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My great plan is to create a Telegram chat bot that would be like shizoid, but in Python and maybe with some extra features.

A-a-a-a-and... it works! Thanks to @REDNBLACK.


ImaginaryFriend can:

  • reply to random messages in chat groups,
  • reply to replies to its messages / messages mentioning it,
  • send (one!) sticker ("I'm frustrated by all these stickers"),
  • do some commands.


  • /ping,
  • /get_stats: get information on how many pairs are known by ImaginaryFriend,
  • /set_chance: set the probability that ImaginaryFriend would reply to a random message (must be in range 1-50, default: 5),
  • /get_chance: get current probability that ImaginaryFriend would reply to a message.

Installation and Setup


  • python >= 3.5.2
  • python-telegram-bot==5.2.0
  • orator==0.9.2


  1. Install dependencies with PIP
  2. Rename main.cfg.example to main.cfg, set bot and db properties
  3. Execute command orator migrate -c to create database and required tables
  4. Run the using python