
172 lines
4.2 KiB

# Put the name of your locale in the same language
Locale Name: 'Schwiizerdütsch'
FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
De Teil vom Programm isch nonig fertig. Bitte chum zumene spötere Ziitpunkt wider
# Webkit Menu Bar
File: 'Datei'
New Window: 'Nois Fäischter'
Quit: 'Beände'
Edit: 'Bearbeite'
Undo: 'Rückgängig'
Redo: 'Widerherstellä'
Cut: 'Usschniide'
Copy: 'Kopierä'
Paste: 'Iifüege'
Delete: 'Lösche'
Select all: 'Alles uswähle'
Reload: 'Aktualisierä'
Force Reload: 'Aktualisierig erzwingä'
Toggle Developer Tools: 'Entwicklerwerchzüüg aktivierä/deaktivierä'
Actual size: 'Originalgrössi'
Zoom in: 'Vergrösserä'
Zoom out: 'Verchlinerä'
Toggle fullscreen: 'Vollbild aktivierä'
Window: 'Fäischter'
Minimize: 'Minimierä'
Close: 'Schlüsse'
Back: 'Zrugg'
Forward: 'Füre'
Open New Window: 'Nois Fäischter ufmache'
Version {versionNumber} is now available! Click for more details: 'Version {versionNumber}
isch jetzt verfüegbar! Klick für meh Details.'
Download From Site: 'Vo de Website abelade'
A new blog is now available, {blogTitle}. Click to view more: 'En neue Blogiitrag
isch jetzt verfüegbar, {blogTitle}. Klick zum en aaluege'
Are you sure you want to open this link?: 'Bisch du sicher, dass du de Link ufmache
# Search Bar
Search / Go to URL: 'Sueche / Gang zu de URL'
Search Filters:
Time: ''
All Types: ''
Fetching results. Please wait: ''
# On Subscriptions Page
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': ''
Empty: ''
Movies: ''
User Playlists:
Search bar placeholder: ''
# On Settings Page
General Settings:
General Settings: ''
Preferred API Backend:
Preferred API Backend: ''
Thumbnail Preference:
Beginning: ''
Clear Default Instance: ''
Theme Settings:
Match Top Bar with Main Color: ''
Base Theme:
System Default: ''
Main Color Theme:
Deep Purple: ''
Lime: ''
Dracula Pink: ''
Catppuccin Mocha Red: ''
Catppuccin Mocha Blue: ''
Player Settings:
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
Default Volume: ''
Default Quality:
Default Quality: ''
1440p: ''
Folder Button: ''
External Player Settings:
Custom External Player Executable: ''
Privacy Settings:
Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: ''
Subscription Settings:
Hide Videos on Watch: ''
Distraction Free Settings:
Hide Recommended Videos: ''
Hide Live Streams: ''
Data Settings:
Import NewPipe: ''
Import Playlists: ''
Invalid history file: ''
Unable to read file: ''
Proxy Settings:
Proxy Host: ''
City: ''
SponsorBlock Settings:
Skip Options:
Show In Seek Bar: ''
Download Settings:
Download Settings: ''
#On About page
Source code: ''
Report a problem: ''
Please read the: ''
Profile Select: ''
Profile Preview: ''
Your profile name cannot be empty: ''
Other Channels: ''
Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: ''
#On Channel Page
Search Channel: ''
Playlists: ''
Mark As Watched: ''
Copy YouTube Link: ''
Copy Invidious Channel Link: ''
Watching: ''
Enable Live Chat: ''
Low: ''
May: ''
Second: ''
Week: ''
Published on: ''
Sponsor Block category:
outro: ''
External Player:
playlist: ''
Unsupported Actions:
shuffling playlists: ''
Bandwidth: ''
#& Sort By
#& About
Videos: ''
Change Format:
Use Audio Formats: ''
Open Embed: ''
# On Click
Comments: ''
Newest first: ''
# Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply, View 1 Reply from Owner, View 2 Replies from Owner and others
There are no comments available for this video: ''
General Settings:
Thumbnail Preference: ''
External Player Settings:
External Player: ''
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): ''
Loop is now enabled: ''
Default Invidious instance has been set to {instance}: ''
Age Restricted: {}
Starting download: ''