Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'

This commit is contained in:
Your New SJW Waifu 2020-06-09 12:56:44 -05:00
commit 79f6f7f32c
12 changed files with 293 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -109,8 +109,9 @@ func (cr *ChatRoom) Join(conn *chatConnection, data common.JoinData) (*Client, e
} else {
if !settings.LetThemLurk {
cr.AddEventMsg(common.EvJoin, data.Name, data.Color)
sendHiddenMessage(common.CdJoin, nil)
sendHiddenMessage(common.CdEmote, common.Emotes)
@ -135,7 +136,9 @@ func (cr *ChatRoom) Leave(name, color string) {
if !settings.LetThemLurk {
cr.AddEventMsg(common.EvLeave, name, color)
common.LogChatf("[leave] %s %s\n", host, name)

View File

@ -18,32 +18,115 @@ func init() {
// the values in colors must be lowercase so it matches with the color input
// this saves from having to call strings.ToLower(color) every time to check
var Colors = []string{
"aliceblue", "antiquewhite", "aqua", "aquamarine", "azure",
"beige", "bisque", "blanchedalmond", "blueviolet", "brown",
"burlywood", "cadetblue", "chartreuse", "chocolate", "coral",
"cornflowerblue", "cornsilk", "crimson", "cyan", "darkcyan",
"darkgoldenrod", "darkgray", "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen",
"darkorange", "darkorchid", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue",
"darkslategray", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "deeppink", "deepskyblue",
"dimgray", "dodgerblue", "firebrick", "floralwhite", "forestgreen",
"fuchsia", "gainsboro", "ghostwhite", "gold", "goldenrod",
"gray", "greenyellow", "honeydew", "hotpink", "indigo",
"ivory", "khaki", "lavender", "lavenderblush", "lawngreen",
"lemonchiffon", "lightblue", "lightcoral", "lightcyan", "lightgoldenrodyellow",
"lightgrey", "lightgreen", "lightpink", "lightsalmon", "lightseagreen",
"lightskyblue", "lightslategray", "lightsteelblue", "lightyellow", "lime",
"limegreen", "linen", "magenta", "mediumaquamarine", "mediumorchid",
"mediumpurple", "mediumseagreen", "mediumslateblue", "mediumspringgreen", "mediumturquoise",
"mediumvioletred", "mintcream", "mistyrose", "moccasin", "navajowhite",
"oldlace", "olive", "olivedrab", "orange", "orangered",
"orchid", "palegoldenrod", "palegreen", "paleturquoise", "palevioletred",
"papayawhip", "peachpuff", "peru", "pink", "plum",
"powderblue", "purple", "rebeccapurple", "red", "rosybrown",
"royalblue", "saddlebrown", "salmon", "sandybrown", "seagreen",
"seashell", "sienna", "silver", "skyblue", "slateblue",
"slategray", "snow", "springgreen", "steelblue", "tan",
"teal", "thistle", "tomato", "turquoise", "violet",
"wheat", "white", "whitesmoke", "yellow", "yellowgreen",
var (

View File

@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ func getUserIDs(names []string) []TwitchUser {
log.Fatalln("Error generating new request:", err)
request.Header.Set("Client-ID", settings.TwitchClientID)
request.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", settings.TwitchClientSecret))
client := http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(request)

View File

@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ func handleIndexTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Video: true,
Chat: true,
MessageHistoryCount: settings.MaxMessageCount,
Title: "Movie Night!",
Title: settings.PageTitle,
path := strings.Split(strings.TrimLeft(r.URL.Path, "/"), "/")

View File

@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
<!-- markdown-toc start - Don't edit this section. Run M-x markdown-toc-refresh-toc -->
**Table of Contents**
- [MovieNight stream server](#movienight-stream-server)
- [Build requirements](#build-requirements)
- [Older Go Versions](#older-go-versions)
- [Compile and install](#compile-and-install)
- [Docker build](#docker-build)
- [Building the Container](#building-the-container)
- [Running the Container](#running-the-container)
- [docker-compose](#docker-compose)
- [Notes for Running Using docker-compose](#notes-for-running-using-docker-compose)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
<!-- markdown-toc end -->
# MovieNight stream server
[![Build status](](
@ -20,7 +36,7 @@ Once you have that setup add an enviromnent variable named `GO_VERSION` and
set it to the version you installed (eg, `1.14.1`). The Makefile will now use
the newer version.
## Install
### Compile and install
To just download and run:
@ -31,6 +47,43 @@ $ make
$ ./MovieNight
### Docker build
MovieNight provides a Dockerfile and a docker-compose file to run MovieNight using Docker.
#### Building the Container
Install Docker, clone the repository and build:
docker build -t movienight .
#### Running the Container
Run the image once it's built:
docker run -d -p 8089:8089 -p 1935:1935 [-v ./settings.json:/config/settings.json] movienight
- **-d** runs the container in the background.
- **-p 8089:8089** maps the MovieNight web interface to port 8089 on the server.
- **-p 1935:1935** maps the RTMP port for OBS to port 1935 (default RTMP port) on the server.
- **-v ./settings.json:/config/settings.json** maps the file *settings.json* into the container. [OPTIONAL]
#### docker-compose
docker-compose will automatically build the image, no need to build it manually.
Install Docker and docker-compose, clone the repository and change into the directory *./docker*. Then run:
docker-compose up -d
This docker-compose file will create a volume called *movienight-config* and automatically add the standard *settings.json* file to it. It also maps port 8089 and 1935 to the same ports of the host.
#### Notes for Running Using docker-compose
The container needs to be restarted to apply any changes you make to *settings.json*.
## Usage
Now you can use OBS to push a stream to the server. Set the stream URL to
@ -70,40 +123,42 @@ Usage of .\MovieNight.exe:
host:port of the MovieNight (default ":8089")
## Docker
MovieNight provides a Dockerfile and a docker-compose file to run MovieNight using Docker.
## Configuration
### Dockerfile
#### Building the Container
Install Docker, clone the repository and build:
MovieNights configuration is controlled by `settings.json`:
docker build -t movienight .
#### Running the Container
Run the image once it's built:
docker run -d -p 8089:8089 -p 1935:1935 [-v ./settings.json:/config/settings.json] movienight
- **-d** runs the container in the background.
- **-p 8089:8089** maps the MovieNight web interface to port 8089 on the server.
- **-p 1935:1935** maps the RTMP port for OBS to port 1935 (default RTMP port) on the server.
- **-v ./settings.json:/config/settings.json** maps the file *settings.json* into the container. [OPTIONAL]
### docker-compose
docker-compose will automatically build the image, no need to build it manually.
Install Docker and docker-compose, clone the repository and change into the directory *./docker*. Then run:
docker-compose up -d
This docker-compose file will create a volume called *movienight-config* and automatically add the standard *settings.json* file to it. It also maps port 8089 and 1935 to the same ports of the host.
#### Notes for Running Using docker-compose
The container needs to be restarted to apply any changes you make to *settings.json*.
- `AdminPassword`: users can enter `/auth <value>` into chat to grant themselves
admin privileges. This value is automatically regenerated unless
`RegenAdminPass` is false.
- `ApprovedEmotes`: list of Twitch users whose emotes can be imported into
MovieNight. Using `/addemotes <username>` in chat will add to this list.
- `Bans`: list of banned users.
- `LetThemLurk`: if false, announces when a user enters and leaves chat.
- `ListenAddress`: the port that MovieNight listens on, formatted as `:8089`.
- `LogFile`: the path of the MovieNight logfile, relative to the executable.
- `LogLevel`: the log level, defaults to `debug`.
- `MaxMessageCount`: the number of messages displayed in the chat window.
- `NewPin`: if true, regenerates `RoomAccessPin` when the server starts.
- `PageTitle`: The base string used in the `<title>` element of the page. When
the stream title is set with `/playing`, it is appended; e.g., `Movie Night | The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot`
- `RegenAdminPass`: if true, regenerates `AdminPassword` when the server starts.
- `RoomAccess`: the access policy of the chat room; this is managed by the
application and should not be edited manually.
- `RoomAccessPin`: if set, serves as the password required to enter the chatroom.
- `SessionKey`: key used for storing session data (cookies etc.)
- `StreamKey`: the key that OBS will use to connect to MovieNight.
- `StreamStats`: if true, prints statistics for the stream on server shutdown.
- `TitleLength`: the maximum allowed length for the stream title (set with `/playing`).
- `TwitchClientID`: OAuth client ID for the Twitch API, used for fetching emotes
- `TwitchClientSecret`: OAuth client secret for the Twitch API; [can be generated locally with curl](
- `WrappedEmotesOnly`: if true, requires that emote codes be wrapped in colons
or brackets; e.g., `:PogChamp:`
- `RateLimitChat`: the number of seconds between each message a non-privileged
user can post in chat.
- `RateLimitNick`: the number of seconds before a user can change their nick again.
- `RakeLimitColor`: the number of seconds before a user can change their color again.
- `RateLimitAuth`: the number of seconds between each allowed auth attempt
- `RateLimitDuplicate`: the numeber of seconds before a user can post a
duplicate message.
- `NoCache`: if true, set `Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate` in the HTTP
header, to prevent caching responses.

View File

@ -23,23 +23,25 @@ type Settings struct {
cmdLineKey string // stream key from the command line
// Saved settings
StreamStats bool
MaxMessageCount int
TitleLength int // maximum length of the title that can be set with the /playing
AdminPassword string
RegenAdminPass bool // regenerate admin password on start?
StreamKey string
ListenAddress string
ApprovedEmotes []string // list of channels that have been approved for emote use. Global emotes are always "approved".
TwitchClientID string // client id from twitch developers portal
SessionKey string // key for session data
Bans []BanInfo
LogLevel common.LogLevel
LetThemLurk bool // whether or not to announce users joining/leaving chat
ListenAddress string
LogFile string
LogLevel common.LogLevel
MaxMessageCount int
NewPin bool // Auto generate a new pin on start. Overwrites RoomAccessPin if set.
PageTitle string // primary value for the page <title> element
RegenAdminPass bool // regenerate admin password on start?
RoomAccess AccessMode
RoomAccessPin string // The current pin
NewPin bool // Auto generate a new pin on start. Overwrites RoomAccessPin if set.
SessionKey string // key for session data
StreamKey string
StreamStats bool
TitleLength int // maximum length of the title that can be set with the /playing
TwitchClientID string // client id from twitch developers portal
TwitchClientSecret string // OAuth from twitch developers portal:
WrappedEmotesOnly bool // only allow "wrapped" emotes. eg :Kappa: and [Kappa] but not Kappa
// Rate limiting stuff, in seconds

View File

@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
"MaxMessageCount": 300,
"TitleLength": 50,
"AdminPassword": "",
"RegenAdminPass": true,
"Bans": [],
"StreamKey": "ALongStreamKey",
"ListenAddress": ":8089",
"ApprovedEmotes": null,
"LogLevel": "debug",
"Bans": [],
"LetThemLurk": false,
"ListenAddress": ":8089",
"LogFile": "thelog.log",
"RateLimitChat": 1,
"RateLimitNick": 300,
"RateLimitColor": 60,
"RateLimitAuth": 5,
"RateLimitDuplicate": 30,
"LogLevel": "debug",
"MaxMessageCount": 300,
"NoCache": false,
"PageTitle": "Movie Night",
"RateLimitAuth": 5,
"RateLimitChat": 1,
"RateLimitColor": 60,
"RateLimitDuplicate": 30,
"RateLimitNick": 300,
"RegenAdminPass": true,
"StreamKey": "ALongStreamKey",
"TitleLength": 50,
"TwitchClientID": "",
"TwitchClientSecret": "",
"WrappedEmotesOnly": false

View File

@ -15,9 +15,7 @@
<body class="scrollbar">
<img id="remote" src="/static/img/remote.png" onclick="flipRemote();" />
<div id="devKeys"></div>
<div class="root">
{{template "body" .}}

View File

@ -56,12 +56,13 @@ input[type=text] {
font-weight: bold;
.root {
max-width: var(--var-max-width);
max-height: var(--var-max-height);
.grid-root {
display: grid;
height: var(--var-max-height);
width: var(--var-max-width);
margin: 0px 1vw;
max-height: var(--var-max-height);
max-width: var(--var-max-width);
width: var(--var-max-width);
.pretty-button {
@ -114,12 +115,13 @@ input[type=text] {
.emotedef {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
float: left;
padding: 5px 5px 15px 5px;
.emotedef div {
padding: 5px;
.emotedef img {
height: 112px;
width: 112px;
.notice {
@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ input[type=text] {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
z-index: 3;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
@ -400,3 +402,21 @@ input[type=text] {
z-index: 99;
color: var(--var-contrast-color);
/* ------------------- */
/* ------------------- */
/* ------------- */
/* ------------- */
.combined {
grid-template-columns: 5fr 1fr;
/* --------------- */
/* --------------- */
.video-only #videoElement {
height: 99vh;

View File

@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ function deleteCookie(cname) {
function setPlaying(title, link) {
if (title !== "") {
document.title = "Movie Night | " + title;
document.title = pageTitle + " | " + title;
} else {
document.title = "Movie Night";
document.title = pageTitle;

View File

@ -1,39 +1,31 @@
{{define "header"}}
<script>pageTitle = {{ .Title }}</script>
{{if .Chat}}
<script type="application/javascript" src="/static/js/wasm_exec.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/static/js/chat.js"></script>
maxMessageCount = {{.MessageHistoryCount }}
.root {
display: grid;
{{if .Video}}
<script type="application/javascript" src="/static/js/flv.min.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/static/js/video.js"></script>
{{if not .Chat}}
#videoElement {
height: 99vh;
{{if and .Video .Chat}}
.root {
grid-template-columns: 5fr 1fr;
{{/* end define header */}}
{{define "body"}}
{{ if and .Chat .Video }}
<div class="grid-root combined">
{{ else if .Video }}
<div class="grid-root video-only">
{{ else }}
<div class="grid-root">
{{ end }}
{{if .Video}}
<div id="videoWrapper">
<div id="videoOverlay">