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Pleroma API

Requests that require it can be authenticated with an OAuth token, the _pleroma_key cookie, or HTTP Basic Authentication.

Request parameters can be passed via query strings or as form data. Files must be uploaded as multipart/form-data.


Lists the custom emoji on that server.

  • Method: GET
  • Authentication: not required
  • Params: none
  • Response: JSON
  • Example response:
  "girlpower": {
    "tags": [
    "image_url": "/finmoji/128px/girlpower-128.png"
  "education": {
    "tags": [
    "image_url": "/finmoji/128px/education-128.png"
  "finnishlove": {
    "tags": [
    "image_url": "/finmoji/128px/finnishlove-128.png"
  • Note: Same data as Mastodon APIs /api/v1/custom_emojis but in a different format


Imports your follows, for example from a Mastodon CSV file.

  • Method: POST
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • list: STRING or FILE containing a whitespace-separated list of accounts to follow
  • Response: HTTP 200 on success, 500 on error
  • Note: Users that can't be followed are silently skipped.


Get a new captcha

  • Method: GET
  • Authentication: not required
  • Params: none
  • Response: Provider specific JSON, the only guaranteed parameter is type
  • Example response: {"type": "kocaptcha", "token": "whatever", "url": ""}


Delete an account

  • Method POST
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • password: user's password
  • Response: JSON. Returns {"status": "success"} if the deletion was successful, {"error": "[error message]"} otherwise
  • Example response: {"error": "Invalid password."}


Disable an account

  • Method POST
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • password: user's password
  • Response: JSON. Returns {"status": "success"} if the account was successfully disabled, {"error": "[error message]"} otherwise
  • Example response: {"error": "Invalid password."}


Register a new user

  • Method POST
  • Authentication: not required
  • Params:
    • nickname
    • fullname
    • bio
    • email
    • password
    • confirm
    • captcha_solution: optional, contains provider-specific captcha solution,
    • captcha_token: optional, contains provider-specific captcha token
    • token: invite token required when the registrations aren't public.
  • Response: JSON. Returns a user object on success, otherwise returns {"error": "error_msg"}
  • Example response:
	"background_image": null,
	"cover_photo": "",
	"created_at": "Tue Dec 18 16:55:56 +0000 2018",
	"default_scope": "public",
	"description": "blushy-crushy fediverse idol + pleroma dev\nlet's be friends \nぷれろまの生徒会長。謎の外人。日本語OK. \n公主病.",
	"description_html": "blushy-crushy fediverse idol + pleroma dev.<br />let's be friends <br />ぷれろまの生徒会長。謎の外人。日本語OK. <br />公主病.",
	"favourites_count": 0,
	"fields": [],
	"followers_count": 0,
	"following": false,
	"follows_you": false,
	"friends_count": 0,
	"id": 6,
	"is_local": true,
	"locked": false,
	"name": "lain",
	"name_html": "lain",
	"no_rich_text": false,
	"pleroma": {
		"tags": []
	"profile_image_url": "",
	"profile_image_url_https": "",
	"profile_image_url_original": "",
	"profile_image_url_profile_size": "",
	"rights": {
		"delete_others_notice": false
	"screen_name": "lain",
	"statuses_count": 0,
	"statusnet_blocking": false,
	"statusnet_profile_url": ""


See Admin-API


Mark notifications as read

  • Method POST
  • Authentication: required
  • Params (mutually exclusive):
    • id: a single notification id to read
    • max_id: read all notifications up to this id
  • Response: Notification entity/Array of Notification entities that were read. In case of max_id, only the first 80 read notifications will be returned.


Subscribe to receive notifications for all statuses posted by a user

  • Method POST
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • id: account id to subscribe to
  • Response: JSON, returns a mastodon relationship object on success, otherwise returns {"error": "error_msg"}
  • Example response:
  "id": "abcdefg",
  "following": true,
  "followed_by": false,
  "blocking": false,
  "muting": false,
  "muting_notifications": false,
  "subscribing": true,
  "requested": false,
  "domain_blocking": false,
  "showing_reblogs": true,
  "endorsed": false


Unsubscribe to stop receiving notifications from user statuses

  • Method POST
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • id: account id to unsubscribe from
  • Response: JSON, returns a mastodon relationship object on success, otherwise returns {"error": "error_msg"}
  • Example response:
  "id": "abcdefg",
  "following": true,
  "followed_by": false,
  "blocking": false,
  "muting": false,
  "muting_notifications": false,
  "subscribing": false,
  "requested": false,
  "domain_blocking": false,
  "showing_reblogs": true,
  "endorsed": false


Returns favorites timeline of any user

  • Method GET
  • Authentication: not required
  • Params:
    • id: the id of the account for whom to return results
    • limit: optional, the number of records to retrieve
    • since_id: optional, returns results that are more recent than the specified id
    • max_id: optional, returns results that are older than the specified id
  • Response: JSON, returns a list of Mastodon Status entities on success, otherwise returns {"error": "error_msg"}
  • Example response:
    "account": {
      "id": "9hptFmUF3ztxYh3Svg",
      "url": "",
      "username": "nick2",
    "application": {"name": "Web", "website": null},
    "bookmarked": false,
    "card": null,
    "content": "This is :moominmamma: note 0",
    "created_at": "2019-04-15T15:42:15.000Z",
    "emojis": [],
    "favourited": false,
    "favourites_count": 1,
    "id": "9hptFmVJ02khbzYJaS",
    "in_reply_to_account_id": null,
    "in_reply_to_id": null,
    "language": null,
    "media_attachments": [],
    "mentions": [],
    "muted": false,
    "pinned": false,
    "pleroma": {
      "content": {"text/plain": "This is :moominmamma: note 0"},
      "conversation_id": 13679,
      "local": true,
      "spoiler_text": {"text/plain": "2hu"}
    "reblog": null,
    "reblogged": false,
    "reblogs_count": 0,
    "replies_count": 0,
    "sensitive": false,
    "spoiler_text": "2hu",
    "tags": [{"name": "2hu", "url": "/tag/2hu"}],
    "uri": "",
    "url": "",
    "visibility": "public"


Set and clear account avatar, banner, and background

  • PATCH /api/v1/pleroma/accounts/update_avatar: Set/clear user avatar image
  • PATCH /api/v1/pleroma/accounts/update_banner: Set/clear user banner image
  • PATCH /api/v1/pleroma/accounts/update_background: Set/clear user background image


Resend confirmation email

  • Method POST
  • Params:
    • email: email of that needs to be verified
  • Authentication: not required
  • Response: 204 No Content


Gets user mascot image

  • Method GET

  • Authentication: required

  • Response: JSON. Returns a mastodon media attachment entity.

  • Example response:

    "id": "abcdefg",
    "url": "",
    "type": "image",
    "pleroma": {
        "mime_type": "image/png"

Updates user mascot image

  • Method PUT
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • image: Multipart image
  • Response: JSON. Returns a mastodon media attachment entity when successful, otherwise returns HTTP 415 {"error": "error_msg"}
  • Example response:
    "id": "abcdefg",
    "url": "",
    "type": "image",
    "pleroma": {
        "mime_type": "image/png"
  • Note: Behaves exactly the same as POST /api/v1/upload. Can only accept images - any attempt to upload non-image files will be met with HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type.


Updates user notification settings

  • Method PUT
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • followers: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from followers
    • follows: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from people the user follows
    • remote: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from people on remote instances
    • local: BOOLEAN field, receives notifications from people on the local instance
  • Response: JSON. Returns {"status": "success"} if the update was successful, otherwise returns {"error": "error_msg"}


Healthcheck endpoint with additional system data.

  • Method GET
  • Authentication: not required
  • Params: none
  • Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy).
  • Example response:
  "pool_size": 0, # database connection pool
  "active": 0, # active processes
  "idle": 0, # idle processes
  "memory_used": 0.00, # Memory used
  "healthy": true # Instance state


Change account email

  • Method POST
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • password: user's password
    • email: new email
  • Response: JSON. Returns {"status": "success"} if the change was successful, {"error": "[error message]"} otherwise
  • Note: Currently, Mastodon has no API for changing email. If they add it in future it might be incompatible with Pleroma.

Pleroma Conversations

Pleroma Conversations have the same general structure that Mastodon Conversations have. The behavior differs in the following ways when using these endpoints:

  1. Pleroma Conversations never add or remove recipients, unless explicitly changed by the user.
  2. Pleroma Conversations statuses can be requested by Conversation id.
  3. Pleroma Conversations can be replied to.

Conversations have the additional field "recipients" under the "pleroma" key. This holds a list of all the accounts that will receive a message in this conversation.

The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, in_reply_to_conversation_id, which, when set, will set the visiblity to direct and address only the people who are the recipients of that Conversation.

GET /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id/statuses

Timeline for a given conversation

  • Method GET
  • Authentication: required
  • Params: Like other timelines
  • Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy).

GET /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id

The conversation with the given ID.

  • Method GET
  • Authentication: required
  • Params: None
  • Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy).

PATCH /api/v1/pleroma/conversations/:id

Update a conversation. Used to change the set of recipients.

  • Method PATCH
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • recipients: A list of ids of users that should receive posts to this conversation. This will replace the current list of recipients, so submit the full list. The owner of owner of the conversation will always be part of the set of recipients, though.
  • Response: JSON, statuses (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy)

GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs

Lists the custom emoji packs on the server

  • Method GET
  • Authentication: not required
  • Params: None
  • Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status and the JSON hashmap of "pack name" to "pack contents"

PUT /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name

Creates an empty custom emoji pack

  • Method PUT
  • Authentication: required
  • Params: None
  • Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status or 409 if the pack with that name already exists

DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name

Delete a custom emoji pack

  • Method DELETE
  • Authentication: required
  • Params: None
  • Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status or 500 if there was an error deleting the pack

POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/update_file

Update a file in a custom emoji pack

  • Method POST
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • if the action is add, adds an emoji named shortcode to the pack pack_name, that means that the emoji file needs to be uploaded with the request (thus requiring it to be a multipart request) and be named file. There can also be an optional filename that will be the new emoji file name (if it's not there, the name will be taken from the uploaded file).
    • if the action is update, changes emoji shortcode (from shortcode to new_shortcode or moves the file (from the current filename to new_filename)
    • if the action is remove, removes the emoji named shortcode and it's associated file
  • Response: JSON, updated "files" section of the pack and 200 status, 409 if the trying to use a shortcode that is already taken, 400 if there was an error with the shortcode, filename or file (additional info in the "error" part of the response JSON)

POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/update_metadata

Updates (replaces) pack metadata

  • Method POST
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • new_data: new metadata to replace the old one
  • Response: JSON, updated "metadata" section of the pack and 200 status or 400 if there was a problem with the new metadata (the error is specified in the "error" part of the response JSON)

POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from

Requests the instance to download the pack from another instance

  • Method POST
  • Authentication: required
  • Params:
    • instance_address: the address of the instance to download from
    • pack_name: the pack to download from that instance
  • Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status if the pack was downloaded, or 500 if there were errors downloading the pack

GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/download_shared

Requests a local pack from the instance

  • Method GET
  • Authentication: not required
  • Params: None
  • Response: the archive of the pack with a 200 status code, 403 if the pack is not set as shared, 404 if the pack does not exist