
339 lines
9.3 KiB

vertex_fmt.h - VBO-stored vertex formats
this code written for Paranoia 2: Savior modification
Copyright (C) 2019 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef VERTEX_FMT_H
#define VERTEX_FMT_H
#define no_align __declspec(align(1))
// name specific:
// fisrt letter is model type: B - BrushModel, G - Grass, D - Decal, S - StudioModel
// next four letters is always equal "vert" for more readability
// next is always underline
// next two symbols is vertex version v0 - v9
// next is always underline
// next four symbols is a target OpenGL version (gl21 - for very old machines that doesn't support GL3.0, gl30 - for modern hardware)
// 100 bytes here
typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
float tangent[3]; // tangent
float binormal[3]; // binormal
float normal[3]; // normal
float stcoord0[4]; // ST texture coords
float lmcoord0[4]; // LM texture coords for styles 0-1
float lmcoord1[4]; // LM texture coords for styles 2-3
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // light styles
} bvert_v0_gl21_t;
// 84 bytes here
no_align typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
char tangent[3]; // tangent
char binormal[3]; // binormal
char normal[3]; // normal
float stcoord0[4]; // ST texture coords
float lmcoord0[4]; // LM texture coords for styles 0-1
float lmcoord1[4]; // LM texture coords for styles 2-3
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // light styles
byte lights0[4]; // packed light numbers
byte lights1[4]; // packed light numbers
} bvert_v0_gl30_t;
// version 0. no lightvectors
// 52 bytes
typedef struct
float center[4]; // used for rescale
float normal[4]; // center + vertex[2] * vertex[3];
float light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed color + unused entry
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // styles on surface
} gvert_v0_gl21_t;
// 32 bytes
typedef struct
short center[4]; // used for rescale
char normal[4]; // center + vertex[2] * vertex[3];
float light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed color + unused entry
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // styles on surface
} gvert_v0_gl30_t;
// version 1. width lightvectors (ugly case)
// 68 bytes
typedef struct
float center[4]; // used for rescale
float normal[4]; // center + vertex[2] * vertex[3];
float light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed color + unused entry
float delux[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed lightdir + unused entry
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // styles on surface
} gvert_v1_gl21_t;
// 48 bytes
typedef struct
short center[4]; // used for rescale
char normal[4]; // center + vertex[2] * vertex[3];
float light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed color + unused entry
float delux[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed lightdir + unused entry
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // styles on surface
} gvert_v1_gl30_t;
// version 0. no bump, no boneweights, no vertexlight
// 44 bytes
typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
float stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
float normal[3]; // normal
float boneid; // control bones
} svert_v0_gl21_t;
// 24 bytes
no_align typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
short stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
char normal[3]; // normal
char boneid; // control bones
} svert_v0_gl30_t;
// version 1. have bump, no boneweights, no vertexlight
// 68 bytes
typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
float stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
float normal[3]; // normal
float tangent[3]; // tangent
float binormal[3]; // binormal
float boneid; // control bones
} svert_v1_gl21_t;
// 32 bytes
no_align typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
short stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
char normal[3]; // normal
char tangent[3]; // tangent
char binormal[3]; // binormal
char boneid; // control bones
} svert_v1_gl30_t;
// version 2. no bump, single bone, has vertex lighting
// 56 bytes
typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
float stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
float normal[3]; // normal
float light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed color
} svert_v2_gl21_t;
// 40 bytes
no_align typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
short stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
char normal[3]; // normal
float light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed color
} svert_v2_gl30_t;
// version 3. have bump, single bone, has vertex lighting
// 96 bytes
typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
float stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
float light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed color
float deluxe[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed lightdir
float normal[3]; // normal
float tangent[3]; // tangent
float binormal[3]; // binormal
} svert_v3_gl21_t;
// 64 bytes
no_align typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
short stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
float light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed color
float deluxe[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed lightdir
char normal[3]; // normal
char tangent[3]; // tangent
char binormal[3]; // binormal
} svert_v3_gl30_t;
// version 4. no bump, have boneweights, no vertexlight
// 72 bytes
typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
float stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
float normal[3]; // normal
float boneid[4]; // control bones
float weight[4]; // boneweights
} svert_v4_gl21_t;
// 32 bytes
no_align typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
short stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
char normal[3]; // normal
char boneid[4]; // control bones
byte weight[4]; // boneweights
} svert_v4_gl30_t;
// version 5. have bump, have boneweights, no vertexlight
// 96 bytes
typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
float stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
float normal[3]; // normal
float tangent[3]; // tangent
float binormal[3]; // binormal
float boneid[4]; // control bones
float weight[4]; // boneweights
} svert_v5_gl21_t;
// 40 bytes
no_align typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
short stcoord[4]; // ST texture coords
char normal[3]; // normal
char tangent[3]; // tangent
char binormal[3]; // binormal
char boneid[4]; // control bones
byte weight[4]; // boneweights
} svert_v5_gl30_t;
// version 6. no bump, single bone, has lightmaps
// 76 bytes
typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
float stcoord0[4]; // ST texture coords
float lmcoord0[4]; // LM texture coords 0-1
float lmcoord1[4]; // LM texture coords 2-3
float normal[3]; // normal
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // light styles
} svert_v6_gl21_t;
// 60 bytes
no_align typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
short stcoord0[4]; // ST texture coords
float lmcoord0[4]; // LM texture coords 0-1
float lmcoord1[4]; // LM texture coords 2-3
char normal[3]; // normal
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // light styles
} svert_v6_gl30_t;
// version 7. have bump, single bone, has lightmaps
// 100 bytes
typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
float stcoord0[4]; // ST texture coords
float lmcoord0[4]; // LM texture coords 0-1
float lmcoord1[4]; // LM texture coords 2-3
float normal[3]; // normal
float tangent[3]; // tangent
float binormal[3]; // binormal
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // light styles
} svert_v7_gl21_t;
// 68 bytes
no_align typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
short stcoord0[4]; // ST texture coords
float lmcoord0[4]; // LM texture coords 0-1
float lmcoord1[4]; // LM texture coords 2-3
char normal[3]; // normal
char tangent[3]; // tangent
char binormal[3]; // binormal
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // light styles
} svert_v7_gl30_t;
// version 8. includes all posible combination, slowest
// 164 bytes here
typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
float stcoord0[4]; // ST texture coords
float lmcoord0[4]; // LM texture coords 0-1
float lmcoord1[4]; // LM texture coords 2-3
float normal[3]; // normal
float tangent[3]; // tangent
float binormal[3]; // binormal
float boneid[4]; // control bones
float weight[4]; // boneweights
float light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed color
float deluxe[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed lightdir
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // light styles
} svert_v8_gl21_t;
// 108 bytes here
no_align typedef struct
float vertex[3]; // position
short stcoord0[4]; // ST texture coords
float lmcoord0[4]; // LM texture coords 0-1
float lmcoord1[4]; // LM texture coords 2-3
char normal[3]; // normal
char tangent[3]; // tangent
char binormal[3]; // binormal
char boneid[4]; // control bones
byte weight[4]; // boneweights
float light[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed color
float deluxe[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // packed lightdir
byte styles[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // light styles
} svert_v8_gl30_t;