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Kore (https://kore.io) is a fast webserver written in C for web applications developed in C. It provides a small set of API functions you can use to build a dynamic library which is loaded into Kore directly.

Kore is an ideal candidate for developing robust, fast and safe web applications.


  • Supports SNI
  • Supports SPDY/3
  • Supports HTTP/1.1
  • Built-in parameter validation
  • Only HTTPS connections allowed
  • Multiple modules can be loaded at once
  • Load your web application as a precompiled C library
  • Event driven architecture with per CPU core worker processes
  • Modules can be reloaded on-the-fly, even while serving content


  • Kore is licensed under the ISC license

Platforms supported

  • Linux
  • OpenBSD
  • FreeBSD
  • OSX

See https://kore.io/doc/#section1.1 for more information.


Bugs, contributions and more

If you run into any bugs, have suggestions or patches please contact me at joris@coders.se.

More information can be found on https://kore.io/