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An alternative private front-end to Reddit

Libre + Reddit = Libreddit

  • 🚀 Fast: written in Rust for blazing fast speeds and safety
  • ☁️ Light: no javascript, no ads, no tracking
  • 🕵 Private: all most requests are proxied through the server (images are still loaded from Reddit)
  • 🔒 Safe: does not rely on Reddit's closed APIs
  • 📱 Responsive: works great on mobile!

Think Invidious but for Reddit. Watch your cat videos without being watched.

Note: Libreddit is still a WIP.



Deploy an Instance

A) Manual

Make sure you have Rust installed first or else cargo commands won't work. Libreddit uses Rocket for the web server and as of now, Rocket requires Rust Nightly.

rustup default nightly

Deploy using these commands:

git clone
cd libreddit
cargo run

B) Docker

Deploy the Docker image of Libreddit:

docker run -d --name libreddit -p 8000:8000 spikecodes/libreddit

Deploy using a different port (in this case, port 80):

docker run -d --name libreddit -p 80:8000 spikecodes/libreddit