow the release too much as steps 1-5 requires little work other than waiting and step 6 just needs to happen at some point during a release cycle, it's not time sensitive. Closes #29555 Closes #29557
2016-04-13 20:18:35 +02:00
if __name__ == '__main__':